Human Condition Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Human Condition". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Human Condition. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Human Condition!
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  • The price of these failures has been a loss of moral consensus, a greater sense of helplessness about the human condition. ... The intellectual solution to the first dilemma can be achieved by a deeper and more courageous examination of human nature that combines the findings of biology with those of the social sciences.

  • Trusting people to be creative and constructive when given more freedom does not imply an overly optimistic belief in the perfectibility of human nature. It is, rather, belief that the inevitable errors and sins of the human condition are far better overcome by individuals working together in an environment of trust and freedom and mutual respect than by individuals working under a multitude of rules, regulations, and restraints imposed upon them by another group of imperfect individuals.

  • I am endlessly fascinated by this notion that everyone has a secret. Some of our secrets are tiny, small things, and some of them are huge. Given that reality of the human condition, that's what our characters will go through. There will be some things where you'll just be like, "What the hell! How the hell did that happen?"

  • Those who desire to rise as high as our human condition allows, must renounce intellectual pride, the omnipotence of clear thinking, belief in the absolute power of logic.

    "Saiva Siddhanta" by Saiva Siddhanta Mahasamajam, volume 21, p. 59, 1986.
  • Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.

    Lauren Kate (2013). “The Fallen Series: 4-Book Collection”, p.589, Delacorte Press
  • But if there is such a thing as social commitment in literature, I think it must manifest itself in a reader's awareness of the human condition, in the writer's touching some common nerve ending. I think this kind of social commitment, like a lady's slip, should be there but it must not show.

  • As I come to understand Vietnam and what it implies about the human condition, I also realize that few humans will permit themselves such an understanding.

    "The Transhuman Antihero: Paradoxical Protagonists of Speculative Fiction from Mary Shelley to Richard Morgan". Book by Michael Grantham, 2015.
  • Such then is the human condition, that to wish greatness for one's country is to wish harm to one's neighbors.

    Country   War   Greatness  
    Voltaire (1949). “The portable Voltaire”
  • One cultivates spaciousness or awareness which allows you to acknowledge the emotions and see them as part of the human condition. Emotions are like subtle thought forms and they all arise in response to something outside yourself. They are all reactions. You cultivate a quietness in yourself that watches these emotions rising and falling and passing away.

  • It would be wonderful if people could grow together in groups, teaching and learning communities where they empower, evoke, explore the enormous capacities of the human condition.

  • Television production is so insane. There's so many moving parts and flying pieces and you're desperate to make it cohesive and artistic and have something to say about the human condition that feels like it has value to its existence.

    Moving   Flying   Insane  
  • Is the human condition not defined by an endless struggle to control the ego's subterfuges?

  • I like Silver Surfer because he's the most philosophical, always philosophizing about the human race and the human condition and why people are the way they are, why they don't appreciate this wonderful planet they live on... he has a nice moral tone.

    "A Chat With Stan Lee, `Godfather' Of Marvel Comics". Interview with Chip & Jonathan Carter, January 19, 1996.
  • I don't ever expect to be permanently happy. I don't think that's part of the human condition.

  • The earth is the very quintessence of the human condition.

    Hannah Arendt (2013). “The Human Condition: Second Edition”, p.2, University of Chicago Press
  • Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

    Song: Big Yellow Taxi
  • Don't think about what can happen in a month. Don't think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be!

    Thinking   Years   Focus  
  • Great leaders motivate large groups of individuals to improve the human condition.

    John P. Kotter (2012). “Matsushita Leadership”, p.1823, Simon and Schuster
  • The character of human life, like the character of the human condition, like the character of all life, is "ambiguity": the inseparable mixture of good and evil, the true and false, the creative and destructive forces-both individual and social.

  • No society has been able to abolish human sadness, no political system can deliver us from the pain of living, from our fear of death, our thirst for the absolute. It is the human condition that directs the social condition, not vice versa.

    Depression   Death   Pain  
    "A Reply to Kenneth Tynan: The Playwright's Role". The Observer, June 29, 1958.
  • Cartoons are windows into the human condition.

  • I have never quite understood - and this is no doubt my failing - I never quite understood why you would read fiction to understand the human condition.

  • The basic quality that any great story must have is a story that illustrates the human condition.

  • We never really know and the very fact that there are such words in the language as disappointment, regret, etc., is testimony to the pervasiveness and persistence of this feature of the human condition.

    Thomas Sowell (1996). “Knowledge And Decisions”, p.85, Basic Books
  • Anyway, madness and genius. They're the disturbed pals of the human condition. The Bonnie and Clyde, the Thelma and Louise, the baking soda and vinegar. Insanity just walks alongside the brilliant like some creepy, insistent shadow.

    Deb Caletti (2013). “Love Is All You Need: Wild Roses; The Nature of Jade”, p.9, Simon and Schuster
  • God in Christ has taken into Himself the brokenness of the human condition. Hence, human woundedness, brokenness, death itself are transformed from dead ends to doorways into Life. In the divinizing humanity of Christ, bruises become balm.

  • As an actress, I'm drawn to emotion and expressing the human condition in all its forms, and I'm fortunate to have thoughts and feelings at my fingertips.

  • It seems that fiction no longer produces work that makes one feel the human condition deeply.

  • Human life is an extension of the principles of nature, and human civilization is a venture extrapolated out of human natures: man and his natural potential are the root of the entire human domain. The great task of all philosophizing is to become competent to interpret and steer the potential developmental forces in human natures and in the human condition, both of which are prodigiously fatalistic.

  • Folk music has always contained a concern for the human condition. And since it brings people into it from different points of view, that can help illuminate what a consensus might be to important issues.

    Views   Issues   People  
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