Hiring Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Hiring". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Hiring. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Hiring!
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  • Gas stations are considering hiring security guards. Why are they getting security guards? We're the ones getting robbed.

  • On balance, I am a supporter of the minimum wage going up. We've got to be very careful what we wish for because some employers - and there could be a lot of them - will be scared away from hiring new people or creating incremental hours for part-time people as a result of that wage going up.

  • People aren't hiring just a picture, they're hiring someone they can work with. That plays a big role .

    Play   People   Roles  
    Source: aphotoeditor.com
  • I am here for my mother and all the Americans who are forced to spend time arguing with health insurance companies instead of focusing on getting well. I am here for the millions of lives that will be touched and in some cases, saved, by health insurance reform. I am here for the small businesses who are forced to choose between health care and hiring. I am here for the seniors who are unable to afford the prescriptions they need.

  • As president, Nixon imposed wage and price controls, created the Environmental Protection Agency, initiated race-based hiring schemes, signed SALT I with the Soviets and instituted rapprochement with the Red Chinese. All of this resulted in liberals ... despising him even more!

    Agency   Race   Chinese  
    "'Scratch-Off' Miers" by Ann Coulter, www.realclearpolitics.com. October 27, 2005.
  • The hiring of Phil Messina, the production designer, was a big decision. He's so gifted, and his ideas were always so smart and rooted in American history and architecture. Nothing feels like it's not us, or couldn't be us, and I think that's very important.

    Smart   Thinking   Ideas  
    "Producer Nina Jacobson Talks THE HUNGER GAMES, Sequels, the Violence, and More". Interview with Christina Radish, collider.com. March 12, 2012.
  • The music business would be much better, for the youth and the kids, if they start hiring employees that understand the kids.

    Kids   Would Be   Youth  
    "The Life and Times of Suge Knight". Live Q&As, www.washingtonpost.com. June 18, 2007.
  • Incompetent government embraces hiring quotas, thus furthering their incompetence.

  • You have to defend your character. That's your job, if they're hiring you. That doesn't mean you can't collaborate, but you do have to make some big, bold choices. We do that in real life, too.

    Jobs   Real   Character  
    Source: collider.com
  • Make sure a certain percentage of the people that you're hiring are generalists so that you can be, kind of reconfigured in the workforce pretty easily.

    Source: bigthink.com
  • In the private system and the private schools, the principal is pretty much a dictator. He or she can hire whoever s/he wants. Of course, in the movie, in the story, she makes a mistake by hiring him. But, if she doesn't, I have no story.

    Source: collider.com
  • Government is no more than taxpayers hiring the most inefficient organization to do the job.

  • I always try to do the most important or urgent tasks first, I avoid waiting till the last minute to finish things, and I value my time. I work smarter by valuing my time and doing the things that can't be done without me while hiring a great team around me to do the rest of the things.

    Source: theimarketingcafe.com
  • Build into each budget the cost of hiring and don't lump yourself with capital investment.

  • The economy working - the economy growing, corporations growing and hiring people and wage increases occurring - is the worst thing that can happen politically for the Democrat Party.

    Party   People   Growing  
    Source: www.rushlimbaugh.com
  • A lot of labels are hiring a lot more accountants than people that know music.

    People   Labels   Hiring  
  • If women really earned fifty-nine cents to the dollar for the same work as men, what business could compete effectively by hiring men at any level?

  • When I meet successful people I ask 100 questions as to what they attribute their success to. It is usually the same: persistence, hard work and hiring good people.

  • I understand that actors lose their looks, they change over time, but people don't lose their talent. I think that, as people get older and the people who make the decisions get older, they don't like hiring people much older than them because it reminds them of their fathers, and they don't like telling people older than them what to do. It makes them uncomfortable. I think that happens a lot.

    Source: www.avclub.com
  • Since I shoot, record audio and edit, I was able to begin the filming without hiring a crew and create a sample to show broadcasters and grant organizations.

    "Sundance 2016 Women Directors: Meet Chris Hegedus – ‘Unlocking the Cage’". www.indiewire.com. January 23, 2016.
  • Smaller companies are often more homogenous. Don't simply increase your diversity because of the social pressure to do so. Instead, realize that hiring a more diverse team will give you a whole new repertoires of innovative ideas. And then develop a strategy for effectively using the diversity of your team.

    Team   Ideas   Giving  
    Source: bobmorris.biz
  • It's all about finding and hiring people smarter than you. Getting them to join your business. And giving them good work. Then getting out of their way. And trusting them. You have to get out of the way so YOU can focus on the bigger vision. That's important. And here's the main thing....you must make them see their work as a MISSION.

    People   Giving   Focus  
  • I hire people brighter than me and then I get out of their way.

    People   Insightful   Way  
  • There are, however, many challenges to Asian universities. First, academic freedom, in all senses, is much more critical to the success of a university than how much money is spent on infrastructure or on hiring big names. Faculty need to have the space to pursue the research that they are passionate about and the also need to have the freedom to express their opinions in the university, and in the society as a whole.

    Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
  • We talked a lot about Donald's [Trump] record on immigration. There is irony that he has made the center of his entire campaign immigration, given that he faced a $1 million court judgment for being part of a conspiracy to hire illegal aliens, given that news broke that he is hiring foreign workers at his fancy hotel in Florida.

    "Face the Nation" with John Dickerson, www.cbsnews.com. February 28, 2016.
  • This is like the town council just hired a new marshal to clean up the town, I guarantee you, if I stay here long enough, they'll get rid of me, too.

    Long   Guarantees   Towns  
  • It's so critical that we make America once again the most attractive place in the world to start businesses, to build jobs, to grow the economy. And that's not going to happen by just hiring teachers.

    Teacher   Jobs   America  
    Source: genius.com
  • Leaving us with Eric is like hiring a babysitter who spends his time sharpening knives.

    Veronica Roth (2013). “The Divergent Series Complete Collection: Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant”, p.51, Harper Collins
  • The Carlyle Group is the most politically connected investment firm in the world. The company has mastered the art of influence peddling on a global scale, hiring executives and consultants ranging from Republican power broker James Baker and former president George Herbert Walker Bush to foreign leaders like former British prime minister John Major and former Philippine president Fidel Ramos.

    Art   Leader   President  
  • It's been so important that the Chamber of Commerce, for example, has hosted hiring fairs that are specifically targeted to military communities.

    Source: www.wbur.org
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