Mental Disorder Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Mental Disorder". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Mental Disorder. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Mental Disorder!
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  • Richard Dawkins says he can't be sure God doesn't exist. Well, you know what I do when I'm not sure about something? I go on a big crusade about it and write a bunch of books on the subject. No, wait, that sounds more like what someone with a mental disorder would do. That's one of the crazy things about lots of atheists: They're whole movement is supposed to be about being logical and reasonable, yet they tend to rail against religion is a very mindless way that doesn't seem to serve any more purpose than a tantrum. Perhaps I just don't understand their strong faith in not having faith.

    Strong   Atheist   Crazy  
  • Not a few patients, however, suffering from certain forms of mental disorder, regain a high degree of insight into their mental condition in what might be termed a flash of divine enlightenment.

    Clifford Whittingham Beers (2015). “A Mind That Found Itself”, p.61, Sheba Blake Publishing
  • Homosexuality is a mental disorder that can be cured through counselling.

  • The Christian view that all intercourse outside marriage is immoral was, as we see in the above passages from St. Paul, based upon the view that all sexual intercourse, even within marriage, is regrettable. A view of this sort, which goes against biological facts, can only be regarded by sane people as a morbid aberration. The fact that it is embedded in Christian ethics has made Christianity throughout its whole history a force tending towards mental disorders and unwholesome views of life.

    Christian   Fear   Views  
  • Extreme liberalism is not a political philosophy. It is a mental disorder.

  • It happens that there are a lot of people who are very talented who also happen to have a mental disorder. A lot of the mental disorders are initially things that are adaptive. Like even OCD, it's good to sort of have structure and have certain rituals but when it gets to be extreme then it becomes problematic.

    People   Ocd   Structure  
  • I've heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.

    "Science Of Vaccines Is Settled - But Politics Are More Complicated". "All Things Considered" with Tamara Keith, February 3, 2015.
  • When I asked Robert Spitzer about the possibility that he'd inadvertently created a world in which ordinary behaviours were being labelled mental disorders, he fell silent. I waited for him to answer. But the silence lasted three minutes. Finally he said, 'I don't know.

  • Golf is a mental disorder.

    Edgar Rice Burroughs (2015). “Complete Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs: 70+ Adventure Classics & Science Fiction Novels (Illustrated): The Tarzan Series, The Barsoom Chronicles, The Pelucidar Series, Caspak Trilogy, The Moon Trilogy, The Venus Series, Westerns, Lost World Novels, Fantasy Classics, Historical Novels and more”, p.7310, e-artnow
  • Careful studies of cases dealing with supposed 'mental disorder' have at times revealed that many thought to be insane or warped in some fashion were actually simply highly sensitive individuals. What they suffered from was not mental debilitation, but personal and communal ignorance of psychic reality.

  • Addictions and mental disorders are like a disease, and they need treatment.

    "American Idol’s Syesha Mercado: On Honesty, Acceptance, and Being Present". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,
  • Liberalism is a mental disorder.

    Michael Savage (2011). “Abuse of Power: A Thriller”, p.312, St. Martin's Press
  • Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.

    "10 Male Celebrities Who Are Smashing Mental Health Stereotypes" by Lindsay Holmes, June 16, 2016.
  • There is no definition of a mental disorder. It's bullshit. I mean, you just can't define it.

  • The house has to be clean and in order because I have to be able to sift through the creative disorder in my mind. The mental disorder that I'm exploring has to bounce off the walls. It has to go in and out of different rooms. If the room is not in order, then I can't distinguish which is which, and that really drives me crazy.

    Wall   Crazy   Order  
  • I would like to start a discussion about ending solitary confinement. I'd like to start a discussion about the removal of MO wings - an "MO" is a "Mental Observation" inmate - from Rikers Island, to be set up in mental health institutions. You can't put people in jail for having mental disorders.

    Islands   Wings   Jail  
  • Mental disorders don't really live 'out there' waiting to be explained. They are constructs we have made up - and often not very compelling ones.

    Waiting   Made   Disorder  
  • The advanced members of the medical profession know that the health of society is not to be obtained or maintained by medicines; - that it is far better, far more easy and far wiser, to adopt substantive measures to prevent disease of body or mind, than to allow substantive measure to remain continually to generate causes to produce physical and mental disorders.

    Medicine   Mind   Body  
    "The Book of the New Moral World". Book by Robert Owen, Part 3, 1845.
  • If one looks with a cold eye at the mess man has made of his history, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that he has been afflicted by some built-in mental disorder which drives him towards self-destruction. Murder within the species on an individual or collective scale is a phenomenon unknown in the whole animal kingdom, except for man, and a few varieties of ants and rats.

    Eye   Men   Animal  
  • Love is a severe mental disorder.

    Sexy   Love Is   Disorder  
  • I never understood the theory, once popular among doctors, that blamed mental disorders on too little or too much mother love. My own mother was my darling.

    Gene Tierney, Mickey Herskowitz (1979). “Self-portrait”, Peter Wyden
  • The building housing America's military brass is a five-sided pentagon, but somehow, the people in it still manage to make it the squarest place on earth. The latest evidence? A current military document that lists homosexuality as a mental disorder in the same league as mental retardation - noting, of course, the one difference: retarded people can still get into heaven.

  • Actors love mental disorders, dialects, and corsets. Give them one of the three and they're happy

    Giving   Three   Actors  
  • By all means, there should be no children when either mother or father suffers from such diseases as tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, cancer, epilepsy, insanity, drunkenness and mental disorders. In the case of the mother, heart disease, kidney trouble and pelvic deformities are also a serious bar to childbearing No more children should be born when the parents, though healthy themselves, find that their children are physically or mentally defective.

  • There are no objective tests in psychiatry-no X-ray, laboratory, or exam finding that says definitively that someone does or does not have a mental disorder.

    Tests   Rays   Doe  
  • If you're spending so much time at the gym that your mail is forwarded there, you're not dedicated - you've got a mental disorder.

  • A well-chosen anthology is a complete dispensary of medicine for the more common mental disorders, and may be used as much for prevention as cure.

    Science   Medicine   May  
  • Mistrust is the fuel for so much mental pain, so many mental disorders. I am not talking here about the suspicions we sometimes have of one another, the distant but lurking sense that perhaps our lover lies to us, our best friend whispers behind our back. I am talking about a belief that betrayal inundates the atoms of the universe, is so woven into the workings of the world that every step is treacherous, and that below the rich mud lies a mine.

    Pain   Betrayal   Lying  
    Lauren Slater (2012). “Welcome to My Country”, p.49, Anchor
  • The man Hillary [Clinton] introduced at the meeting goes so far as to say that no amount of trauma to children - or poor parenting or anything in their lives - causes them mental disorders. He says it's all biological and genetic and should be treated by drugs.

    Children   Men   Drug  
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