Richard Branson Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Richard Branson's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Business magnate Richard Branson's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 699 quotes on this page collected since July 18, 1950! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • A business is simply an idea to make other people's lives better.

  • Luck is when determination meets opportunity

    Twitter post from Dec 6, 2014
  • I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.

    Richard Branson (2005). “Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography”, Virgin Pub
  • I think sometimes when you come from a conservative background, you want to rebel a little bit. I dropped out of school at 15 and learned early in life that saying yes was a lot more fun than saying no. If you have the opportunity to explore the skies and attempt something people haven't done before - well, I was damned if I was going to sit around watching television while someone else was doing it.

    "An Interview with Richard Branson, Jimmy Chin, and Ben Stookesberry". Interview With Paul Solotaroff,
  • Whether we're fighting climate change or going to space, everything is moved forward by computers, and we don't have enough people who can code

  • I like to take chances on people, and whenever possible, promote from within - it sends a great message to everyone in the company when someone demonstrates a passion for the job and leadership skills at every step along the way and is rewarded with a leadership role.

  • Be creative. Innovate consistently on the little things that the big companies ignore. Little things often make big differences in business.

  • Brands always mean something. If you don't define what the brand means, your competitors will

    Richard Branson (2010). “Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur”, Virgin
  • To launch a business means successfully solving problems. Solving problems means listening.

  • If you can run one business well, you can run any business well.

    "QFinance: The Ultimate Resource". Book published by Bloomsbury, 2009.
  • Having a good network can be invaluable. It opens doors for you and allows you to enter into opportunities that are beneficial to your business. In this sense, 'who you know' is undoubtedly important, but to me 'what you know' is more important because once an opportunity shows itself, it is up to you to make the most of it, and this is down to your knowledge and skill.

    Interview with Sabian Phippen, February 21, 2015.
  • People who work for me are working for what I believe in. The leaders who run our companies do so on the basis of those who came first and who said, "A company is its people." I hope my companies are run on the basis of praising their workers and looking for the best in them, not criticizing them. In the same way that you water a plant and it sprouts leaves, people flourish when you praise them.

  • All successful people - not just entrepreneurs - have got things wrong over and over again before finding the right solution.

    "'Our obsession with ownership is at a tipping point': As he gives £1m to UK start-ups Richard Branson reveals why he's backing the sharing economy". Interview with Eleanor Lawrie, June 30, 2016.
  • If you follow your dreams and spend your life doing what brings you joy, you are more likely to find success

    Twitter post from Jun 17, 2015
  • If you have an idea that's going to make a big difference to people's lives, and other people are not doing it, you know, just say "screw it," do it and get on with it, and give it a go.

    "Sir Richard Branson: The full interview". "Marketplace" with Jeremy Hobson, April 27, 2012.
  • Most entrepreneurs will admit luck plays a part in success.

  • With space travel, [it's] no different. You know, in 1990 I read the name Virgin Galactic Airways. Loved the name. And set out to try to find an engineer or rocket scientist in the world who could build a safe, reusable rocket that could take people to and from space and we could start a whole new era of commercial space travel.

    "Richard Branson: Time To Rethink 'Business As Usual'". "Talk of the Nation" with Neal Conan, December 1, 2011.
  • When people screw up, give them a second chance.

  • I have no secret. There are no rules to follow in business. I just work hard and, as I always have done, believe I can do it. Most of all, though, I try to have fun.

  • Free publicity and word of mouth is probably the best and cheapest form of advertising. Learn to use it to your advantage.

  • The companies that look after their people are the companies that do really well. I'm sure we'd like a few other attributes, but that would be the most important one.

    "Transcript of Jane Pauley’s Interview with Sir Richard Branson". October 19, 2005.
  • Virgin, is how good you are with people. If you're - if you're good with people and you've got - you know, and you really care, genuinely care about people then I'm sure we could find a job for you at Virgin. I think, you know, that, you know, that the companies that look after their people are the companies that do really well. I'm sure we'd like a few other attributes, but that would be the most important one.

  • I have learnt more from my failures than my successes.

  • I prefer to have a great time and to keep my wits about me.

    Richard Branson (1999). “Losing my virginity: how I've survived, had fun, and made a fortune doing business my way”, Crown Business
  • I'm a great believer that saying yes is a lot more fun than saying no.

    "Richard Branson Responds To Elon Musk's Criticism; 'We're About To Prove Him Wrong'". Interview with Henry Blodget, October 18, 2014.
  • There have been times when I could have succumbed to some form of bribe, or could have had my way by offering one. But ever since that night in Dover prison I have never been tempted to break my vow.. My Parents always drummed into me that all you have life is your reputation: you may be very rich, but if you lose your good name you'll never be happy.

  • I am prepared to try anything once.

    Sir Richard Branson (2011). “Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons in Life and Business”, p.247, Random House
  • The best advice I ever received? Simple: Have no regrets.

  • There is no point in going into a business unless you can make a radical difference in other people’s lives.

    "Richard Branson on Building an Empire" by Jason Ankeny, June 19, 2012.
  • Confidence breeds confidence and negativity breeds negativity. Treat those around you with respect and dignity and they will thrive.

    FaceBook post by Richard Branson from Jan 28, 2015
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 699 quotes from the Business magnate Richard Branson, starting from July 18, 1950! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

    Richard Branson

    • Born: July 18, 1950
    • Occupation: Business magnate