Quarantine Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Quarantine". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Quarantine. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Quarantine!
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  • Occasionally they came to villages, and at each village they encountered a roadblock of fallen trees. Having had centuries of experience with the smallpox virus, the village elders had instituted their own methods for controlling the virus, according to their received wisdom, which was to cut their villages off from the world, to protect their people from a raging plague. It was reverse quarantine, an ancient practice in Africa, where a village bars itself from strangers during a time of disease, and drives away outsiders who appear. (94)

  • No travel ban or quarantine will seal a country completely. Even if travel could be reduced by eighty per cent-itself a feat-models predict that new transmissions would be delayed only a few weeks. Worse, it would only drive an increase in the number of cases at the source. Health-care workers who have fallen ill would not be able to get out for treatment, and the international health personnel needed to quell the outbreak would no longer be able to go in.

    Country   Numbers   Ebola  
    "The Ebola Epidemic Is Stoppable" by Atul Gawande, www.newyorker.com. October 3, 2014.
  • Democratic institutions form a system of quarantine for tyrannical desires.

  • State inspection laws, health laws, and laws for regulating the internal commerce of a State, and those which respect turnpike roads, ferries, &c. are not within the power granted to Congress. ... Inspection laws, quarantine laws, health laws of every description, as well as laws for regulating the internal commerce of a State, and those which respect turnpike roads, ferries, &c., are component parts of this mass. No direct general power over these objects is granted to Congress, and, consequently, they remain subject to State legislation.

    Health   Law   Quarantine  
    John Marshall, Joseph Potter Cotton (2000). “The Constitutional Decisions of John Marshall”, The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
  • The way that worms and viruses spread on the Internet is not that different from the way they spread in the real world, and the way you quarantine them is not that different, either.

    Real   World   Quarantine  
    "Meet David Ulevitch, CEO of OpenDNS" by Suzanne Herel, www.sfgate.com. September 26, 2010.
  • I love England. In fact, they're getting to know me so well at Heathrow Immigration that this time I was able to completely bypass the six months rabies quarantine.

  • Many are the exercises of power reserved to the States wherein a uniformity of proceeding would be advantageous to all. Such are quarantines, health laws, regulations of the press, banking institutions, training militia, etc., etc.

    Exercise   Law   Training  
    Thomas Jefferson, Richard Holland Johnston (1907). “The Writings of Thomas Jefferson”
  • For God to be kept out of the classroom or out of America's public debate by nervous school administrators or overcautious politicians serves no one's interests. That restriction prevents people from drawing on this country's rich and diverse religious heritage for guidance, and it degrades the nation's moral discourse by placing a whole realm of theological reasoning out of bounds. The price of that sort of quarantine, at a time of moral dislocation, is - and has been - far too high.

  • Psychoanalysis and Zen, in my private psychic geometry, are equal to nicotine. They are anti-existential. Nicotine quarantines one out of existence.

    Norman Mailer, Michael Lennon (1988). “Conversations with Norman Mailer”, p.45, Univ. Press of Mississippi
  • When the clock stops on a life, all things emanating from it become precious, finite, and cordoned off for preservation. Each aspect of the dead person is removed from the flux of the everyday, which, of course, is where we miss him most. The quarantine around death makes it feel unlucky and wrong--a freakish incursion--and the dead, thus quarantined, come to seem more dead than they already are.... Borrowing from the dead is a way of keeping them engaged in life's daily transactions--in other words, alive.

    "Dealing with the Dead" by Jennifer Egan, www.newyorker.com. October 11, 2010.
  • I’ve always been uninterested in boundaries or quarantines between tastes and types, between mediums and genres.

  • I've thought about living the koala's life, but you may need to petition the government quarantine rules to make it happen. Quarantine would make me extra grumpy.

  • The vast distances that separate the stars are providential. Beings and worlds are quarantined from one another. The quarantine is lifted only for those with sufficient self-knowledge and judgment to have safely traveled from star to star.

    Travel   Stars   Distance  
    Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan (2011). “Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space”, p.355, Ballantine Books
  • Unhappiness can be like a virus spreading from one person, to the next person, to the next one and so on. When someone is mean or rude to you, do not let their unhappiness infect your own life. If you are the unhappy one, please quarantine yourself so you do not infect others!

    Mean   Rude   Unhappy  
  • For some reason, we see long-term travel to faraway lands as a recurring dream or an exotic temptation, but not something that applies to the here and now. Instead — out of our insane duty to fear, fashion, and monthly payments on things we don't really need — we quarantine our travels to short, frenzied bursts.

    Dream   Fashion   Land  
    Rolf Potts (2002). “Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel”, p.9, Ballantine Books
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