Most Encouraging Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Most Encouraging". There are currently 0 quotes in our collection about Most Encouraging. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Most Encouraging!
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  • If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.

  • The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

  • This is what i find most encouraging about the writing trades: they allow mediocre people who are patient and industrious to revise their stupidity, to edit themselves into something like intelligence. They also allow lunatics to seem saner than sane.

  • When you get into a tight place, and everything goes against you till it seems as if you could n't hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that 's just the place and time that the tide'll turn.

    "Old Town Folks". Book by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Chapter 39, p. 507, 1869.
  • After twenty years and thirty stories, thirteen pieces were finally selected and the collection was born. So far, the blurbs from [authors] Maxine Hong Kingston, Gish Jen, Robert Olen Butler, Oscar Hijuelos and others, have been most encouraging.

    "‘Birds of Paradise Lost’: A Conversation With Author Andrew Lam". Interview with Anna Challet, March 5, 2013.
  • Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

  • In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.

  • The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    Strength to Love (1963) ch. 3
  • One of the most encouraging things is to see that so many of these young musicians and worship leaders are really concerned with doing a good job representing the truth of Jesus in their songs, and not just concerned with creative and musical progression.

    Song   Jesus   Jobs  
    "A conversation with worship leader Matt Redman". Interview with Chad Bonham,
  • The most encouraging trend of our time is the widespread loss of faith in government. No longer do people look to the government as the great problem solver, economic planner, social unifier, or cultural czar. The government is more likely to be seen for what it is, a haven for grafters, liars, and would-be tyrants. Americans, like the Russians, no longer believe anything until it is officially denied.

    Liars   Believe   Loss  
  • That was the thing about Prabhupada, you see. He didn't just talk about loving Krishna and getting out of this place, but he was the perfect example. He talked about always chanting, and he was always chanting. I think that that in itself was perhaps the most encouraging thing for me. It was enough to make me try harder, to be just a little bit better. He was a perfect example of everything he preached.

    Interview with Mukunda Goswami, September 4, 1982.
  • An empathic way of being can be learned from empathic persons. Perhaps the most important statement of all is that the ability to be accurately empathic is something which can be developed by training. Therapists, parents and teachers can be helped to become empathic. This is especially likely to occur if their teachers and supervisors are themselves individuals of sensitive understanding. It is most encouraging to know that this subtle, elusive quality, of utmost importance in therapy, is not something one is "born with", but can be learned, and learned most rapidly in an empathic climate.

  • You see, this people [Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, etc.] simply believed that God existed in the situation they were faced with, and they trusted Him rather than themselves. The result? God said, "That pleases Me." They were men and women just like you and I, which is the most encouraging part of all. We don't find golden haloes, or perfect backgrounds, or sinless lives, we just find people. People who failed, who struggled, who doubted, who experienced hard times and low times in which their faith was eclipsed by doubt. But their lives were basically characterized by faith.

  • The most encouraging sign is that 71 percent of the public believe the system is profoundly corrupted by the power of money. Ninety-six percent of the people believe it's "important" that we reduce the influence of money. Yet 91 percent think it's "not likely" that its influence will be lessened. Think about that: People know what's right to do yet don't think it can or will be done.

  • All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson (2004). “A Dream Too Wild: Emerson Meditations for Every Day of the Year”, Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
  • You know one of the most encouraging things about faith? It pleases God.

    Charles R. Swindoll (2006). “Encouragement for Life: Words of Hope and Inspiration”, p.134, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.

    FaceBook post by Zig Ziglar from Sep 22, 2016
  • Why should it be that just when technology is most encouraging of creativity, the law should be most restrictive?

    Lawrence Lessig (2009). “Remix: Making art and commerce thrive in the hybrid economy”, p.107, A&C Black
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