Heuristics Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Heuristics". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Heuristics. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Heuristics!
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  • While there have been terrific advances in the state of technology around heuristics, behavior blocking, and things like that, technology is only a part of the approach to solving the problem with the more important aspect involving putting the right process in place.

    "Interview: Symantec's John Thompson talks about big picture security". Interview with Ed Scannell, www.infoworld.com. June 16, 2004.
  • By now they had mastered my own language, but they still made simple mistakes, like using 'hermeneutics,' when they meant 'heuristic'.

  • To take an unequivocal stand, it seems to me, is of greater heuristic value and far more likely to stimulate constructive criticism than to evade the issue.

  • By their very nature, heuristic shortcuts will produce biases, and that is true for both humans and artificial intelligence, but the heuristics of AI are not necessarily the human ones.

  • It would be wrong to assume that one must stay with a research programme until it has exhausted all its heuristic power, that one must not introduce a rival programme before everybody agrees that the point of degeneration has probably been reached.

    Imre Lakatos, John Worrall, Gregory Currie (1980). “The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: Volume 1: Philosophical Papers”, p.68, Cambridge University Press
  • The positive heuristic of the programme saves the scientist from becoming confused by the ocean of anomalies.

    Imre Lakatos, John Worrall, Gregory Currie (1980). “The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: Volume 1: Philosophical Papers”, p.50, Cambridge University Press
  • Of course, this is a heuristic, which is a fancy way of saying that it doesn't work.

    Heuristics   Fancy   Way  
    "My Life With Spam". www.perl.com. February 9, 2000.
  • Heuristic is an algorithm in a clown suit. It’s less predictable, it’s more fun, and it comes without a 30-day, money-back guarantee.

    Steve McConnell (2004). “Code Complete”, p.12, Pearson Education
  • The psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer has a simple heuristic. Never ask the doctor what you should do. Ask him what he would do if he were in your place. You would be surprised at the difference

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2012). “Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder”, p.389, Random House
  • The materialistic point of view in psychology can claim, at best, only the value of an heuristic hypothesis.

    Wilhelm Max Wundt (1969). “Principles of Physiological Psychology”
  • This is the essence of intuitive heuristics: when faced with a difficult question, we often answer an easier one instead, usually without noticing the substitution.

    Daniel Kahneman (2011). “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, p.16, Macmillan
  • Research programmes, besides their negative heuristic, are also characterized by their positive heuristic.

    Imre Lakatos, John Worrall, Gregory Currie (1980). “The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: Volume 1: Philosophical Papers”, p.49, Cambridge University Press
  • Writing of history is our only heuristic principle. The Germans have a word for it, einfühlen. It is the ability to experience the past in the present and to recreate it. In my books, I have tried to recreate it in the most natural way possible: History must be integrated into the story without the weight of premonition.

    Book   Writing   Past  
    "The End of Gore Vidal". Interview with Lila Azam Zanganeh, www.guernicamag.com. August 15, 2012.
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