Esther Hicks Quotes About Perspective

We have collected for you the TOP of Esther Hicks's best quotes about Perspective! Here are collected all the quotes about Perspective starting from the birthday of the Author – March 5, 1948! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 9 sayings of Esther Hicks about Perspective. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
  • You're not ever going to get it done. Every time you evaluate contrast and conclude and then line up your Energy and allow it into your experience... at the same time you are achieving the result that you intended, you also achieve a new perspective from which to intend. You can't stand still. In every moment, there is a whole new set of stuff... new ideas, new desires being born.

  • We are all one Energy Stream, but what makes the separations or distinguishes the differences is perspective. You are a unique and individual perspective.

  • Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with source, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really -are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful than a group of millions who have not achieved this alignment.

  • Your natural instinct, from your broadest Nonphysical perspective, is to know your power. Fear is a vibration when you feel powerless. Your natural instinctual Nonphysical vibration is to know your worthiness, know your rightness, know your value. And the feeling of fear is always when you are contradicting that thought.

  • By choosing better feeling thoughts and by speaking more of what you do want and less of what you don't want, you will gently tune yourself to the vibrational frequency of your Broader Perspective. To see your world through the eyes of Source is truly the most spectacular view of life, for from that vibrational vantage point, you are in alignment with, and therefore in the process of attracting, only what you would consider to be the very best of your world.

  • Every living thing, animal or human, or tree experiences that which is called death, with no exception. You've all accepted that one a long time ago. Spirit, which is who we really are, or Source, is eternal. So what death must be is a changing of the perspective of that Eternal Spirit. If I am standing in my physical body and am consciously connected to that Eternal Spirit, then I'm Eternal in nature and I need not ever again fear any endedness, because, from that perspective I understand that there is not any of that.

  • There are only two emotions from our perspective ....... The one that feels good, that feeling of hope or happiness or love. That good feeling, that positive emotion, is guidance saying, that which you are thinking right now is in alignment with what you are wanting

  • Where you now stand is a result of thoughts and feelings that you have offered before, but where you are going is a result of your perspective of where you now stand.

  • Find thoughts that feel good, because it is inevitable that you are going to always be moving toward something. So why not be moving toward something that is pleasing? You can't cease to vibrate, and Law of Attraction will not stop responding to the vibration that you are offering. So, expansion is inevitable. You provide it, whether you know you do, or not. The only question is, what is the standard of joy that you are demanding for yourself? From your Nonphysical perspective, it's a high, high standard.

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Did you find Esther Hicks's interesting saying about Perspective? We will be glad if you share the quote with your friends on social networks! This page contains Author quotes from Author Esther Hicks about Perspective collected since March 5, 1948! Come back to us again – we are constantly replenishing our collection of quotes so that you can always find inspiration by reading a quote from one or another author!