Stephen Covey Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Stephen Covey's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Stephen Covey's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 702 quotes on this page collected since October 24, 1932! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Stephen Covey: Abundance Accomplishment Accountability Achievement Acting Adventure Affirmations Age Animals Art Attitude Authority Awareness Balance Being Successful Belief Blame Books Business Challenges Change Character Children Choices Church Clarity Collaboration Commitment Common Sense Communication Compassion Conscience Courage Creation Creativity Critics Culture Decisions Desire Discipline Doing The Right Thing Doubt Economy Efficiency Effort Emotions Empathy Employees Empowerment Encouragement Enemies Energy Enthusiasm Environment Ethics Excellence Exercise Expectations Family Fathers Feelings Flowers Focus Freedom Gardens Giving Goals Greatness Growth Habits Happiness Hard Work Harmony Heart Home Honesty Honor Humility Identity Imagination Impulse Independence Innovation Inspiration Inspirational Inspiring Integrity Intuition Judging Judgment Kindness Knowledge Law Of Attraction Leadership Learning Legacy Life Listening Literature Love Lying Making A Difference Management Meetings Memories Mistakes Morning Mothers Motivation Motivational Moving Forward Natural Law Office Opinions Opportunity Overcoming Parents Passion Past Peace Of Mind Perception Persistence Personality Perspective Philosophy Planning Positive Positive Thinking Problem Solving Productivity Progress Purpose Quality Reading Reality Recognition Reflection Rejection Relationships Responsibility Running Sacrifice School Security Self Awareness Self Control Self Esteem Self Help Soul Speed Spirituality Sports Strategy Struggle Study Success Talent Team Teamwork Technology Time Time Management Today Trust Understanding Values Victory Virtue Vision Waiting Wall Water Weakness Winning Wisdom Working Together Writing more...
  • Two people can see the same thing, disagree, and yet both be right. It's not logical; it's psychological.

    Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.23, Mango Media Inc.
  • Our behavior is governed by principles. Living in harmony with them brings positive consequences; violating them brings negative consequences.

    Stephen R. Covey (2013). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change”, p.98, Simon and Schuster
  • Whether you're on a sports team, in an office or a member of a family, if you can't trust one another there's going to be trouble.

    Stephen M. R. Covey (2008). “The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything”, p.42, Simon and Schuster
  • To Retain those who are present, be loyal to those who are absent.

  • Conscience connects us with the wisdom of the ages and the wisdom of the heart.

    Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill (1995). “First Things First”, p.60, Simon and Schuster
  • Actually I did not invent the seven habits, they are universal principles and most of what I wrote about is just common sense. I am embarrassed when people talk about the Covey Habits, and dislike the idea of being some sort of guru.

  • Most people think of leadership as a position and therefore don't see themselves as leaders.

    Stephen R. Covey (2006). “The 8th Habit Personal Workbook: Strategies to Take You from Effectiveness to Greatness”, p.227, Simon and Schuster
  • See every problem as an opportunity to exercise creative energy.

  • Until we take how we see ourselves (and how we see others) into account, we will be unable to understand how others see and feel about themselves and their world. Unaware, we will project our intentions on their behavior and call ourselves objective.

    Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.77, Mango Media Inc.
  • True leadership is moral authority, not formal authority. Leadership is a choice, not a position. The choice is to follow universal timeless principles, which will build trust and respect from the entire organization. Those with formal authority alone will lose this trust and respect.

  • Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no greater investment.

    Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.74, Mango Media Inc.
  • Admission of ignorance is often the first step in our education.

    Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.41, Mango Media Inc.
  • You have to water the flowers you want to grow.

    Stephen R. Covey (2013). “The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness”, p.161, Simon and Schuster
  • Effective interdependence can only be built on true independence.

  • The exercise of true leadership is inversely proportional to the exercise of power.

    Stephen R. Covey (2013). “The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness”, p.301, Simon and Schuster
  • It is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationships with others before improving ourselves.

    Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.49, Mango Media Inc.
  • You can't talk your way out of a problem you behaved your way into!

    Stephen R. Covey (2012). “The Wisdom and Teachings of Stephen R. Covey”, p.52, Simon and Schuster
  • When I started teaching I realized that I had never had such a level of satisfaction and such a feeling of fulfillment and sense of contribution. Just like that. But, usually it's more cumulative, slow, evolutionary and less revolutionary.

  • To judge individuals before understanding them is a form of human rejection and feeds upon itself.

  • As you care less about what people think of you, you will care more about what others think of themselves.

    Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.74, Mango Media Inc.
  • It's better to be trusted than to be liked.

    Stephen R. Covey (2015). “The Stephen R. Covey Interactive Reader - 4 Books in 1: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, First Things First, and the Best of the Most Renowned Leadership Teacher of our Time”, p.455, Mango Media Inc.
  • Principles are the basis for developing a vision and value system for all.

  • If you don't know yourself, if you don't control yourself, if you don't have mastery over yourself, it's very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way.

    Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.228, Mango Media Inc.
  • Be sure that, as you scramble up the ladder of success, it is leaning against the right building.

  • Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic

    Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.109, Mango Media Inc.
  • As we create synergy among the roles of our lives, there's more of us to put into the time we have.

    Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill (1995). “First Things First”, p.134, Simon and Schuster
  • Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.

    Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill (1995). “First Things First”, p.203, Simon and Schuster
  • Before you wonder "Am I doing things right?" wonder "Am I doing the right things?"

  • The commitments we make to ourselves and to others, and our integrity to those commitments, is the essence and clearest manifestation of our proactivity.

    Stephen R. Covey (2016). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change Interactive Edition”, p.108, Mango Media Inc.
  • Moving along the upward spiral requires us to learn, commit, and do on increasingly higher planes. We deceive ourselves if we think that any one of these is sufficient. To keep progressing, we must learn, commit, and do-learn, commit, and do-and learn, commit, and do again.

    Stephen R. Covey (2004). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change”, p.306, Simon and Schuster
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 702 quotes from the Author Stephen Covey, starting from October 24, 1932! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Stephen Covey quotes about: Abundance Accomplishment Accountability Achievement Acting Adventure Affirmations Age Animals Art Attitude Authority Awareness Balance Being Successful Belief Blame Books Business Challenges Change Character Children Choices Church Clarity Collaboration Commitment Common Sense Communication Compassion Conscience Courage Creation Creativity Critics Culture Decisions Desire Discipline Doing The Right Thing Doubt Economy Efficiency Effort Emotions Empathy Employees Empowerment Encouragement Enemies Energy Enthusiasm Environment Ethics Excellence Exercise Expectations Family Fathers Feelings Flowers Focus Freedom Gardens Giving Goals Greatness Growth Habits Happiness Hard Work Harmony Heart Home Honesty Honor Humility Identity Imagination Impulse Independence Innovation Inspiration Inspirational Inspiring Integrity Intuition Judging Judgment Kindness Knowledge Law Of Attraction Leadership Learning Legacy Life Listening Literature Love Lying Making A Difference Management Meetings Memories Mistakes Morning Mothers Motivation Motivational Moving Forward Natural Law Office Opinions Opportunity Overcoming Parents Passion Past Peace Of Mind Perception Persistence Personality Perspective Philosophy Planning Positive Positive Thinking Problem Solving Productivity Progress Purpose Quality Reading Reality Recognition Reflection Rejection Relationships Responsibility Running Sacrifice School Security Self Awareness Self Control Self Esteem Self Help Soul Speed Spirituality Sports Strategy Struggle Study Success Talent Team Teamwork Technology Time Time Management Today Trust Understanding Values Victory Virtue Vision Waiting Wall Water Weakness Winning Wisdom Working Together Writing