Distrust Quotes

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  • Democracy is not about trust; it is about distrust. It is about accountability, exposure, open debate, critical challenge, and popular input and feedback from the citizenry. It is about responsible government. We have to get our fellow Americans to trust their leaders less and themselves more, trust their own questions and suspicions, and their own desire to know what is going on.

    Michael Parenti (2004). “Superpatriotism”, p.81, City Lights Books
  • In India, I learned a proverb that says, 'Distrust the calculation seven times over, the mathematician a hundred times.'

  • I have a deep-seated distrust and even contempt for people who are driven by ambition to conquer the world … those who cannot control themselves and produce vast amounts of crap that no one cares about. I find it unattractive. I like the Zen artists: they’d do some work, and then they’d stop for a while.

  • The hallmark of religion is to distrust claims made for mortal men. It is in ages of great religious faith that great skepticism can find expression.

    Source: www.hrc.utexas.edu
  • The real destroyer of inner peace is fear and distrust. Fear develops frustration, frustration develops anger, anger develops violence.

    Trust   Wisdom   Peace  
  • I don't know and probably never will know enough about the true nature of the universe to tell anyone else what to believe, and I've come to distrust the words of those who have presumed to do so.

  • Put more trust in nobility of character than in an oath.

  • Country people tend to consider that they have a corner on righteousness and to distrust most manifestations of cleverness, while people in the city are leery of righteousness but ascribe to themselves all manner of cleverness.

    Country   Cities   People  
  • Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.

    Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill (1995). “First Things First”, p.203, Simon and Schuster
  • Perhaps the sexual life is the great test. If we can survive it with charity to those we love and with affection to those we have betrayed, we needn't worry so much about the good and the bad in us. But jealousy, distrust, cruelty, revenge, recrimination ... then we fail. The wrong is in that failure even if we are the victims and not the executioners. Virtue is no excuse.

    Revenge   Worry   Tests  
  • The reason the mass of men fear God, and at bottom dislike Him, is because they rather distrust His heart, and fancy Him all brain like a watch. (You perceive I employ a capital initial in the pronoun referring to the Deity; don't you think there is a slight dash of flunkeyism in that usage?).

    Heart   Men   Thinking  
    Herman Melville (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Herman Melville (Illustrated)”, p.4894, Delphi Classics
  • We lost faith in authority in the '50s, up to a point, and we spawned a lot of anti-heroes in movies, which were refreshing and open. But at this point, with the distrust that's there and the disillusionment with leadership that is so acute, we need some kind of a focus on taking the irony out and taking the anti-hero element away.

    Hero   Focus   Needs  
    Source: collider.com
  • In my suffrage work, I learned beyond question that the news coming through the great press agencies was colored and distorted; and if this has been done on one subject, it has doubtless been done on others. A good many women, I think, learned a wholesome distrust of press reports during the suffrage struggle.

  • I always distrust the word art when it is applied to acting.

    Art   Acting   Distrust  
  • I will make love my greatest weapon and none on whom I call can defend against its force. My reasoning they may counter; my speech they may distrust; my apparel they may disapprove; my face they may reject; and even my bargains may cause them suspicion; yet my love will melt all hearts liken to the sun whose rays soften the coldest clay. I will greet this day with love in my heart.

    "The Greatest Salesman in the World". Book by Og Mandino. Chapter 9: "The Scroll Marked II," p. 58, 1968.
  • It is weakness which breeds fear, and fear breeds distrust.

    Mahatma Gandhi (1968). “The Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi: Selected letters”
  • Postmodernism, the school of 'thought' that proclaimed 'There are no truths, only interpretations' has largely played itself out in absurdity, but it has left behind a generation of academics in the humanities disabled by their distrust of the very idea of truth and their disrespect for evidence, settling for 'conversations' in which nobody is wrong and nothing can be confirmed, only asserted with whatever style you can muster.

    "Liberals and the New McCarthyism" by Derrick Jensen, www.counterpunch.org. August 10, 2015.
  • If I try to use human influence strategies and tactics of how to get other people to do what I want, to work better, to be more motivated, to like me and each other-while my character is fundamentally flawed, marked by duplicity and insincerity-then, in the long run, I cannot be successful. My duplicity will breed distrust, and everything I do-even using so-called good human relations techniques-will be perceived as manipulative.

    Stephen R. Covey (1994). “Daily Reflections for Highly Effective People: Living THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE Every Day”, p.5, Simon and Schuster
  • It is difficult for woman to try to be anything good when she is not believed in.

    Robert Coles, George Eliot, George Orwell, Leo Tolstoy, Anthony Trollope (2007). “Political Leadership: Stories of Power and Politics from Literature and Life”, p.18, Modern Library
  • There were a thousand secrets in her eyes, a thousand wounds. A lifetime of distrust and betrayal. Isolation. How did one overcome such things?

    Betrayal   Eye   Secret  
    Christine Feehan (2004). “Mind Game”, p.166, Penguin
  • The best way I have found to follow my true desires is to pay attention to my intuitive sense. We all have great wisdom within us, a part of us that knows exactly what we need at every moment. We are born with this intuitive sense, but most of us are quickly taught to distrust and ignore it. We have to relearn something that should come naturally. Fortunately, it's not too difficult; it just takes some practice.

  • Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country - and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians.

    Trust   Country   Witty  
    "Common Ground: How to Stop the Partisan War that is Destroying America". Book by Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel, 2007.
  • The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him.

    Trust   Men   Father Son  
    "The bomb and the opportunity" by Henry L. Stimson, Harper's Magazine, March 1946.
  • Inheritance Tax; - it is, broadly speaking; a voluntary levy paid by those who distrust their heirs more than they dislike the Inland Revenue

  • Obey your soul, have perfect faith in yourself. Never think of yourself with doubt or distrust, or as one who makes mistakes.

    Wallace D. Wattles (2015). “The Science of Being Great: Personal Self-Help Book of Wallace D. Wattles (Unabridged): From one of The New Thought pioneers, author of The Science of Getting Rich, The Science of Being Well, How to Get What You Want, Hellfire Harrison, How to Promote Yourself and A New Christ”, p.37, e-artnow
  • In love the deceit generally outstrips the distrust.

    Francois duc de La-Rochefoucauld (1828). “Maximes Et Reflexions Morales Traduites en Grec Moderne Par Wladimir Brunet; Avec Une Traduction Anglaise en Regard”, p.183
  • The disease of mutual distrust among nations is the bane of modern civilization

  • The people I distrust most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action in mind.

    Life   Trust   People  
    "The Plowboy Interview: Frank Herbert". "Mother Earth News", No. 69, May/ June 1981.
  • The first beneficiary of compassion is always oneself. When compassion, or warmheartedness, arises in us and our focus shifts away from our own narrow self-interest, it is as if we open an inner door. It reduces fear, boosts confidence and brings us inner strength. By reducing distrust, it opens us to others and brings us a sense of connection to others, and sense of purpose and meaning in life.

  • Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

    William Shakespeare (1826). “Plays of William Shakespeare”, p.226
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