Product Design Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Product Design". There are currently 33 quotes in our collection about Product Design. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Product Design!
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  • The fundamental failure of most graphic, product, architectural and even urban design is its insistence on serving the God of Looking-Good rather than the God of Being-Good.

    Badass   Bad Ass   Design  
  • When I'm working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I think only how to solve the problem.

    "The Universal Book of Mathematics". Book by David Darling, p. 34, November 8, 2004.
  • Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.

  • Design is the fundamental soul of a human-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.

    Inspiring   Art   Design  
    "Steve Jobs Through The Years" by Mike Isaac, October 5, 2011.
  • Graphic design is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, heresy, abnormality, hobbies and humors.

  • You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.

    "The Entrepreneur of the Decade Award". Inc. Magazine, April 1, 1989.
  • Design is a field of concern, response, and enquiry as often as decision and consequence... it is convenient to group design into three simple categories, though the distinctions are in no way absolute, nor are they always so described: product design (things), environment design (places) and communication design (messages).

  • Great design will not sell an inferior product, but it will enable a great product to achieve its maximum potential.

  • It's always helpful to look outside of the web for your inspiration, to places where you might not at first expect to find a solution. The world is a collage of inspiration, from newspapers, magazine publishing, and advertising to product design, architecture and the fine arts.

  • There is not necessarily a good reason why a regulator should have to be involved in product design and marketing for rich and sophisticated investors. We recommend that such investors should be able to sign a piece of paper, which allows them to go ahead and buy unregulated products at their own risk.

  • To go back to architecture, whats organic about architecture as a field, unlike product design, is this whole issue of holism and of monumentality is really our realm. Like, we have to design things which are coherent as a single object, but also break down into small rooms and have an identity of both the big scale and the small scale.

  • So that’s our approach. Very simple, and we’re really shooting for Museum of Modern Art quality. The way we’re running the company, the product design, the advertising, it all comes down to this: Let’s make it simple. Really simple.” Apple’s design mantra would remain the one featured on its first brochure: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

    Running   Art   Simple  
    Walter Isaacson (2011). “Steve Jobs”, p.126, Simon and Schuster
  • We see a lot of feature-driven product design in which the cost of features is not properly accounted. Features can have a negative value to customers because they make the products more difficult to understand and use. We are finding that people like products that just work. It turns out that designs that just work are much harder to produce that designs that assemble long lists of features.

    Long   People   Design  
    Douglas Crockford (2008). “JavaScript: The Good Parts: The Good Parts”, p.99, "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
  • The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.

    1967 Search for the Real.
  • Simplicity is somehow essentially describing the purpose and place of an object and product.

    "The Chasm of Dissonance: Explaining the 'dis-connects' that seem to haunt our world (Including the ones named Trump and Clinton)" by Michael Lissack, August 13, 2016.
  • Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

    Steve Jobs (0101). “Motivating Thoughts of Steve Jobs”, p.37, Prabhat Prakashan
  • Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated.

    Art   Simple   Design  
  • To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.

    Mean   Design   Masters  
  • Simplicity is not the absence of clutter, that's a consequence of simplicity. Simplicity is somehow essentially describing the purpose and place of an object and product. The absence of clutter is just a clutter-free product. That's not simple.

  • I try to keep the meetings small, especially when we're doing product design.

  • The absence of clutter is just a clutter-free product. That's not simple.

    Simple   Design   Absence  
  • When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty but when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.

  • Architectural and product designs have a narrative capacity - you can start to tell a story about them and imagine a lot of things.

  • A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

  • Designers can create normalcy out of chaos; they can clearly communicate ideas through the organising and manipulating of words and pictures.

    Ideas   Design   Normalcy  
  • As far as the customer is concerned, the interface is the product.

    Jef Raskin (2000). “The Humane Interface: New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems”, p.5, Addison-Wesley Professional
  • So I went for engineering, specifically product design, which I enjoyed.

  • We don't do focus groups - that is the job of the designer.

    Jobs   Focus   Design  
    "Sir Jonathan Ive: The iMan cometh". Interview with Mark Prigg, March 12, 2012.
  • It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them.

    "Steve Jobs: `There's Sanity Returning'". Bloomberg interview, May 25, 1998.
  • Very often design is the most immediate way of defining what products become in people's minds.

    "Jonathan Ive: Apple of the iMac". Interview with Caroline Frost, January 18, 2002.
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