Larry Ellison Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Larry Ellison's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Businessman Larry Ellison's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 90 quotes on this page collected since August 17, 1944! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Those that believe this is merely a downturn are mad. Our industry is going to mature and as something matures, the rate of innovation does slow.

  • If an innovative piece of software comes along, Microsoft copies it and makes it part of Windows. This is not innovation; this is the end of innovation.

  • I think you might see us growing much deeper into banking. You might see us acquiring companies in the banking area. You might see us acquiring companies in the retail area. I think you might see us acquiring companies in the telecommunications. I think you will see us getting stronger in business intelligence.

  • Both my mother and I were determined that we weren't going to stay on welfare. We always worked toward doing better, toward having a better life. We never had any doubts that we would.

    Mother   Business   Doubt  
  • The most important aspect of my personality as far as determining my success goes; has been my questioning conventional wisdom, doubting experts and questioning authority. While that can be painful in your relationships with your parents and teachers, it's enormously useful in life.

    "Prophet of Software". The Academy of Achievement Interview, May 22, 1997.
  • All you can do is every day, try to solve a problem and make your company better

  • All you can do is all you can do.

    Can Do  
  • ... Don't mistake any of this for altruism...Fear and greed just doesn't work. If you want to be successful, quality and service just works better.

  • You have to act and act now.

  • Microsoft is already the most powerful company on earth but you ain't seen nothing yet.

  • We have been doing things that are contrary; the things that people tell us won't work from the beginning. In fact, the only way to get ahead is to find errors in conventional wisdom.

  • The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women's fashion. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about. What is it? It's complete gibberish. It's insane. When is this idiocy going to stop?

    Fashion   Talking   Ideas  
    "Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder Richard Stallman" by Bobbie Johnson, September 29, 2008.
  • Winning is not enough. All others must lose.

    Winning   Enough   Loses  
  • The things that caused problems for me in school are the same things that help me succeed in the world.

    School   World   Succeed  
  • There's a wonderful saying that's dead wrong. 'Why did you climb the mountain?' 'I climbed the mountain because it was there.' That's utter nonsense...You climbed the mountain because you were there, and you were curious if you could do it. You wondered what it would be like.

  • If you do everything that everyone else does in business, you're going to lose. The only way to really be ahead, is to 'be different'.

  • It's my job for Oracle, the number two software company in the world; to become the number one software company in the world. My job is to build better than the competition, sell those products in the marketplace and eventually supplant Microsoft and move from being number two to number one.

    "Prophet of Software". Interview, May 22, 1997.
  • You can't spend as much money as I have, even if you try. I've been trying.

  • So what makes me happy? I was really happy to build this house. That's it; building things. The trouble with software is that it's very hard to show your aunt in Florida what you've done.

  • I can't think of anything that isn't cloud computing with all of these announcements. The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women's fashion. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about. What is it?

    Talking   Ideas   Idiot  
    "Oracle's Ellison Nails Cloud Computing". Oracle OpenWorld 2008 Speech, September 26, 2008.
  • I am also involved with all the acquisitions and overall strategy. Now it's true, I don't run operations. But I've never really run operations. I've never had the endurance to run sales. The whole idea of selling to the customer just isn't my personality. I'm an engineer, tell me why something isn't working or is and I am curious.

  • You cannot innovate by copying.

  • If I were 21 years old, I would go into biotechnology or genetic engineering.

  • All you can do is every day, try to solve a problem and make your company better. You can't worry about it, you can't panic when you look at the stock market's decline. You get frozen like a deer in the headlights. All you can do is all you can do.

  • I have hobbies. I do all sorts of ridiculous things.

    "Ellison explains his feud with Gates" by Rob Guth, December 17, 1998.
  • Once the business data have been centralized and integrated, the value of the database is greater than the sum of the preexisting parts.

  • Right now, 70 percent of the people don't have computers. And where they're needed most, people don't have them. We think this will enable anyone to own a computer. We're aiming at everybody who uses a computer as an information access device. The original idea was to build one cheaply enough to put one on every desk.

    Thinking   Ideas   People  
  • I have had all the disadvantages required for success.

  • When you live your life in different ways, it makes people around you become uncomfortable. So deal with it. They don't know what you are going to do.

  • I wish HP nothing but the best. I think HP is an icon. Those of us who had their careers in the Valley think of Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett as role models. We would love to be half as good as they were.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 90 quotes from the Businessman Larry Ellison, starting from August 17, 1944! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

    Larry Ellison

    • Born: August 17, 1944
    • Occupation: Businessman