Realistic Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Realistic". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Realistic. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Realistic!
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  • believe that giving up is the same thing as being realistic.

    Seth Godin (2015). “Poke The Box: When Was the Last Time You Did Something for the First Time?”, p.29, Penguin
  • It is not realistic, maybe ... but art doesn't have to be realistic. Romeo and Juliet is not realistic, but it is true... it shows the essence of falling in love.

  • When the great religious and philosophical conceptions were alive, thinking people did not extol humility and brotherly love, justice and humanity because it was realistic to maintain such principles and odd and dangerous to deviate from them, or because these maxims were more in harmony with their supposedly free tastes than others. They held to such ideas because they saw in them elements of truth, because they connected them with the idea of logos, whether in the form of God or of a transcendental mind, or even of nature as an eternal principle.

    "Eclipse of Reason" by Max Horkheimer, (p. 34), 1947.
  • Sure, there are many bad things that can happen. Yet you can be aware of them, and realistic about them, without being obsessed and consumed by them.

  • I've been reading scripts where they've been doing a lot of singing now, but within the dark, realistic story line. I would love, love, love, love to do that. But not a musical on Broadway, I don't have that kind of energy or stamina.

    Reading   Dark   Musical  
    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • We have to be realistic about what we can achieve in Afghanistan. The notion that the United States can build a Western-style democracy there is a myth

  • You can almost convince yourself that you've accomplished things just by thinking about them. The alternative is to be more realistic. You don't necessarily regard the dreaming process as bad or an obstacle, but it's not realistic enough.

    Chogyam Trungpa (2011). “Work, Sex, Money: Real Life on the Path of Mindfulness”, p.59, Shambhala Publications
  • I've sought a constructive relationship with Russia, but what I have also been is realistic in recognizing that there is some significant differences in how Russia views the world and how we view the world.

    "Obama urges Trump against realpolitik in relations with Russia" by Philip Oltermann, November 17, 2016.
  • If the characters [in a movie] aren't real, if their lives aren't realistic, if you call bullshit at any point in their journey, then the rest of it is invalid.

  • I'm not trying to be diplomatic. I'm trying to be more nuanced and realistic. I think there has to be a serious examination of the shortcomings of the Euro structure. Euro central institutions, whether it be fiscal policy, monetary policy, financial regulation, are simply not as robust as they are in a currency that has a national government behind it.

    Interview with Peter Mansbridge, June 5, 2012.
  • I think women assess time passage much better than men - because of their biological clocks - and they are much more realistic about measuring out time, whereas men tend to hang onto things. Women acknowledge the biology of their time, and dance through the beat of that drum...whereas men just drum.

    Thinking   Men   Biology  
  • It's a funny thing with documentary films - you want them to feel as entertaining and as gripping as a fictional film. With a fictional film you want it to feel as realistic as a documentary film.

    "I'm Carolyn Parker: Filmmaker Interview with Jonathan Demme". "POV",
  • Obviously this stuff takes a bit of planning, but I've always been someone that sets achievable short-term goals. I've never been someone that's had a five-year plan, or a three-year plan. That just seems to lead to a lot of disappointment, and doesn't give you the chance to be flexible. So I've just always been someone that's sort of reassessed where I'm at, and set goals that are realistic. And luckily, I've had plenty of chances to recalibrate and adjust, and good fortune's come my way.

    Interview with Gregg LaGambina, July 29, 2009.
  • My job requires me to put on a little dress and run around the streets of New York in heels. But I also had the financial means to hire a yoga teacher to come to my house while my sitter watched the newborn. For 95 percent of the world, that's not realistic.

    Running   Teacher   Jobs  
  • Realism gives me the impression of a mistake. Violence alone escapes the feeling of poverty of those realistic experiences. Only death and desire have the force that oppresses, that takes one's breath away. Only the extremism of desire and death enable one to attain the truth.

  • I tell you, my fellow Americans, that if we learned anything from the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the governments in Eastern Europe, even a totally controlled society cannot resist the winds of change that economics and technology and information flow have imposed in this world of ours. That is not an option. Our only realistic option is to embrace these changes and create the jobs of tomorrow.

    Wall   Fall   Technology  
  • The woman's bill of rights is, unhappily, long overdue. It should have run along with the rights of man in the eighteenth century. Its drag as to time of official proclamation is a drag as to social vision. And even if equal rights were now written into the law of our land, it would be so inadequate today as a means to food, clothing and shelter for woman at large that what they would still be enjoying would be equality in disaster rather than in realistic privilege.

    Running   Mean   Men  
  • It's my opinion that if you're trying to tell a realistic story that centers around realistic characters, you can't help but touch on important issues. Those issues are what make us human.

  • We only hear success stories. You don't hear about the hundreds and hundreds - the overwhelming majority that don't go anywhere. This is a more realistic portrayal of what happens in startups.

    "Kumail Nanjiani Can Totally Relate to His Character on HBO’s 'Silicon Valley'". Interview with Michael Mechanic, January 2016.
  • Job's unraveling wasn't wrong or sinful; rather, it was emotionally realistic.

    Tullian Tchividjian (2012). “Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free”, p.89, David C Cook
  • I'm realistic. And realistically, I'm not that type of player that earns that type of money any more. So I'd be willing to take a little cut to get a couple of extra years.

    Sports   Couple   Cutting  
  • People will kill you over time, and how they'll kill you is with tiny, harmless phrases, like 'be realistic.'

  • How much soccer training is it needed to become a top player? It depends on the efficiency of your training routine. Setting long and short-term goals is a must. When planning out a soccer training regime, one must strive for realistic and consistent program that will diminish specific weaknesses. Broad versatility of soccer skills is the Nirvana of every dedicated trainee.

    Soccer   Player   Skills  
  • I didn't necessarily have a total idea when I was writing the movie of where everything was going. I just wanted to have really realistic dialogue and write like people I knew talked. I tried to keep it very real.

    Real   Writing   Ideas  
  • To be perfectly frank: I don't write women's fiction. I write intimate, gritty, realistic, character-driven fiction that happens to be thrown into the women's fiction category.

  • Those of us who work in this field see a developing potential for nearly a total control of human emotional status, mental functioning, and will to act. These human phenomena can be started, stopped or eliminated by the use of various types of chemical substances. What we can produce with our science now will affect the entire society." A "utopia" could be found - providing "a sense of stability and certainty, whether realistic or not.

  • Rhetoric is rooted in an essential function of language itself, a function that is wholly realistic and continually born anew: the use of language as a symbolic means of inducing cooperation in beings that by nature respond to symbols.

    Mean   Essentials   Use  
    Kenneth Burke (1969). “A Rhetoric of Motives”, p.43, Univ of California Press
  • There are some flaws in the assumptions made for democracy. It is assumed that all men and women are equal or should be equal. Hence, one-man-one-vote. But is equality realistic? If it is not, to insist on equality must lead to regression.

    Lee Kuan Yew (2013). “The Wit & Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew”, p.48, Editions Didier Millet
  • Though they themselves might be as surprised as their parents and teachers to hear it said, adolescents--these poignantly thin- skinned and vulnerable, passionate and impulsive, starkly sexual and monstrously self-absorbed creatures--are, in fact, avid seekers of moral authenticity. They wish above all to achieve some realistic power over the real world in which they live while at the same time remaining true to their values and ideals.

    Teacher   Real   Avid  
  • My goal is to never lose. That may not be realistic, but I'm going to try.

    Goal   Trying   May  
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