Bo Sanchez Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Bo Sanchez's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Entrepreneur Bo Sanchez's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 56 quotes on this page collected since July 11, 1966! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Bo Sanchez: Blessings Dreams Giving Heart Heaven more...
  • God is teaching you a Lesson of Victory.

    Bo Sanchez “How to Be a Blessing Magnet: 8 Simple Steps to Attract the Miracles You Need Every Day”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • Hangout with people who respect you. And people who inspire you.

    Bo Sanchez “Stop Hidden Addictions”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • I've chosen to GROW, to EXPAND, to INCREASE and to become RICHER - because i want to BLESS the world more.

    Bo Sanchez “8 Habbits of The Happy Millionaire”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • Whenever you feel a negative emotion be alone in a room and just sit down with it and feel. Don't judge it, criticize it, intellectualize it, explain it away. Allow yourself to feel the pain. It's okay. Accompany it - breathe into it - and after a while, you'll feel the anger or fear or sadness lose it's urgency and power. Allow God to tenderly embrace you in your pain. And then, at the right time, you can let go.

  • Heaven is His choice for you. But He won't force you to go there if you don't want to.

  • My parents were the traditional Filipino parents who didnt talk about money around the dinner table.

  • Next time you pray any kind of prayer, whether it be for the resolution of healing, or for a house, or for a car, or for a husband, or for a family conflict, or for a solution to a problem, tell Him he can say yes or no. Because in the end, you're a winner. Every time.

    Bo Sanchez “You Have The Power To Create Love”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • Your goal is to launch an imperfect product and let people laugh at you.

  • Words have power. Words created this universe... Everything started with the Word. The Bible says, In the beginning was the word. In the same way, your words have creative power.

  • I've accepted the fact that because I'm human, I'm terrific in one thing, good at some, mediocre at a bit more, and terrible at others. And if you're human, you are too. You'll have to discover the one thing that you are good at and major in it.

    Bo Sanchez “You Have The Power To Create Love”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • Never focus on your problems. Focus on your possibilities. The problems will pull you down. The possibilities will push you up

    Bo Sanchez “Five Things You Need To Do Before You Die”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • Happy couples make it a habbit to refocus. Because it's quite normal to be distracted. So they talk. They get away for a while. They pray. They go on a marriage retreat. They take a second honeymoon or a 3rd, or 4th, or a 5th...

  • God Never Compares You To Anyone Else. He Loves You As You Are.

    FaceBook post by Bo Sanchez from Apr 19, 2015
  • At first, the only thing that I learned was to save. Then I learned about mutual fund, then later on direct stock investments. I also went into small businesses and even real estate.

  • Earn more to grow more, and grow more to give more.

  • Start loving now, and you start Heaven now.

  • Life isn't about trying to be an expert in everything. It's about being an expert in one thing and offering it to the world.

    FaceBook post by Bo Sanchez from Nov 22, 2016
  • You will always take first place in God’s Heart.

    FaceBook post by Bo Sanchez from Dec 12, 2016
  • The only wealth you keep is the wealth that you give away.

  • Your trial is temporary, but God’s Love is permanent.

    FaceBook post by Bo Sanchez from Dec 01, 2016
  • Your past may not be perfect, but it was perfect for your purpose.

    BO SANCHEZ “You’re Weird: (In a Wonderful Way)”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • Do not ask directions from the people around you. Ask directions from the person who called you.

  • Let’s face it: There are people who won’t be happy when you get too blessed. There are people who feel threatened by your success. There are people who, out of envy, will just not like you anymore.

    BO SANCHEz “Enjoy Your Age!: How to Claim the Blessings of Your Season”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • Education without execution is extinction

  • We're in this world to bring heaven down to earth.

    FaceBook post by Bo Sanchez from Oct 25, 2010
  • We are all wounded. But wounds are necessary for his healing light to enter into our beings. Without wounds and failure and frustrations and defeats, there will be no opening for his brilliance to tickle in and invade our lives. Failures in life are courses with very high tuition fees, so I don't cut classes and miss my lessons: on humility, on patience, on hope, on asking others for help, on listening to God, on trying again and again and again.

  • Because simplicity isn't the greatest thing in the world, but love.

    FaceBook post by Bo Sanchez from May 18, 2011
  • Dreams are powerless unless they are specific.

    Bo Sanchez “Simplify And Create Abundance”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • All of us prepare our own lunch. If we don't like our jobs, if we don't like the state of our relationships, if we don't like what's happening to our spiritual lives - we have no one to blame but ourselves. Because God has given us free will.

    Bo Sanchez “You Have The Power To Create Love”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
  • Happy relationships don't just happen. You make them happen.

    Bo Sanchez “Don't Worry, Be Happy”, Shepherds Voice Publications, Inc.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 56 quotes from the Entrepreneur Bo Sanchez, starting from July 11, 1966! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Bo Sanchez quotes about: Blessings Dreams Giving Heart Heaven