Naveen Jain Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Naveen Jain's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Entrepreneur Naveen Jain's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since September 6, 1959! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Great entrepreneurs focus intensely on an opportunity where others see nothing. This focus and intensity helps to eliminate wasted effort and distractions. Most companies die from indigestion rather than starvation, i.e. companies suffer from doing too many things at the same time rather than doing too few things very well.

    "10 Secrets to Entrepreneurial Success" by Naveen Jain, February 2, 2011.
  • When I finally had the chance to make my childhood dream a reality - as a co-founder and chairman of Moon Express - my goal was to broaden participation in lunar exploration, and connect the common person to its results. We plan to send robotic rovers - not humans - to the Moon to search for precious metals and rare minerals on the Moon's surface.

    Dream   Moon   Reality  
  • Just think of the opportunities we can unlock by making education as addictive as a video game. This type of experiential, addictive learning improves decision-making skills and increases the processing speed and spatial skills of the brain. When was the last time your child asked for help with a video game?

  • I came to the United States in the early '80s and was welcomed with open arms and given the opportunity to pursue my dreams. God has been very kind to us. My family and I are fortunate enough to be successful and we feel a tremendous responsibility and obligation to give back to our great country.

  • What separates sports from entrepreneurism, however, is that in business we constantly have to overcome undefined and unpredictable challenges. Athletes train for specific events and conditions, whereas entrepreneurs generally have little idea what they will encounter along the way.

    Sports   Athlete   Ideas  
  • I started off with a company, InfoSpace, with my own funding. The company was listed among the most successful companies and I went on to start Intelius and Moon Express. Now, I focus my time on using the skills of an entrepreneur to solve many of the grand challenges facing us in the areas of education, healthcare, clean water and energy.

  • Governments take too long to get things done and there are far too many varied interests at stake. If you were starting a business today and needed a partner, you would never choose a large bureaucratic institution like the government.

    Government   Long   Done  
  • 'Being green' is commendable, but I hope that people don't take too much pride and self-adoration because they shut off the water when they brushed their teeth. The truth of the matter is, conservation alone will do little to save our planet.

    Pride   Self   People  
  • I believe we need a more opportunistic and democratic approach to lunar exploration, now that we're shifting from U.S. government-sponsored space exploration to private expeditions.

  • Go where your customers take you! For example, did you know that Sony's first product was a rice cooker? Since abandoning the rice cooker, it has merely managed to become the world's biggest consumer electronics company.

    FaceBook post by Naveen Jain from Oct 28, 2016
  • Don’t wallow in brainstorming. Time spent fiddling with a business plan or filling up whiteboards with ideas is time that you could spend actually launching your business and seeing if the idea floats. Launching gives you real, solid feedback, instead of the imaginary “what if” scenarios dreamed up in a conference room.

    Real   Filling Up   Ideas  
    "Dear Entrepreneur: Stop Dreaming And Launch That Business" by Naveen Jain, March 18, 2011.
  • Teaching children about entrepreneurship is much like imparting any other skill or piece of knowledge. You will provide them with ways to experience how entrepreneurship works, and you guide them toward the subjects or areas they seem to show an interest in.

  • Just as physical exercise is a well-known and well-accepted means to improve health for anyone, regardless of age or background, so can the brain be put 'into shape' for optimal learning.

    Mean   Exercise   Brain  
  • Why is it that our young kids all across America can solve the most complex problems in a video game involving executive decision making and analytical thinking, yet we accept the fact that they can't add or read?

    Kids   Thinking   Games  
  • We are now living in a fast paced technological era where every skill that we teach our children becomes obsolete in the 10 to 15 years due to exponentially growing technological advances.

    Children   Years   Skills  
  • The most frequently asked question I hear first-time entrepreneurs ask is, 'How do I know when to launch my product?' The answer, more often than not, should be: 'Now!'

  • Each one of us has the power to be the change we want to see in the world, making the world a better place.

    Twitter post from Aug 20, 2016
  • I believe our legacy will be defined by the accomplishments and fearless nature by which our daughters and sons take on the global challenges we face. I also wonder if perhaps the most lasting expression of one's humility lies in our ability to foster and mentor our children.

  • It's a simple fact: no individual can be good at everything. Everyone needs people around them who have complimentary sets of skills.

    Simple   Skills   People  
    FaceBook post by Naveen Jain from Sep 07, 2016
  • Neuroplasticity research showed that the brain changes its very structure with each different activity it performs, perfecting its circuits so it is better suited to the task at hand.

  • We begin to change the world when we stimulate long-term prosperity using technology. There is not a problem that's large enough that innovation and entrepreneurship can't solve.

  • Sometimes a faint voice based on instinct resonates far more strongly than overpowering logic.

    Voice   Logic   Sometimes  
    Twitter post from Aug 22, 2016
  • As a child I experienced firsthand the severe effects of poverty and illiteracy, especially upon women and children. My parents taught me the importance of education and that it was a key to improving an individual's life.

    Children   Keys   Parent  
  • We owe it to our children to equip them with all the capabilities they'll need to thrive in the limitless world beyond the classrooms.

    Children   Needs   World  
  • Trust your gut instinct over spreadsheets. There are too many variables in the real world that you simply can't put into a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets spit out results from your inexact assumptions and give you a false sense of security. In most cases, your heart and gut are still your best guide.

    Trust   Real   Heart  
  • Every day you spend becoming an expert in a field, you become more useless in that field.

  • My own philanthropic efforts have always included an educational element, whether it's expanding opportunities to educate a promising mind or extending the brain's ability to learn.

  • Apple Computer would not have reached its current peak of success if it had feared to roll the dice and launch products that didn't always hit the mark. In the mid-1990s, the company was considered washed up. Steve Jobs had departed, and a string of lackluster product launches unrelated to the company's core business had failed to catch fire.

    Jobs   Apples   Departed  
    "Dear CEOs, Celebrate Failure" by Naveen Jain, March 14, 2011.
  • My father was a civil servant in northern India where I was born. As a boy I saw the dire effects of poverty and illiteracy, especially on women and children. It often seemed that the only thing separating me from them was luck.

    Children   Father   Boys  
  • Success doesn’t necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won’t win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling.

    "10 Secrets to Entrepreneurial Success" by Naveen Jain, February 2, 2011.
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 2 quotes from the Entrepreneur Naveen Jain, starting from September 6, 1959! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

Naveen Jain

  • Born: September 6, 1959
  • Occupation: Entrepreneur