Loving Kindness Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Loving Kindness". There are currently 104 quotes in our collection about Loving Kindness. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Loving Kindness!
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  • I think that both here and in England there are two schools of thought--those who would be altruistic in regard to the Germans, hoping that by loving kindness to make them Christian again--and those who would adopt a much tougher attitude. Most decidedly I belong to the latter school, for though I am not blood-thirsty, I want the Germans to know that this time at least they have definitely lost the war.

  • Have you ever stopped to think how much unhappiness and downright cruelty are laid to the loving kindness of the Lord? And always by His most ardent followers, it seems.

    Nella Larsen (2010). “The Complete Fiction of Nella Larsen: Passing, Quicksand, and The Stories”, p.188, Anchor
  • Surely it is the maxim of loving-kindness: Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you.

  • Allow the light and the healing presence of Christ to shine brightly through your lives. In that way, all those who come in contact with you will discover the loving kindness of God.

  • Everything is material for the seed of happiness, if you look into it with inquisitiveness and curiosity. The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment. There always is the potential to create an environment of blame -or one that is conducive to loving-kindness.

  • O child of God, be more careful to keep the way of the Lord, more concentrated in heart in seeking His glory, and you will see the loving-kindness and the tender mercy of the Lord in your life.

    Charles H. Spurgeon (2017). “Grace (Journal Edition): God's Unmerited Favor”, p.40, Whitaker House
  • When we practice loving kindness and compassion we are the first ones to profit.

  • Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.

  • Chastity is a difficult long term matter, one must wait patiently for it to bear fruit for the happiness of loving kindness which it must bring. But at the same time chastity is the sure way to happiness.

    Kindness   Long   Waiting  
  • Like a caring mother holding and guarding the life of her only child, so with a boundless heart of loving kindness, hold yourself and all beings as your beloved children.

  • Though Destiny a hundred times waylays you,in the end it pitches a tent for you in Heaven. It is God's loving kindness to terrify you,in order to lead you to His Kingdom of safety.

  • Loving kindness towards ourselves doesn't mean getting rid of anything. It means we can still be crazy after all these years. We can still be angry after all these years. We can still be timid or jealous or full of feelings of unworthiness. The point is not to try to throw ourselves away and become something better. It's about befriending who we are already.

  • Wave after wave of trial rolled over us; but at the end of the year some of us were constrained to confess, that we had learned more of the loving-kindness of the Lord than in any previous year of our lives.

    "Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century, Book Five: Refiner's Fire". Book by A.J. Broomhall (p. 285), 1985.
  • Without loving-kindness for ourselves, it is difficult, if not impossible, to genuinely feel it for others.

    Pema Chodron (2002). “The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times”, p.57, Shambhala Publications
  • Everything in the world we want to do or get done, we must do with and through people. Every dollar we will ever earn must come from people. The person we love, and with whom we want to spend the rest of our life, is a human being with whom we must interact. Our children are individuals, each different from any other person who ever lived. And what affects them most is our attitude-the loving kindness they see and feel whenever we are around them. If you'll begin to develop and maintain an attitude that says yes to life and the world, you'll be astonished at the changes you'll see.

  • Sociopaths love power. They love winning. If you take loving kindness out of the human brain, there's not much left except the will to win.

  • I admire the fact that the central core of Buddhist teaching involves mindfulness and loving kindness and compassion.

  • Be wise. Treat yourself, your mind, sympathetically, with loving kindness. If you are gentle with yourself, you will become gentle with others.

    Wise   Kindness   Mind  
  • The way of loving kindness is what is to be accepted. Love! The benefit is clear. Rage, hate are the way of chaos and darkness - to be rejected.

    Love   Kindness   Hate  
  • Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.

  • If we give someone a piece of bread and butter, that's kindness, but if we put jelly or peanut butter on it, then it's Loving Kindness.

  • If for just the time of a finger-snap a monk produces a thought of loving-kindness, develops it, gives attention to it, such a one is rightly called a monk. Not in vain does he meditate. He acts in accordance with the master's teaching, he follows his advice. How much more so if he cultivates it.

  • What a beautiful world God, in His loving kindness to His creatures, has given us! What a shame that men endowed with reason and knowledge of right should mar His gifts.

    Robert E. Lee, Ben Wynne (2004). “Recollections and Letters”, p.84, Barnes & Noble Publishing
  • To combat hatred directed toward a person, a Buddhist cultivates loving kindness toward that person.

  • Each one of us is responsible for other living beings' happiness, besides our own. As a result, your loving kindness is the most wish-fulfilling thing in life, more precious than anything else in this world. That makes for a most satisfying, fulfilling life.

  • Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.

  • Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

    Mark Twain (2015). “Bite-Size Twain: Wit and Wisdom from the Literary Legend”, p.18, St. Martin's Press
  • Loneliness cannot be alleviated just by the coming together of two bodies, unless there is also good communication, understanding, and loving kindness.

    Thich Nhat Hanh (2015). “The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation”, p.95, Harmony
  • A religion made up solely of heightened religious experiences would not be a religion at all. ...The major religious traditions address the mysteries (with or without entheogens), but they have other business to do: widen understanding, give meaning, provide solace, promote loving-kindness, and connect human being to human being.

  • It is our care for the helpless, our practice of loving kindness, that brands us in the eyes of those who oppose us.

    Kindness   Eye   Practice  
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