Esther Hicks Quotes About Reflection

We have collected for you the TOP of Esther Hicks's best quotes about Reflection! Here are collected all the quotes about Reflection starting from the birthday of the Author – March 5, 1948! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 2 sayings of Esther Hicks about Reflection. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
  • Your life is but a reflection of the predominance of your thoughts.

  • Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what you are in the process of becoming

  • Anything that you give your attention to will become your "truth"... The Law of attraction says that it must. Your life and everyone else's too is but a reflection of the predominance of your thoughts. There is no exception to this.

    Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks (2009). “Ask and it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires”, p.71,
  • You are always living a reflection of whatever you are outputting. And so, if you get into a little pocket where a lot of people are being rude, it's probably because you are being rude — or because you have been aware of people being rude. Nothing ever happens to you that is not part of your vibration!

  • Your body is an absolute mirror of your mind. As you worry, your body shows it. As you love, your body shows it. As you are overwhelmed, your body shows it. As you are angry your body shows it. Every cell of your body is being allowed or resisted by the way you feel. 'My physical state is a direct reflection of how I feel', instead of 'How I feel is a direct reflection of my physical state'.

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Did you find Esther Hicks's interesting saying about Reflection? We will be glad if you share the quote with your friends on social networks! This page contains Author quotes from Author Esther Hicks about Reflection collected since March 5, 1948! Come back to us again – we are constantly replenishing our collection of quotes so that you can always find inspiration by reading a quote from one or another author!