Health Workers Quotes

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  • The word soul has lost its meaning and even its plausibility.... Faith, hope and love can no longer be seen simply as virtues or graces; they are processes in flesh and blood... (the clergyman) will find that whether he wants it or not, he is also a front-line mental health worker or he will be so regarded by the specialists in mental health. It is on the pastoral role and the tasks of shepherding that the psychological disciples have the greatest impact in theological work.

    Past   Impact   Blood  
  • South Africa is the only country in the world who gives AZT to health workers for needle-stick injuries. It's very doubtful that we're doing the right thing.

  • Ebola has killed almost 12,000 people and at least 500 health workers. So it affected the entire population. And as you know, the World Health Organization was accused of not having declared an epidemic soon enough. And that's when we saw Ebola rampaging through Sierra Leone, Liberia and, to a lesser extent, Guinea.

    "World Health Organization Declares Guinea Ebola-Free". "Morning Edition" with Renee Montagne, December 30, 2015.
  • When the psychiatrist approves of a person's actions, he judges that person to have acted with "free choice"; when he disapproves,he judges him to have acted without "free choice." It is small wonder that people find "free choice" a confusing idea: "free choice" appears to refer to what the person being judged (often called the "patient") does, whereas it is actually what the person making the judgment (often a psychiatrist or other mental health worker) thinks.

    Thinking   Ideas   People  
  • Nature is often overlooked as a healing balm for the emotional hardships in a child's life. You'll likely never see a slick commercial for nature therapy, as you do for the latest antidepressant pharmaceuticals. But parents, educators, and health workers need to know what a useful antidote to emotional and physical stress nature can be. Especially now.

    Richard Louv (2013). “Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder”, p.45, Atlantic Books Ltd
  • We should work to guarantee that there is a midwife or health worker by every woman's side during childbirth.

    "Why Protests Aren’t What we Should Remember About The G8" by Liya Kebede, July 13, 2010.
  • Poor countries are being forced to deal with an unprecedented health crisis without the means to tackle it . Governments can only show how seriously they are taking this crisis by taking immediate action to provide four million extra health workers and to grant those in need access to affordable medicines.

    Country   Health   Mean  
  • Time magazine announced its person of the year. It's health workers who treat Ebola. That's a person of the year. Time magazine told the health workers, 'No need to pick up your award, we'll mail it to you.'

    Ebola   Years   Awards  
  • When health workers are infected at work, this puts other healthcare workers at risk, but also can be a risk to all other patients, understanding where the breach in these measures is occurring and taking the steps needed to fully implement infection prevention and control measures can put an end to these ... infections.

  • America's health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.

    Health   Caring   America  
    "Confucius (and Mark Twain) Say: Boycott 'Health Care' and 'Health Care System' Unless That’s What We Mean" by John Weeks, January 26, 2016.
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