Eric Bana Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Eric Bana's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Film actor Eric Bana's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 115 quotes on this page collected since August 9, 1968! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • When I was a kid, I would do stupid things on my bike. I'd jump any ramp, I'd jump over people, I'd jump over things - always crashing, never hurting myself badly but always wanting to take physical risks.

  • Obviously this stuff takes a bit of planning, but I've always been someone that sets achievable short-term goals. I've never been someone that's had a five-year plan, or a three-year plan. That just seems to lead to a lot of disappointment, and doesn't give you the chance to be flexible. So I've just always been someone that's sort of reassessed where I'm at, and set goals that are realistic. And luckily, I've had plenty of chances to recalibrate and adjust, and good fortune's come my way.

    Interview with Gregg LaGambina, July 29, 2009.
  • I'm a bit of a romantic.

  • The reason my kids come to the set is so I can actually see them.

  • When I go on the plane to fly home, I'm literally capable of forgetting what I do for a job. That also comes about because I choose to take massive breaks between projects, and because I choose to do this ridiculous thing of keeping home, home.

    "Biography / Personal Quotes".
  • The Israeli accent wasn't one that I was overly familiar with so had to learn from scratch but I was very fortunate I had the right amount of time.

  • The longer you have something, the stronger the bond. That's true with people as well as things.

  • I think you need to be able to see a lot of negative in things in order to extract material, so there's probably something to that. A lot of the people I used to work with were very, very, very unfunny offstage, so that's a pretty common thing.

    Interview with Gregg LaGambina, July 29, 2009.
  • I don't like working in a studio, at all. I just prefer to be on location, rather than hearing the bells of the studio going off. It's like being in Las Vegas, where no one knows the time and there are no windows.

  • The thing I love about working with first-time directors is that it's always quite shocking how little difference there is between them and directors who've been directing all their lives.

    "The Other Boleyn Girl - Eric Bana interview". Interview with Rob Carnevale,
  • The movies people don't talk about or remember after six months' time don't really matter.

  • I'm always one time zone behind myself.

  • Stand-up came out of three things. Frustration, necessity and arrogance. I didn't have a great career ahead of me in anything. Someone literally said to me, 'You should try stand-up,' and took me to a venue.

  • There's a plethora of wonderful documentaries. I made a point of not looking at anyone else's portrayal of Henry because I think it would have been too confusing - so I've got a lot of films to look forward to.

    "The Other Boleyn Girl - Eric Bana interview". Interview with Rob Carnevale,
  • I knew a bit but we don't study a lot of British history at school in Australia. We have our own 50-year period to concentrate on.

    "The Other Boleyn Girl - Eric Bana interview". Interview with Rob Carnevale,
  • I have a theory that I really want my kids to know - the only coloration that they make between dad being in films and reality is just a lot of people doing a lot of hard work.

  • I like the unknown. I like mystery.

  • I always use the analogy that when you go to a jeans store and put on a new pair of jeans, it's a pair of jeans and they feel different; so, when you're dealing with these sort of costumes it's a very big departure and really does make you feel quite different. But it's wonderful.

    "The Other Boleyn Girl - Eric Bana interview". Interview with Rob Carnevale,
  • My chosen exercise is cycling. I just love it.

  • I've never been someone that's had a five-year plan, or a three-year plan. That just seems to lead to a lot of disappointment, and doesn't give you the chance to be flexible.

    Interview with Gregg LaGambina, July 29, 2009.
  • If I read something and I love it, I'll do it and I don't even ask what the budget is.

    "Eric Bana Interview, Hanna". Interview,
  • I think love can come fairly easily and grow - but really liking the core essence of someone is a much harder thing to bottle. If you have both, you're in pretty good shape.

    "Bana Only Lets Friends Marry Fun Women". Women's Health magazine Interview, August 27, 2009.
  • Technically speaking, you can build anything out of sand; it doesn't mean you do it.

    "Eric Bana talks Love the Beast - RT Interview". Interview with Joe Utichi, November 16, 2009.
  • The most serious film can be the most fun. The one that's supposed to be fun can be the most serious.

    Interview with Gregg LaGambina, July 29, 2009.
  • I tend not to read the size of the production into a script when I'm reading it. It's just something you respond to or not and I do think it's very dangerous to say it's time now to do this or it's time now to do that.

    "Eric Bana Interview, Hanna". Interview,
  • As an actor I've been attracted to the sort of films that I want to go and see. That tends to usually be drama-related.

  • I just think that's the job of an actor. I guess that's the variation that you're talking about. It's probably a byproduct of just constantly looking for something different, because that's what I feel like I'm supposed to do.

    Interview with Gregg LaGambina, July 29, 2009.
  • It's always been my hope, as an actor, to reveal only what is relevant about myself to the work.

    "Eric Bana talks Love the Beast - RT Interview". Interview with Joe Utichi, November 16, 2009.
  • I deliberately fly in and out of LA for as small a time as humanly possible.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • Definitely the script because you want to be part of an interesting story, you want your character to be a challenge, then comes the director. But essentially it's the script first and whether it's a character that you think you can do.

    "The Other Boleyn Girl - Eric Bana interview". Interview with Rob Carnevale,
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 115 quotes from the Film actor Eric Bana, starting from August 9, 1968! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!