Power Relationships Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Power Relationships". There are currently 11 quotes in our collection about Power Relationships. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Power Relationships!
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  • How does photography serve to legitimate and normalize existing power relationships? ... How is historical and social memory preserved, transformed, restricted and obliterated by photographs?

    Allan Sekula, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh (2002). “Fish story”
  • Money creates a power relationship between the payer and the payee.

  • If you deny any affinity with another person or kind of person, if you declare it to be wholly different from yourself - as men have done to women, and class has done to class, and nation has done to nation - you may hate it or deify it; but in either case you have denied its spiritual equality and its human reality. You have made it into a thing, to which the only possible relationship is a power relationship. And thus you have fatally impoverished your own reality.

    Ursula K. Le Guin, Susan Wood (1980). “The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction”, p.99, Ultramarine Publishing
  • I am interested in the political economy of institutional power relationships in transition. The question is one of "reconstructive" communities as a cultural, as well as a political, fact: how geographic communities are structured to move in the direction of the next vision, along with the question of how a larger system - given the power and cultural relationships - can move toward managing the connections between the developing communities. There are many, many hard questions here - including, obviously, ones related to ecological sustainability and climate change.

    Source: www.truth-out.org
  • In terms of language, English is very dominant vis-Ã-vis African language. That in itself is a power relationship - between languages and communities - because the English language is a determinant of the ladder to achievement.

    Source: www.alternet.org
  • Adversarial power relationships only work if you never have to see or work with the bastards again.

  • The west has fiscalised its basic power relationships through a web of contracts, loans, shareholdings, bank holdings and so on. In such an environment it is easy for speech to be "free" because a change in political will rarely leads to any change in these basic instruments. Western speech, as something that rarely has any effect on power, is, like badgers and birds, free.

    "Julian Assange answers your questions". Q&A, www.theguardian.com. December 3, 2010.
  • The cartoonist’s task is not so much to be balanced as to give balance, particularly in situations of disproportionate power relationships such as we see in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Giving   Balance   Tasks  
  • This radical transformation of world power relationships reflects primarily in the case of both the USA and the USSR the growth of the productive forces.

    Usa   Growth   World  
  • Finding ways to organize work in which people are not locked into unequal power relationships is very important. Having said that, it's not easily done, and it's complicated.

    People   Important   Done  
    Source: www.truth-out.org
  • I don't like to think of my readership as "fans," a word which has always suggested a kind of power relationship I'm uncomfortable with.

    Thinking   Fans   Kind  
    Interview with Leonard Pierce, www.avclub.com. July 22, 2009.
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