Accusing Quotes

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  • Believe not each accusing tongue, As most weak persons do; But still believe that story wrong, Which ought not to be true!

    "The Carcanet: a Literary Album, Containing Select Passages from the Most Distinguished English Writers". Book by Nicholas Harris Nicolas, 1828.
  • I cannot bear the language TV chefs use - they don't seem able to look at a plate of vegetables without accusing it of sexual activity.

    Vegetables   Looks   Use  
  • I am not accusing God of sinning; I am suggesting that he created sin

  • The white people who are guilty of white supremacy are trying to hide their own guilt by accusing The Honorable Elijah Muhammad of teaching black supremacy when he tries to uplift the mentality, the social, mental and economic condition of the black people in America.

  • In 2008, as a matter of fact, I had people accusing me of being a Senator Obama supporter because I wouldn't slam him. I said, 'Well, consider the fact that I voted for impeachment for President Clinton, but it wasn't a personal vote. I voted based on the facts and the law and the Constitution and what we were dealing with.'

    Interview with Tavis Smiley, August 28, 2012.
  • Insulting the electorate and accusing it of spiritual weakness and sinfulness are not the ways to get yourself the job of president.

    "The real trouble with Rick" by John Podhoretz, February 21, 2012.
  • We are not accusing you of being illegal, we are accusing you of being immoral.

    Oral Evidence before the Public Accounts Committee, November 12, 2012.
  • The funny thing about good people—people like Daneca—is that they really honestly don’t get the impulse toward evil. They have an incredibly hard time reconciling with the idea that a person who makes them smile can still be capable of terrible things. Which is why, although she’s accusing me of being a murderer, she seems more annoyed than actually worried about getting murdered. Daneca seems to persist in a belief that if I would just listen and understand how bad my bad choices are, I’d stop making them.

    Holly Black (2012). “Black Heart”, p.29, Simon and Schuster
  • You told me I wrote that poem because I was afraid of dealing with myself. And I used my mom as an excuse, accusing her of not appreciating or accepting me, when I should have been saying those words into a mirror.

    Jay Asher (2011). “Thirteen Reasons Why”, p.188, Penguin
  • He stopped and pointed an accusing finger at her. “I didn’t ask for this. But I felt something in that back room with you, and it’s stayed with me ever since. I want to be with you. I need to be with you.” His tone was both angry and helpless.

    Needs   Want   Rooms  
  • Secretly everybody's getting tired of political correctness, kissing up. That's the kiss-ass generation we're in right now. We're really in a pussy generation. Everybody's walking on eggshells. We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren't called racist.

    Tired   Kissing   People  
  • People have accused me of being in favor of globalization. This is equivalent to accusing me of being in favor of the sun rising in the morning.

  • I'm wondering if the Roger Ailes scandal in which more than 20 women have come forward accusing him of sexual harassment is going to affect that narrative that's directed against Hillary [Clinton] and her husband pertaining to his infidelities.

  • For 50 years, the Republicans have been accusing the Democrats of being soft on national security.

  • The most terrible thing about materialism, even more terrible than its proneness to violence, is its boredom, from which sex alcohol, drugs, all devices for putting out the accusing light of reason and suppressing the unrealizable aspirations of love, offer a prospect of deliverance.

    Sex   Light   Boredom  
  • My husband is always accusing me of being a context-free individual. He asks something and he has no idea where it came from or what it related to. I have to supply him with way more supplementary information than I ever have to supply my female friends.

  • There are a great many of these accusers, and they have been accusing me now for a great many years, and what is more, they approached you at the most impressionable age, when some of you were children or adolescents; and literally won their case by default, because there was no one to defend me.

  • Liberals are hopping mad because Rush Limbaugh referred to phony soldiers as "phony soldiers." They claim he was accusing all Democrats in the military of being "phony." True, all Democrats in the military are not phony soldiers, but all phony soldiers seem to be Democrats.

    Military   Mad   Soldier  
  • You remember from watching the show, there are no "jokes." That's why if you see people on Twitter accusing me of being a "joke thief," I just tell them to come to one of my shows.

  • I am neither accusing President Obama of having committed high crimes and misdemeanors nor advocating his impeachment.

    "Unpresidential Plummet". Interview with Kathryn Jean Lopez, September 2, 2010.
  • Fear not a thousand accusing fingers, if you are right.

  • When people came to Christ accusing a person of doing wrong, the Master could not think of anything else but forgiveness. For he did not see in the wrongdoer what the others saw. To distinguish between right and wrong is not the work of an ordinary mind, and the curious thing is that the more ignorant a person is, the more ready he is to do so.

  • Possible controversy for the Obama campaign. Republicans are now accusing Barack Obama's campaign of voter fraud, because some of the people they've registered sound like they have fake names. Apparently, the fakest-sounding name is Barack Obama.

    Names   People   Fake  
  • Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.

    Khaled Hosseini (2009). “A Thousand Splendid Suns”, p.230, Bloomsbury Publishing
  • President Obama’s approval ratings are so low now, Kenyans are accusing him of being born in the United States.

  • The Iranians are Moslems and the Iraqi are Moslems. Both are certain that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammed is his prophet and believe it with all their hearts. And yet, at the moment, Iraq doesn't trust Iran worth a damn, and Iran trusts Iraq even less than that. In fact, Iran is convinced that Iraq is in the pay of the Great Satan (that's God-fearing America, in case you've forgotten) and Iraq counters with the accusation that it is Iran who is in the pay of the Great Satan. Neither side is accusing the Godless Soviets of anything, which is a puzzle

    Believe   Heart   Iran  
  • The NRA made an ad saying that Obama is elitist because his kids have armed guards. Yeah, that crazy Obama thinking his kids need special protection. I love the NRA accusing anyone of being paranoid. It's like a septic tank saying, 'You need a mint.'

    Crazy   Kids   Gun  
  • It is not a woman’s duty to disclose that she’s trans to every person she meets. This is not safe for a myriad of reasons. We must shift the burden of coming out from trans women, and accusing them of hiding or lying, and focus on why it is unsafe for women to be trans.

    Lying   Focus   Safe  
    Janet Mock (2014). “Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More”, p.257, Simon and Schuster
  • Accusing a politician of being politically expedient is like accusing water of being wet or circles for being round.

  • And Max, I've put some scraps in a bowl for your dog," Mom said. "It's on the floor, by the back door." The flock and I went still. Uh-oh, I thought. Total stomped up to me, his glare accusing. "A bowl on the floor!" he seethed. "Why don't you just chain me to a stake in the yard and throw me a bone!

    Mom   Dog   Doors  
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