Pantheon Quotes

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  • You of all beings know how fate works. What happened to you as a human happened because everyone from your parents on down tried to circumvent what was supposed to be – which ultimately was the destruction of the Atlantean pantheon. There was no changing that prophecy. But the way you suffered was completely unnecessary. Had your parents embraced their true destiny, you would have been saved years of torment. Fate will not be denied. We can sculpt it, but in the end we’re all pawns to our final destinies. Good, bad, or indifferent. (Savitar)

    Fate   Destiny   Years  
  • One of my proudest achievements is that when an authoritative book about Hungarian literature came out about a decade ago, there was a little article about me which said I was a Hungarian writer but pretending not to be. Bearing in mind I can hardly write a cheque in Hungarian, I was delighted to be included in the pantheon of Hungarian writers.

  • Every person has their pantheon - the Bible, Hollywood, Shakespeare - their way of understanding the world.

    "'A Pathway, Not a Prison'". Interview with Hanna Rosin, April 1, 2014.
  • But his pantheon would have survived. (Kat) Would it? Fate is never that simple. It doesn’t go in a straight line, and the more you try to circumvent it, the worse you make it on yourself. Fate will not be denied. Sin would have lost his powers by another means, at another time and place. And whoever took them then might have killed him. Had he died, the world would have ended a long time ago or the gallu would have run free and taken over. There are infinite possibilities. (Acheron)

    Running   Taken   Mean  
  • I have written a wicked book, and feel spotless as the lamb. Ineffable socialities are in me. I would sit down and dine with you and all the gods in old Rome's Pantheon. It is a strange feeling--no hopefulness is in it, no despair. Content--that is it; and irresponsibility; but without licentious inclination.

    Book   Rome   Feelings  
    Herman Melville (2001). “Tales, Poems, and Other Writings”
  • Joanna Priestley’s amazing body of animated films have deservedly earned their place in the pantheon of contemporary international animators. Inventively visioned, superbly crafted, and rich with insight into the physical and spiritual dilemmas that confront us all, each new work provides an unexpected pleasure.

  • I generalized rashly: That is what kills political writing, this absurd pretence that you are delivering a great utterance. You never do. You are just a puzzled man making notes about what you think. You are not building the Pantheon, then why act like a graven image? You are drawing sketches in the sand which the sea will wash away.

    Writing   Men   Thinking  
    Walter Lippmann “Force and Ideas: The Early Writings”, Transaction Publishers
  • Where are the numerous constructions erected by Agrippa, of which only the Pantheon remains? Where are the splendorous palaces of the emperors?

  • Nothing in my life ever seemed to fade away or take its rightful place among the pantheon of experiences that constituted my eighteen years. It was all still with me, the storage space in my brain crammed with vivid memories, packed and piled like photographs and old dresses in my grandmother’s bureau. I wasn’t just the madwoman in the attic — I was the attic itself. The past was all over me, all under me, all inside me.

    Elizabeth Wurtzel (2014). “Prozac Nation: Young and Depressed in America”, p.131, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Revolution calls my name. I will soon dwell in nothingness, and my name will be in the Pantheon of history.

    Death   Names   History  
  • Somebody asked Somerset Maugham about his place in the pantheon of writers, and he said, "I'm in the very front row of the second rate." I'm sort of haunted by that.

    Pantheon   Said   Rate  
    "A Rare Interview with Master Storyteller Stephen King". Interview with Ken Tucker, May 25, 2013.
  • Sadly, a prize for peace is a rarity in this world. Most nations have monuments or memorials to war, bronze salutations to heroic battles, archways of triumph. But peace has no parade, no pantheon of victory.

    War   Memorial   Victory  
    Kofi Annan's Nobel Lecture in Oslo, December 10, 2001.
  • Literature is the best way to overcome death. My father, as I said, is an actor. He's the happiest man on earth when he's performing, but when the show is over, he's sad and troubled. I wish he could live in the eternal present, because in the theater everything remains in memories and photographs. Literature, on the other hand, allows you to live in the present and to remain in the pantheon of the future. Literature is a way to say, I was here, this is what I thought, this is what I perceived. This is my signature, this is my name.

    Memories   Father   Men  
  • I don't get a sense that Cheers is revered the way it should be by [younger viewers]. In my mind, it's a show that should always, always, always be in the pantheon. But can it ever mean to future generations what it meant to us?

    Cheer   Mean   Mind  
    "The Best TV Show That's Ever Been". Interview with Brian Raftery, September 27, 2012.
  • A small number of temples was protected by the fears, the venality, the taste, or the prudence of the civil and ecclesiastical governors. The temple of the Celestial Venus at Carthage, whose sacred precincts formed a circumference of two miles, was judiciously converted into a Christian church; and a similar consecration has preserved inviolate the majestic dome of the Pantheon at Rome.

    Edward Gibbon (1998). “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, p.562, Wordsworth Editions
  • The minute you become a leader of a country, you go into a very small club. You join that sort of pantheon of other world leaders.

  • Why do we universally admire and respect a Gandhi, Mandela, Mother Teresa, Lincoln, or any other leader or legend from history's pantheon? It is because they were guided by integrity-based practices. They stood for something. They didn't break with the values they believed in just because they faced struggle.

  • Hale is what he is in the American pantheon not because of what he did, but because of why he did it.

    Pantheon   Hale  
    "Nathan Hale's Mission". CIA Historical Review Program document, July 02, 1996.
  • I'm convinced in 100 years Obama will have an important place in the civic pantheon of American life.

  • I'm aware of [Doctor Strange] place within the comic pantheon of it all, the Marvelverse, but I don't email saying, "When are we doing next film?" I'm excited to see.

    "‘Doctor Strange': Benedict Cumberbatch on His Strange Journey to Becoming the Sorcerer Supreme". Interview with Haleigh Foutch, September 27, 2016.
  • In the absence of an effective general mythology, each of us has his private, unrecognized, rudimentary, yet secretly potent pantheon of dreams.

    Joseph Campbell (2008). “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”, p.2, New World Library
  • When I was 8 years old, I made my own encyclopedia of American biography - Johnny Appleseed, Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Charles Lindbergh, my pantheon of favorite heroes. Then I would write my own things and sew them together and try to make my own book.

    Book   Hero   Writing  
  • One of the things that appealed to me most about comics was that you can pick the ones you like and build your own personal pantheon.

    Pantheon   Picks  
    "Q&A: Comix Stars Daniel Clowes, Chris Ware and Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez". Interview with Sean T. Collins, September 26, 2012.
  • Now, I'm as appreciative as the next obsessive-compulsive recovering-academic of the vast riches of material becoming available online, thanks to all those Google scanners crouched in the basements of libraries around the world, madly feeding books through their machines. I download obscure tomes onto my iPad and give thanks to the dual gods Gates and Jobs, singing hymns to all the lesser pantheon of geniuses. But there's nothing like a book.

    Jobs   Book   Hymns  
  • The Pantheon was the first church I'd ever seen that had an open view to God

    Views   Church   Firsts  
  • Sport is a passion and out of passion comes love. No point trying to work out why some become heroes and others don't. The chosen ones just go into the pantheon and refuse to fade. Think of Bradman and Les Darcy, Phar Lap and Tommy Corrigan.

    Sports   Hero   Passion  
  • Zhukov was the most successful commander of World War II, who fell from grace under Khrushchev, but never lost his place in the pantheon of Soviet heroes.

    War   Hero   Successful  
  • Ancient societies had anthropomorphic gods: a huge pantheon expanding into centuries of dynastic drama; fathers and sons, martyred heroes, star-crossed lovers, the deaths of kings - stories that taught us of the danger of hubris and the primacy of humility.

    Stars   Kings   Drama  
    "THE AVENGERS Star Tom Hiddleston Writes Eloquent Editorial in Defense of Superhero Movies" by Adam Chitwood, April 20, 2012.
  • There could never be enough rules so finely crafted as to anticipate and cover every situation, and even if there were, enforcement would be impossibly expensive and burdensome. This approach leads to diminished freedom for everyone...In the end, it is only an internal moral compass in each individual that can effectively deal with the root causes as well as the symptoms of societal decay. Societies will struggle in vain to establish the common good until sin is denounced as sin and moral discipline takes its place in the pantheon of civic virtues.

  • Sport has long occupied a special place in the hearts of Australians, and today the nation welcomes a new champion to the pantheon. Cadel Evans, cyclist extraordinaire.

    Sports   Heart   Long  
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