William Friedkin Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of William Friedkin's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Film director William Friedkin's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 65 quotes on this page collected since August 29, 1935! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by William Friedkin: Art Character Evil Film Giving School Today War more...
  • The thing that interests me is the good and evil in everybody. I don't have conventional heroes in the films that I directed, because I believe there's good and evil in everybody.

    Interview with The A.V. Club, film.avclub.com. September 20, 2007.
  • Sure, you could go out and make Jaws today. But all of the sequels to Jaws weren't good. They are all worthless. The Godfather II is the only sequel that I have ever seen that is as good as or better than the original.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • The only gay people who remain in the closet are those who choose to, who don't want to publicly declare their sexuality, which is true of heterosexual people as well. I don't walk around with a button or a T-shirt that says "I am a heterosexual." I don't think sexuality defines a person. It's one small part of who you are, in my view. You are many things, and I never felt that people were defined by their sexuality solely. Although God knows, as a minority, gay people have taken serious lumps for their sexual preferences. As has every minority.

    Source: film.avclub.com
  • The studios mostly threw away the negatives of the classic films. They had no interest in their legacy.

    Interview with Nathan Rabin, film.avclub.com. September 20, 2007.
  • But the audience is right. They're always, always right. You hear directors complain that the advertising was lousy, the distribution is no good, the date was wrong to open the film. I don't believe that. The audience is never wrong. Never.

  • The art of movies is to allow the audience to suspend their disbelief. They need to use their imaginations.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • God knows, as a minority, gay people have taken serious lumps for their sexual preferences. As has every minority.

    Interview with Nathan Rabin, film.avclub.com. September 20, 2007.
  • You don't leave the film alone. You have a new audience, and you have a new medium. Why would you leave it alone? Film is not an antique. It's not a relic. It's not a Leonardo da Vinci. I don't want someone painting over a da Vinci or Rembrandt. But these movies aren't that.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • I have seen lampoons of my work. And I have really enjoyed them. But I would never do another version of The Exorcist.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • The first work of the director is to set a mood so that the actor's work can take place, so that the actor can create. And in order to do that, you have to communicate, communicate with the actors. And direction is about communication on all levels.

  • All the great countries are at odds with one another over something, and yet if they don't cooperate they're going to blow up.

    "Inside the Forgotten Movie Masterpiece Sorcerer". Interview with Bryan Reesman, www.esquire.com. April 30, 2014.
  • I don't like 3D. I don't believe there is any film that I have seen and loved that would have been improved by a scintilla in 3D. To me, it's just a gimmick.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • With all of my films that are on DVD and Blu-ray, I have spent weeks with them in a color timing room. Just changing or enhancing them. I have been desaturating the color. Sometimes I will make a scene bluer or redder. I do use the new medium. I believe in it.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • Every time you run a 35mm print, it picks up scratches. It picks up dirt. Sometimes it breaks, and you have to re-splice it. You lose frames. This doesn't happen with digital or Blu-ray. I think that's great. Because I love the new media.

    "EXCLUSIVE: William Friedkin Says No to The Exorcist in 3D". Interview with B.Alan Orange, movieweb.com. February 19, 2010.
  • I don't think sexuality defines a person. It's one small part of who you are, in my view. You are many things, and I never felt that people were defined by their sexuality solely.

    Interview with The A.V. Club, film.avclub.com. September 20, 2007.
  • I'm not a fan of Star Wars. That is not for me. That is for my nephews and nieces. I don't get it.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • There are films that I've made that I like a little bit more than the others. But the films that I mostly watch, and see over and over again, are not my own.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • One of my themes is that there is good and evil in everyone. I was not out to make these guys heroes. I really don't believe in heroes. The best of people have a dark side and it's a constant struggle for the better side to survive and to thrive.

  • The Blu-ray is the real cinematech of world cinema. That's how it's being preserved. All of these guys that are trying to preserve 35mm negatives? They are wasting their time. There are better ways to see and project this stuff. It's called digital.

    "EXCLUSIVE: William Friedkin Revisits To Live and Die in L.A. on Blu-ray". Interview with B. Alan Orange, movieweb.com. February 19, 2010.
  • I tend to be attracted to characters who are up against a wall with very few alternatives. And the film then becomes an examination of how they cope with very few options. And that's, I guess, what interests me in terms of human behavior.

  • To me, the art of cinema is the same as the art of painting. The artist takes a 2D medium and gives you the illusion of depth. If you look at any of the great paintings, you have the illusion of depth. Which is part of the art. The same with the great movies.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • None of the chase scenes that I did had any opticals. We had to do all of that physically. The first thing you have to do is see it in your mind's eye. You have to envision it. Imagine someone knitting a sweater or a scarf. They either have a pattern in front of them, or they see a pattern in their mind's eye. Then it's one stitch at a time. That's what shooting a chase is like.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • There is a thin line between the policeman and the criminal. The best cops are always crossed. The best cops are the ones who are able to think like criminals. But for a quirk of fate, they might have been criminals.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • Sam Jackson is a director's dream. Some actors hope to find their character during shooting. He knows his character before shooting. Sam's old-school. I just got out of his way. I never did more than two takes with Sam.-william friedkin

  • When you go to a studio with something you want to make, or they come to you with something they want to make, more often than not, it's a tent pole. Not something one single person is really passionate about on a creative level.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • The studios are making fewer films. They are making more expensive films. Profits are tougher to come by. Not only because of the expense of production. But also because of the expense of promotion and hype. To boil that all down, it's more about hype than it is about filmmaking.

    "EXCLUSIVE: William Friedkin Revisits To Live and Die in L.A. on Blu-ray". Interview with B. Alan Orange, movieweb.com. February 19, 2010.
  • When you make a Blu-ray, its not the same as the print process was. You have little or no control over any print that was ever made. You are a victim of the 35mm printing process.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
  • Ive never seen a more terrifying film than 'The Bababook'. It will scare the hell out of you as it did me.

    "William Friedkin on why he is beating the drum for 'The Babadook'" by Richard Rushfield, December 9, 2014.
  • I believe it's true that there's good and evil in everyone and it's a constant struggle to have your better angels prevail.

    Source: collider.com
  • I'm not a fan of 3D. But I am a huge fan of digital imagery. Because it allows a filmmaker much more latitude to appreciate their own visions and dreams.

    Source: www.movieweb.com
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 65 quotes from the Film director William Friedkin, starting from August 29, 1935! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    William Friedkin quotes about: Art Character Evil Film Giving School Today War