Memorabilia Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Memorabilia". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Memorabilia. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Memorabilia!
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  • I know sometimes when I go to a convention or a film festival occasionally people bring me really valuable and really rare memorabilia that I have never seen before.

  • I actually collect old First and Second World War memorabilia.

    War   World   Firsts  
    "How to Become a Star In 1 Easy Lesson: 'War Horse's' Jeremy Irvine (Q&A)". Interview with Stephen Galloway, December 29, 2011.
  • I have stuff from 1979, 1980 in my collection. But I also have things from 2012. So I don't know if it's memorabilia as much as it is holding on to things that I find relevant that most people might not.

    People   Might   Stuff  
  • For some people, history is simply what your wife looks good standing in front of. It’s what’s cast in bronze, or framed in sepia tones, or acted out with wax dummies and period furniture. It takes place in glass bubbles filled with water and chunks of plastic snow; it’s stamped on souvenir pencils and summarized in reprint newspapers. History nowadays is recorded in memorabilia. If you can’t purchase a shopping bag that alludes to something, people won’t believe it ever happened.

  • I will put my Butkus (Award) in storage. I will put my Alamo Bowl MVP trophy in storage. Jerseys, anything Penn State, in storage. Wherever Tom Bradley goes, that's the school I will start to put memorabilia up in my home. I'm done. I'm done with Penn State. If they're done with us, I'm done with them.

    Home   School   Awards  
    "Bill O’Brien Hire At Penn State Angers LaVar Arrington, Other Former Players Loyal To Tom Bradley" by Michael Klopman, January 6, 2012.
  • I don't really collect anything. I mean, if I see a piece of Moxie soda memorabilia, I'll probably buy it. I'm a sucker for regional soda brands and forgotten histories and that sort of thing.

    Mean   Moxie   Pieces  
    "Bewildered Maine resident John Hodgman takes another crack at our 11 Questions". Interview with Marah Eakin, September 3, 2015.
  • The stars begin to fade like guttering candles and are snuffed out one by one. Out in the depths of space the great celestial cities, the galaxies cluttered with the memorabilia of ages, are gradually dying. Tens of billions of years pass in the growing darkness ... of a universe condemned to become a galactic graveyard.

    Stars   Years   Cities  
  • My life is cluttered with the most wonderful memorabilia. And wonderful creative experiences.

  • I never stopped thinking about the Alamo from that day to this. I'm a huge collector of memorabilia. I've got Davy Crockett's bullet pouch. I've got Colonel Travis's belt.

  • I'm finding that everything sells. I've been toying with the fact that I have this big giant glass jar with the metal screw lid on it that's full of ribbons and memorabilia from conventions and stuff. I've got buttons and I have all of my Walt Disney Mickey Mouse credit cards. I'm wondering in my old age if anyone would pay for a credit card with Mickey Mouse on it issued to me. I wonder if anyone would pay anything for that?

    Glasses   Age   Giants  
    "Interview: Mike Royer Talks Classic Cartoons, Jack Kirby and Much More". Interview with Bryan Stroud, January 30, 2015.
  • I've never kept a record of anything. I gave away everything: all the posters, the memorabilia that would have been helpful - and financially rewarding.

    "I had drive from the beginning" by Geoffrey Macnab, December 13, 2004.
  • I have the largest private collection in the world [of Hollywood memorabilia].

  • I have the largest collection of Hulk memorabilia in the world - everything from toilet paper, wallpaper, bicycles - all boxed up at my house in Northern California. I've had it for so long, I think it might be time to sell it.

    "Lou Ferrigno looks back, and luckily not in anger". Interview with William Keck, June 16, 2008.
  • I'm into everything. My iPod is very eclectic - if you kept it on shuffle, you'd be amazed. For example, I was forced to grow up on Dolly Parton. My mum was obsessed by her. She bought all this memorabilia for the front room. It's ridiculous.

  • I have over 5000 costumes, and the furniture and memorabilia that goes with them.

  • Anyone who's ever worked with Meryl Streep always says the same thing: can that woman act! And what's with all the Hitler memorabilia?

    "Oscars 2010: Quotes of the night" by Henry Barnes, March 7, 2010.
  • Socrates.- If all goes well, the time will come when one will take up the memorabilia of Socrates rather than the Bible as a guide to morals and reason... The pathways of the most various philosophical modes of life lead back to him... Socrates excels the founder of Christianity in being able to be serious cheerfully and in possessing that wisdom full of roguishness that constitutes the finest state of the human soul. And he also possessed the finer intellect.

  • I could have skated by as an athlete, but the world is so much bigger and more interesting than any one thing. I didn't want to be pigeonholed as just a jock. I'm also an author, a student of history, and I collect memorabilia from the Wild West. I'm also a son, a father, and a friend.

    Father   Athlete   Son  
    "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Basketball Legend and Kids' Book Author". Interview with Seira Wilson, January 16, 2012.
  • Right after the 9/11 attacks I was living near Oakland in California with a buddy who had also grown up in the skate/punk scene of the 80s. We were so shell-shocked from the attacks that we sort of regressed into this childlike mode of filling our apartment with '80s memorabilia. We got all of our favorite skateboard decks off of eBay, bought a bunch of old independent trucks, we got a credit card so that we could buy 720 off of a videogame vendor, we sat around listening to T.S.O.L. and The Misfits playing 720 and pretending that we were still living in our childhood.

  • I don't collect any memorabilia. I wish I'd have kept everything I had. But who knew you had to keep it. Just gave it away. And we lost so much and we didn't look after a lot of it.

    Wish   Looks   Lost  
    "'Ringo Rama' promotional interview with Jody Denberg". July 2003.
  • I have over five thousand costumes and props and cars, and I have a twenty-five thousand square foot warehouse full of memorabilia.

    Squares   Feet   Car  
  • I can imagine in years to come that my papers and memorabilia, my journals and letters, will find themselves always in the company of people who care about many of the things I do.

  • I know that I was conscious of all the aspects of the war, having had cousins who were in the army, who would send me notes and memorabilia. I began to collect things that they would send me.

    Cousin   War   Army  
  • I haven't collected memorabilia. I am not a person who lives in the past.

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