Authors starting with „A“
Here you will find quotes from all authors whose name begins with the letter "A" – please review and enjoy!
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Recently Updated 'A' Authors
Alfred Hermann Fried Journalist
Andrew Klavan Writer
Amelia B. Edwards Novelist
Alan Cheuse Writer
Arch Ward Editor
Anne Royall Journalist
Alison Fell Poet
Ali ibn Abi Talib Rashidun
Anne Tyler Novelist
Arthur Hopkins Theater Director
Andrew Williams American football defensive end
Albert C. Barnes Chemist
Asmir Begovic Soccer player
Andrew J Dubrin Author
Atul Gawande Surgeon
Albert Sabin Researcher
Andreas Gursky Photographer
Arthur Bradford Writer
Anne Ortlund Author
Angela Kinsey Actress
Alex Parks Singer-songwriter
Adolphe Quetelet Astronomer
Andy Rubin Developer
Arnold Gehlen Philosopher
Annabel Park Filmmaker
Amartya Sen Economist
Alexandr Dolgopolov Tennis player
Alice Munro Author
Adlai E. Stevenson Former Governor of Illinois
Adrian Cronauer Disc jockey
Aaron Belz Professor
Ayn Rand Novelist
Aaron McGruder Writer