Brian May Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Brian May's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Musician Brian May's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 80 quotes on this page collected since July 19, 1947! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Brian May: Belief Songs more...
  • I spent 20 years of my life building up Queen, and now Im spending years of my life trying to get away from it.

  • Doing Made In Heaven was like assembling a jigsaw puzzle, but I wouldn't have put my seal of approval on it if I hadn't thought it was up to standard.

  • What we were trying to do differently was this sort of layered sound.

  • Each gig should be unique. You're always treading that line between keeping yourself fresh and giving people something they want to hear

  • The Wedding March has a bit of a death march in it.

  • I don't think anybody comes close to The Beatles, including Oasis

  • The guitar has a kind of grit and excitement possessed by nothing else.

    "Brian May - A Regal Audience". Vox Magazine Interview, March 1991.
  • Astronomy's much more fun when you're not an astronomer

  • My mum says I wanted to be a surgeon, but I don't remember that. I think from the time I knew what was happening, I wanted to be a guitar player.

  • Everybody thought I was a bit of an eccentric for wanting to be out there looking at the stars, but I still do

  • In print, people can do anything to you. Everything you do is picked apart. People love it; they're waiting for you to make a mistake.

  • We wouldn't have put it out with the name Queen on it if we didn't think it was musically up to scratch.

  • Every time I listen to Jeff Beck my whole view of guitar changes radically. He's way, way out, doing things you never expect.

  • I tend to be not a person who does everything right all the time.

  • There are times when I've been feeling something and played a solo that I've never been able to repeat.

  • I'm a much better musician than astronomer. I think the world got the right choice.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • I go through major crises every few months, but then I have great peaks of belief and creativity. I'm a weird kind of animal

  • There is no way that you can ever really repeat something. I have this great belief that the magic of the moment can never be recaptured.

  • We do play to our audience. It's very important. You can't create music in a vacuum.

  • I'm the nice guy who sits there signing everything that's put in front of me.

  • I tend not to write on guitar very often. I tend to start off with keyboards.

  • I'm into paradoxes. I wanted to make an album about them, but the group told me I was a pretentious fart. They were right.

  • You got blood on your face, you big disgrace, waving your banner all over the place.

    Song: We Will Rock You
  • The potential audience seems to be dwindling in the states. I was kind of embarrassed for the band because of the size of the audience.

  • We've done an arrangement with an orchestra, but I think the best stuff tends to come when it's just the four of us.

  • I had this big thing about guitar harmonies. I wanted to be the first to put proper three-part harmonies onto a record. That was an achievement.

  • I really thought I was pretty good before I saw Hendrix, and then I thought: Yeah, not so good.

  • Sanctions always hurt the poor, the weak, the children.

  • I'm not a person for sitting on beaches. What would I do?

  • Sometimes if the guitar is the last thing to go on, it's very fresh.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 80 quotes from the Musician Brian May, starting from July 19, 1947! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Brian May quotes about: Belief Songs