Remaining Calm Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Remaining Calm". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Remaining Calm. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Remaining Calm!
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  • I'm pretty good at remaining calm during an emergency. My house burned down when I was 12, which made me really pragmatic about what needed to be done. But I can be bad in that I compartmentalize a lot of emotions and push them away to deal with them at a later date.

    Interview with Angelina Jolie, July 27, 2010.
  • Rising early and scorning laziness, remaining calm in time of strife, faultless in conduct and clever in actions. One like this will be praised.

  • Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.

    Fear   Yoga   Stay Calm  
    Yogananda (Paramahansa) (1977). “Self-realization”
  • Once you learn to remain calm under the stressful circumstances of a fight, you will have no trouble remaining calm under the stressful circumstances of life.

  • Remaining calm no matter what's going on around you is an incredible challenge, but it will liberate your psychic sense and will probably add a few years to your life as well-after all, getting worked up about things only makes them worse. Life is always full of drama and challenges, but you don't have to overreact to any of it if you choose not to.

    Drama   Years   Psychics  
    Sonia Choquette (2010). “Trust Your Vibes: Secret Tools for Six-Sensory Living”, p.43,
  • Remaining calm in times of desperation makes way for opportunity.

    Twitter post from Mar 05, 2010
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