Authors starting with „W“
Here you will find quotes from all authors whose name begins with the letter "W" – please review and enjoy!
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W. W. Jacobs Author
Woodrow M. Kroll Writer
William Weld Former Governor of Massachusetts
Warren Spahn Baseball player
William Moulton Marston Psychologist
Willie Brown Former Speaker of the California State Assembly
Wesley Eisold Musician
Wilfred Bion Psychoanalyst
William Kidd Pirate
Warren Austin American Politician
Wally Butts American football head coach
William Wilson Author
Wolfgang Sachs Writer
William Wyler Film director
William H. Whyte Journalist
William Francis Henry King Author
Winston Bennett Basketball player
W. Edwards Deming Statistician
William Matthews Poet
Whitfield Diffie Cryptographer
Whitley Strieber Writer
Warren Berger Journalist
Wil Shriner Actor
William McKinley 25th U.S. President
William Henry Maule English member of Parliament
Wilmer Valderrama Actor
Walt Whitman Poet
Wilbur Olin Atwater Chemist
Will Hermes Broadcaster
William Deresiewicz Author
William McIlvanney Writer
William Landay Novelist
William J. Seymour Evangelist
William G. Tapply Writer
William Henry Moody Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States