Design Process Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Design Process". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Design Process. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Design Process!
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  • I am extremely involved in the design process of both my brands, Winter Kate and House of Harlow 1960.

  • Case studies of failure should be made a part of the vocabulary of every engineer so that he or she can recall or recite them when something in a new design or design process is suggestive of what went wrong in the case study.

    "ASK OCE Interview: Five Questions for Dr. Henry Petroski". Interview with Henry Petroski, July 20, 2006.
  • We try to solve the problem by rushing through the design process so that enough time is left at the end of the project to uncover the errors that were made because we rushed through the design process

    Glenford J. Myers (1978). “Composite/structured design”, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company
  • Design, in its broadest sense, is the enabler of the digital era - it's a process that creates order out of chaos, that renders technology usable to -business. Design means being good, not just looking good.

    Mean   Technology   Order  
  • Design, in its broadest sense, is the enabler of the digital era.

  • Design means being good, not just looking good.

  • [While designing] I'm mixing two lines of thought really: me as a designer for women and then me as a man. At the start of the design process it's the designer for women that comes to the forefront - sketching and revising the silhouette. Then the man comes into the picture - and I look at the shoe from a very masculine point of view. Then there is a conflict between the two sides of me. Sometimes the man wins, and sometimes the designer wins.

  • The critical thing about the design process is to identify your scarcest resource. Despite what you may think, that very often is not money. For example, in a NASA moon shot, money is abundant but lightness is scarce; every ounce of weight requires tons of material below. On the design of a beach vacation home, the limitation may be your ocean-front footage. You have to make sure your whole team understands what scarce resource you're optimizing.

    Beach   Team   Ocean  
    "Master Planner: Fred Brooks Shows How to Design Anything". Interview with Kevin Kelly, July 28, 2010.
  • I've heard some designers talk about the design process being centred on invention, starting with a blank slate. I admire that and occasionally I'm capable of that, but I have to admit that I really have trouble working with completely open briefs.

  • I studied to be an architect. And I find tremendous similarities between building a company and the design process. Businesses have to do their planning on the fly in a fashion similar to an architect sketching.

  • Human-centered design. Meeting people where they are and really taking their needs and feedback into account. When you let people participate in the design process, you find that they often have ingenious ideas about what would really help them. And it’s not a onetime thing; it’s an iterative process.

    "The Human Element: Melinda Gates and Paul Farmer on Designing Global Health". Interview with Caitlin Roper, November 12, 2013.
  • I got involved in the design process a long time ago. I've been working with their main designer [Berlei] for a while. It's been really fun all around.

  • What I've learned from different designers is that it's key to be true to who you are and your vision. That's always been my line of thinking. Working through the whole design process, I don't want to create something I wouldn't be proud to wear.

  • Snohetta promotes a more democratic workplace atmosphere than most other architectural offices. This may merely reflect prevalent employment practices in Scandinavia, but Snohetta places a stronger emphasis on group participation in the design process than typical high-style firms.

  • Think of the design process as involving first the generation of alternatives and then the testing of these alternatives against a whole array of requirements and restraints.

  • A profound design process eventually makes the patron, the architect, and every occasional visitor in the building a slightly better human being.

  • A small change at the beginning of the design process defines an entirely different product at the end.

    "DM25 What Next for Design? with Jonathan Ive". Interview with Deyan Sudjic, November 12, 2014.
  • What I'm trying to do is bring certain of those engineering values into the design process, such that when you think about form you're already incorporating those performance criteria in the process of the generation of forms.

  • The design process is about designing and prototyping and making. When you separate those, I think the final result suffers.

  • So that is the design process or the creative process. Start with a problem, forget the problem, the problem reveals itself or the solution reveals itself and then you reevaulate it. This is what you are doing all the time.

    Michael Kroeger, Paul Rand (2008). “Paul Rand: Conversations with Students”, p.46, Princeton Architectural Press
  • User-centered design means understanding what your users need, how they think, and how they behave - and incorporating that understanding into every aspect of your process.

  • Once you eliminate quality as a requirement, the entire design process becomes a whole lot easier.

  • Criticism per se does not worry me. I've always solicited it as part of the design process.

  • We also had a team of costumers that would do samples for us, of fabrics, textures, people doing silhouettes of things up on dress forms, just to kind of inform the design process. Through all of that we got to the point that we had to figure out how to light them up. So that was a huge undertaking.

    "Exclusive interview with Tron: Legacy costume designer Christine Bieselin Clark". Interview with Toni-Marie Ippolito, November 30, 2010.
  • The strengths landscape architecture draws from its garden design heritage include: the Vitruvian design tradition of balancing utility, firmness and beauty; use of the word 'landscape' to mean 'a good place' - as the objective of the design process; a comprehensive approach to open space planning involving city parks, greenways and nature outside towns; a planning theory about the contextualisation of development projects; the principle that development plans should be adapted to their landscape context.

    Mean   Garden   Cities  
  • Design must reflect the practical and aesthetic in business but above all... good design must primarily serve people.

  • And just when we were at the end of our design process there was the news that the Italian government and the U.S. government had signed an agreement to fly the first Italian astronaut on that flight.

  • Good design is thorough down to the last detail - Nothing must be arbitrary or left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design process show respect towards the consumer.

  • The design process, at its best, integrates the aspirations of art, science, and culture.

  • Almost all quality improvement comes via simplification of design, manufacturing... layout, processes, and procedures.

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