Carrot Top Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Carrot Top's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Comedian Carrot Top's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since February 25, 1965! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • People do give me a hard time about my hair because it's orange and it's big.

  • When I was younger I always thought, 'If I were ever a comedian I'd make it like a rock concert.' I wanted to generate that type of enthusiasm and excitement.

  • People always want to put a label on you; they always want to compare you to something.

  • I think the more you do this and the more comfortable you become on stage, you start speaking more and becoming more of a character in yourself.

  • Comics don't like to see other comics do well.

    "Carrot Top - Eight Years on Top at the Luxor!". Interview with Marla Santos,
  • I always thought marketing in general was an interesting kind of thing. I always liked commercials and billboards.

    "Staying On Top: Carrot Top". Interview with Daniel Jimenez, March 11, 2004.
  • I always think everyone else is funnier than me. I look at other comedians and I say, 'I wish I was that good.' People think I'm funny, and I say, 'I'm not.'

  • My way of fitting in was through jokes and making people laugh.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • My way of making people like me was to make 'em laugh.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • Some people don't realize that I've had a career pre-commercials.

  • I had a Neighborhood Crime Watch sign in my dorm wall in college. People would come in and laugh at it. 'Where did you get it?' 'I took it. How good is their Neighborhood Crime Watch if they can't even watch their sign?'

  • The street in the center of town was Butts road. I stole the sign and told the audience, this must be where the assholes live. I also had a Neighborhood Crime Watch - it takes about 20 seconds to break into a house but it took me an hour to unbolt this sign.

  • I was the class clown at school, but at home, my family wasn't very funny.

  • I think it's important for me, for my crew and for the audience to bring something new to each show. I have friends who have done the same act, word for word for word, for 20 years. I have a problem with that. I think the audience should see something new in each show.

  • I think it's the fact that I do something different and that I actually have some success with it. That bothers a lot of people... especially comics.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • I do go through a mini depression because one minute there are people yelling and screaming for me on stage and the next I'm at home and it's dead quiet. So it takes a while to come down.

  • The blessing is that everyone knows who I am because of the commercials.

  • I'd love to be animated. I've always wanted to jump off of a bridge and not be hurt, like Bugs Bunny.

  • I've always believed that it's important to give something back to the world and community.

  • I would like to be someone like Steve Martin. That's the path I'd like to follow.

  • Everybody has their own style. If you went to the movies every week and everybody acted the same way Tom Cruise did, boy, wouldn't that suck?

  • I think, over the years, I've kind of evolved.

  • Me in drag is kind of scary, actually. It's frightening. I actually look pretty good.

  • I've experienced plenty of times when something I think is funny doesn't do very well. And there are times when something I don't think is funny makes the audience laugh so hard.

  • When I told my friends I was going to be a comedian, they laughed at me.

  • I didn't really have a plan of attack when I got in college.

  • So I try not to look too far into the future because I think that everything happens and will happen for a reason.

  • Some people even think I wear a wig. Do they think I went into a salon one day and said, Can you please screw this up really bad?

  • Video games are so popular these days, getting the opportunity to star in one is something special. More people should do it.

  • My real name is Scott Thompson. I could have gone by that name, but when I started doing comedy I thought I needed to go by something that has a little more of a hook.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Comedian Carrot Top, starting from February 25, 1965! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Carrot Top quotes about: Home School