Authors starting with „J“
Here you will find quotes from all authors whose name begins with the letter "J" – please review and enjoy!
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Recently Updated 'J' Authors
Jonny Diaz Musical Artist
John Elof Boodin Philosopher
Jay Nordlinger Journalist
Jim Calhoun Basketball Coach
Joe Biden Vice President of the United States
Joan Bennett Kennedy Musician
Jackie Pullinger Missionary
Judith Jamison Dancer
J. M. W. Turner Painter
Joseph B. Wirthlin Businessman
John Twelve Hawks Author
Joan Severance Actress
James Wasserman Author
Jim Sasser Former United States Senator
Jabari Parker Basketball player
Jason Varitek Baseball player
Jane Jacobs Journalist
John Alexander Morrison U.S. representative
Jennifer Armstrong Writer
James Arthur Singer
James Henley Thornwell Writer
Joseph Granville Writer
Joy Adamson Author
Joel Miller Racing driver
J. E. H. MacDonald Artist
Juanita Millender-McDonald American Politician
James Parton Biographer
Jessica Martin Actress
J. Robert Oppenheimer Theoretical Physicist
Jaimal Yogis Journalist
Jack Meagher Football head coach
Jon Jon Augustavo Filmmaker
James Ransone Actor