Diabolical Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Diabolical". There are currently 87 quotes in our collection about Diabolical. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Diabolical!
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  • The history of the world for the past several centuries and current events at home and abroad confirm the existence of such a conspiracy (to destroy Christianity and obtain global power). The world-wide net-work of diabolical conspirators implements this plot against the Christian faith while Christians appear to be sound asleep. The Christian clergy appear to be more ignorant or more indifferent about this conspiracy than other Christians ... It seems so sad.

    Christian   Home   Past  
  • O darkness, the sky is a gloomy precinct Whose door you close, and whose key the soul owns; And night divides itself in half, being diabolical and holy, Between Ilis, the black angel, and Christ, the starry Human Being.

    Angel   Night   Sky  
  • Before the advent of Hitler or Stalin, who took their power from the German and the Russian people, measures were thrust upon the free legislatures of those countries to deprive the people of the possession and use of firearms, so that they could not resist the encroachments of such diabolical and vitriolic state police organizations as the Gestapo, the Ogpu, and the Cheka.

  • All war propaganda consists, in the last resort, in substituting diabolical abstractions for human beings. Similarly, those who defend war have invented a pleasant sounding vocabulary of abstractions in which to describe the process of mass murder.

    War   Vocabulary   Lasts  
    "Pacifism and Philosophy" by Aldous Huxley, 1936.
  • Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.

  • Sophisticated readers understand that writers work out their anger, their conflicts, their endless grief and rolling list of loss, through their stories. That however mean-spirited or diabolical, it's only a story. That the darkness in the soul is shaped into type and lies there, brooding and inert, black on the page, and active, dangerous, only in the reader's mind. Actually, harmless. I am not harmless.

    Lying   Grief   Writing  
    Amy Bloom (2013). “A Blind Man Can See How Much I Love You”, p.87, Pan Macmillan
  • Everybody gets plagued by indifference and monotony. The truth is, there are concepts that are constantly being repeated in this world, since the beginning of time, but it doesn't seem like any of us have mastered them. So my advice is to keep going with the topic, which usually has to do with redemption, love, compassion, freedom, injustice, perversion, divinity, the diabolical... keep going with your thoughts, and your heart, and push them through to transformation.

  • Advertising men and politicians are dangerous if they are separated. Together they are diabolical.

  • Acting is hard work. At times, it's very energizing and enervating. It's childish. It's also responsible. It's illuminating, enriching, joyful, drab. It's bizarre, diabolical. It's exciting.

    "Our December 1992 Cover Story: 'Family Values'" by Jonathan Poneman, scrapsfromtheloft.com. December 12, 2017.
  • Madam, a circulating library in a town is as an evergreen tree of diabolical knowledge; it blossoms through the year. And depend on it that they who are so fond of handling the leaves, will long for the fruit at last.

    Years   Long   Tree  
    Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Thomas Moore (1833). “The works: With a biographical sketch”, p.10
  • The good or evil we confer on others very often, I believe, recoils on ourselves; for as men of a benign disposition enjoy their own acts of beneficence equally with those to whom they are done, so there are scarce any natures so entirely diabolical as to be capable of doing injuries without paying themselves some pangs for the ruin which they bring on their fellow-creatures.

    Believe   Men   Evil  
    Henry Fielding (1975). “The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling”, p.765, Wesleyan University Press
  • In the tangled hierarchy sinner and saint, divine and diabolical, sacred and profane are different faces of our collective Being. Therefore angry activism driven by rage, however justified it seems, is really not going to work. I believe that the tangled hierarchy wants us to move to the next state of evolution and very strongly desires us to take that quantum leap of creativity.

  • Quotas are a perfectly logical, if diabolical, extension of the regulation of private property courtesy of the Civil Rights Act, whereby in an attempt to shape American society in politically pleasing ways, people have been coerced into liking, hiring or renting against their will or better judgment.

    Rights   People   Quota  
    "Liberty and the Civil Wrongs Act". www.wnd.com. April 02, 2010.
  • The first diabolical character who intruded himself on my peaceful youth (as I called to mind that day at Dullborough), was a certain Captain Murderer. This wretch must have been an off-shoot of the Blue Beard family, but I had no suspicion of the consanguinity in those times. His warning name would seem to have awakened no general prejudice against him, for he was admitted into the best society and possessed immense wealth. Captain Murderer's mission was matrimony, and the gratification of a cannibal appetite with tender brides.

    Character   Names   Blue  
    Charles Dickens (2009). “The Complete Works of Charles Dickens: The Uncommercial Traveller”, p.146, Cosimo, Inc.
  • There is a diabolical streak in me, a troublesome and inexplicable perversity.

    Octave Mirbeau (1997). “Torture Garden”, Dedalus Limited
  • I'm sure that there must have been times when you have read books or watched films and found yourself secretly wishing for the villain to win. Why? Isn't that against the rules by which our society lives? Why should you feel this way? It's simple, really; the villain is the true hero of these tales, not the well-intentioned moron who somehow foils their diabolical scheme. The villain get's all the best lines, has the best costumes, has unlimited power and wealth- why on earth would anyone not want to be the villain?

    Book   Hero   Winning  
  • When thou diest, thy soul will be tormented alone; that will be a hell for it, but at the day of judgment they body will join thy soul, and then thou wilt have twin hells, thy soul sweating drops of blood, and thy body suffused with agony. In fire exactly like that which we have on earth thy body will lie, asbestos-like, forever unconsumed, all they veins roads for the feet of pain to travel on, every nerve a string on which the devil shall forever play his diabolical tune of 'Hell's Unutterable Lament'.

    Pain   Lying   Fire  
  • What happened to your stammer?" "I suppose I must feel comfortable with you. I tend to stammer less with certain people." "No one's ever told me that I'm a comfortable sort. I'm sure I don't like it. I'll have to do something diabolical soon to correct your impression.

    Lisa Kleypas (2009). “The Devil in Winter”, p.38, Harper Collins
  • There is only one thing that arouses animals more than pleasure, and that is pain. Under torture you are as if under the dominion of those grasses that produce visions. Everything you have heard told, everything you have read returns to your mind, as if you were being transported, not toward heaven, but toward hell. Under torture you say not only what the inquisitor wants, but also what you imagine might please him, because a bond (this, truly, diabolical) is established between you and him.

    Pain   Animal   Heaven  
    Umberto Eco (2014). “The Name of the Rose”, p.65, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • We sit on the kitchen exchanging these diabolical outgrowths of overfertile minds.

  • The augmentation of slaves weakens the states; and such a trade is diabolical in itself, and disgraceful to mankind.

    George Mason's address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 17, 1788.
  • To err is human, to persist in error is diabolical.

    Errors   Persist   Humans  
  • When politicians presume to do God's work, they do not become divine but diabolical.

  • I have to confess that it's crossed my mind that you could not be a Republican and a Christian.

  • Aside from higher considerations, charity often operates as a vastly wise and prudent principle-a great safeguard to its possessor. Men have committed murder for jealousy's sake, and anger's sake, and hatred's sake, and selfishness' sake, and spiritual pride's sake; but no man that ever I heard of, ever committed a diabolical murder for sweet charity's sake. Mere self-interest, then, if no better motive can be enlisted, should, especially with high-tempered men, prompt all beings to charity and philanthropy.

    Wise   Spiritual   Sweet  
    Herman Melville (1995). “Bartleby, the Scrivener: a Story of Wall-Street”, p.29, Lulu.com
  • Our prayer service today and my words are not meant to demonize anyone, but are intended to call attention to the diabolical influences of the devil that have penetrated our culture, both in the state and in the Church. These demonic influences are not readily apparent to the undiscerning eye, which is why they are so deceptive.

    Prayer   Eye   Church  
  • A circulating library in a town is as an evergreen tree of diabolical knowledge.

    1775 Sir Anthony Absolute. The Rivals, act 1, sc.2.
  • That there is a Devil is a thing doubted by none but such as are under the influence of the Devil. For any to deny the being of a Devil must be from ignorance or profaneness worse than diabolical.

    Ignorance   Scary   Devil  
    The Wonders of the Invisible World (1692)
  • ...diabolical error, when it has artfully colored its lies, easily clothes itself in the likeness of truth while very brief additions or changes corrupt the meaning of expressions; and confession, which usually works salvation, sometimes, with a slight change, inches toward death.

    Powerful   Lying   Errors  
  • Almost 30 years before Rwanda, before Darfur, more than 2 million people - mothers, children, babies, civilians - lost their lives as a result of the blatantly callous and unnecessary policies enacted by the leaders of the federal government of Nigeria. It's this charge that's dominated the book's Nigerian press, so far as I can see, the accusation, on the one hand, that Awolowo hatched "a diabolical policy to reduce the numbers of his enemies significantly through starvation - eliminating over two million people, mainly members of future generations.

    Mother   Baby   Children  
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