Steve Pavlina Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Steve Pavlina's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Steve Pavlina's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 103 quotes on this page collected since April 14, 1971! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Don’t die without embracing the daring adventure your life is meant to be. You may go broke. You may experience failure and rejection repeatedly. You may endure multiple dysfunctional relationships. But these are all milestones along the path of a life lived courageously. They are your private victories, carving a deeper space within you to be filled with an abundance of joy, happiness, and fulfillment. So go ahead and feel the fear. Then summon the courage to follow your dreams anyway.

    "The Courage to Live Consciously". October 27, 2004.
  • The exact process you use to build courage isn't important. What's important is that you consciously do it. Just as your muscles will atrophy if you don't regularly stress them, your courage will atrophy if you don't consistently challenge yourself to face down your fears. In the absence of this kind of conscious conditioning, you'll automatically become weak in both body and mind. If you aren't regularly exercising your courage, then you are strengthening your fear by default; there is no middle ground.

  • Realize that you earn income by providing value - not time - so find a way to provide your best value to others, and charge a fair price for it.

  • Thoughts are like seeds. If you want different results in life, you have to figure out which thoughts are capable of growing those results and which aren’t.

  • If you try to impress an alarm clock, it will simply tell you the time.

  • Your beliefs about reality become your beliefs about yourself.

  • I believe we can proactively choose to believe whatever we want instead of merely letting our beliefs coalesce as reactions to events.

  • If you want to achieve some really big and interesting goals, you have to learn to fall in love with hard work.

  • Spend time cultivating your deepest desires, no matter how impractical or impossible they seem. It's perfectly OK to want the impossible. It's not OK to pretend that your desires don't matter.

    Steve Pavlina (2010). “Personal Development for Smart People”, p.65,
  • The universe cannot show you anything which you've intentionally chosen to block from your reality.

  • If you don't make a conscious choice... someone else will decide for you. It may be your boss, a family member, an advertiser, a collective social influence, or someone or something else, but it won't be something of your deliberate choosing.

  • We primarily grow as human beings by discovering new truths about ourselves and our reality.

    Steve Pavlina (2010). “Personal Development for Smart People”, p.1,
  • People often overestimate what they can reasonably achieve in a year. But they vastly underestimate what they can achieve in 5 years.

  • You must give before you can get.

  • The more disciplined you become, the easier life gets.

  • It should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog - you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed. If your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it.

  • Passion and purpose go hand in hand. When you discover your purpose, you will normally find it's something you're tremendously passionate about.

  • Don't die without embracing the daring adventure your life is meant to be.

    Steve Pavlina (2008). “Personal Development for Smart People”, p.116, Hay House, Inc
  • I realized that my bliss and my heartbreak both point in the same direction. I follow my joy and my heartbreak simultaneously because they’re two sides of the same coin.

  • Willpower is a concentration of force. You gather up all your energy and make a massive thrust forward.

  • Separate yourself from your ideas and your work and see them as something separate from yourself, you’ll feel you truly have the right to be wrong. If an idea fails, why not let it be the idea’s fault instead of your own? Allow your ideas to fail without turning them into personal defeat. When you fail you discover your boundaries. You map out the edges of your capabilities. And this allows you to eventually move beyond them. Being wrong eventually leads to being right. And even where it doesn’t, it’s still a more interesting path than being nothing.

  • Spiritual development requires the freedom to connect with different parts of reality in order to understand them more fully. The more you're able to explore, the more connections you can form, and the greater your spiritual growth will be. When you feel a strong desire to connect with something in your reality, listen to your intuitive guidance, and make the connection.

  • Replace "Have to" with "Want to."

  • If you experience chronic difficulties in a particular area of your life, there's a strong chance that the root of the problem is a failure to accept reality as it is.

  • Any relationships that would reject you for being true to yourself are - by definition - abusive relationships. You'll be much better off when you let them go.

  • I think the best friendships are those that can stand the test of time, where the friendship is based more on who you are than on what you do or what you have.

  • Security is worthless if you have to sacrifice growth to get it

  • Believing that you must do something perfectly is a recipe for stress, and you'll associate that stress with the task and thus condition yourself to avoid it

  • The most intelligent thing you can possibly do with your life is to grow.

    Steve Pavlina (2010). “Personal Development for Smart People”, p.159,
  • Our beliefs act as lenses. These lenses can help us see things we can't otherwise see, but they can also block us from seeing parts of reality.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 103 quotes from the Author Steve Pavlina, starting from April 14, 1971! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!