Geddy Lee Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Geddy Lee's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Musician Geddy Lee's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 45 quotes on this page collected since July 29, 1953! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Geddy Lee: Songs Writing more...
  • I feel a little uncomfortable about endorsements.

  • Some writing and production projects will be a great way to spend my elderly rock years.

  • Music is all about wanting to be better at it.

    "The Consummate Geddy Lee Interview". Interview with Christopher Buttner, December 2000.
  • With me, satisfaction is always very fleeting with our work. I always get a little restless with it.

  • I can't remember the first song I learned to play on bass, but the first song I learned to play on guitar was 'For Your Love' by the Yardbirds. That kind of was the beginning for me. I thought it was a great song and I loved the open chord progression at the beginning of that song.

  • I do love using keyboards and I love writing keyboard parts, but I am not a player in the true sense of the word.

  • I like to practice on the bass, but I don't do it as often as I should.

  • I'm always scouring the universe for great old instruments from the '50s and early '60s. That's really, for me, the golden age of basses, when they had just been invented within 10 years of that period and they had just started to come into their own, especially the old Fender jazz basses and old Rickenbackers and Gibsons. I'm always on the lookout. It's fun.

    "Geddy Lee on 40 years of Rush". Interview with Becca James, December 4, 2015.
  • I would like to think that Ben and myself have begun a partnership that will take us into different areas of music that we can continue to write, enjoy and keep me involved with music other then what I do with RUSH.

  • That is what intrigues me; songwriting and song structure and expression.

  • I liked the fact that I was forced to get inside of my emotions and to really try to figure out a lot of what I was going through.

  • It's a battle between record company, between producer and between mastering engineer. Because the louder you make your record in a digital process, the more dynamics are squished out of it. Nobody knows exactly what happens, but the dynamics in the performance disappear, and everything is at the same volume.

    "Geddy Lee and Billy Corgan on concept albums, jamming, singing and more". Interview with Joe Bosso, June 25, 2012.
  • There was a time when fast playing and fretboard pyrotechnics on the bass were important to me and when I am recording a bass track, that is still very important to me.

  • And the meek shall inherit the earth.

  • If you have some magical chemistry that actually find the music you make compelling, that is a big bonus.

  • I guess, we were people who just dedicated to trying to get better.

    "5 Simple Lessons From 40 Years At The Same Job" by Dave Bookbinder, November 24, 2016.
  • My emotions are very simple and always have been about the Hall of Fame. It's something that I had absolutely nothing to do with and had no control over, so I never thought much about it, to be frank.

  • I was thrilled to support the Teenage Cancer Trust while celebrating the music of The Who - a band that changed my life.

  • The sudden passing of Jack Bruce is terribly sad news. One of the greatest rock bassists to ever live and a true and profound inspiration to countless musicians. He was one of my first bass heroes and was a major influence on my playing and my music. My heartfelt condolences to his family and fans.

  • I worry about my voice 24/7 when I'm on tour. It's like a pitcher and his arm. It's constantly the thing that my whole life revolves around.

  • For me, how I feel about what I wrote down turns into a song.

    "The Consummate Geddy Lee Interview". Interview with Christopher Buttner, December 2000.
  • So, I really don't consider myself a fabulous keyboard player.

  • Invisible airwaves crackle with life Bright antennae bristle with the energy Emotional feedback on a timeless wavelength Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free

  • My studio is designed for atmosphere. I have a really cozy, comfortable room that has a great, huge glass door that views my backyard.

  • I have always felt I was more accurately a Hard Rock musician.

  • Then, once I have lyrics, being able to shape them around a song is nothing new for me, I've been doing that for 25 years. The soul searching part of it, the spontaneous part of it, that was, and remains, a really terrific process.

  • I prefer to think of myself as a musician who is still learning and trying to do something every time out.

  • First of all, when you live in a country like Canada, it's quite different from America in the sense that it's very tied to traditions that were born in Britain.

  • I have a lot of hobbies and I can be very remiss in reminding myself to go down to the basement to work.

  • I love to write. It's my first love.

    "The Consummate Geddy Lee Interview". Interview with Christopher Buttner, December 2000.
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 45 quotes from the Musician Geddy Lee, starting from July 29, 1953! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Geddy Lee quotes about: Songs Writing