Deserve Love Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Deserve Love". There are currently 25 quotes in our collection about Deserve Love. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Deserve Love!
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  • I believe that everyone deserves love, and sometimes looking outside your own culture is a good way to find it.

  • Sometimes when family members least deserve love, they need it the most.

  • Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

    William Shakespeare (1826). “Plays of William Shakespeare”, p.226
  • You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

  • We think we don't deserve love, we think if we let it in we'll become too soft. But a wise man named Levine said it right. He said." Love is the only rational act.

  • Over the long haul, many of those people [in a difficult marriage] will begin to reciprocate, because you are meeting a basic need in their life, the need for love, and they know they don't deserve love many times.

  • Everyone deserves love and appreciation. If there is someone in the world whom we do not love, it is our blessing to work this out within ourselves. A very key spiritual principle, echoed in the Cayce readings as well as mainstream psychology, is that whatever we see in others that makes us angry, sad or jealous is a reflection of an issue we have in ourselves. If we can learn to love, respect and forgive ourselves, then we will not be angered and offended by what we see in others.

  • For the young, the practice of equitation is a valuable lesson, as it requires the exercise of all human virtue. If they are introduced to the practice of riding by understanding and patient teachers, then they too will develop these traits. The young rider grows to realize the horse is a partner rather than a slave who also deserves love and understanding.

  • You deserve love and you'll get it.

    "Amy Poehler tackles the tricky issue of body acceptance" by Rina Raphael and Rina Raphael, November 02, 2015.
  • Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past.

    Love   Past   Numbness  
    "Into the Wild". 2007.
  • There's a lot of life on the planet that needs love, wants love, deserves love, in whatever capacity we are able.

    "Bellamy Young, ‘Scandal’ Star, Opens Up About How She Keeps Her Center In ORIGIN Magazine". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, September 29, 2013.
  • We are so convinced of the goodness of ourselves, and the goodness of our love, we cannot bear to believe that there might be something more worthy of love than us, more worthy of worship. Greeting cards routinely tell us everybody deserves love. No. Everybody deserves clean water. Not everybody deserves love all the time.

    Zadie Smith (2000). “White Teeth: A Novel”, Random House Incorporated
  • Greeting cards routinely tell us everybody deserves love. No. Everybody deserves clean water. Not everybody deserves love all the time.

    Zadie Smith (2000). “White Teeth: A Novel”, Random House Incorporated
  • Your Heavenly Father loves you-each of you. That love never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God's love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there.

    FaceBook post by Thomas S Monson from Aug 07, 2015
  • Don't workout because you think you 'need' to, do it because your body deserves love, respect and healthy attention.

  • I am powerful and I am loving. I have much to give to this world. I am a person of worth. I deserve love. I am a capable person. My life has meaning. My life is unfolding perfectly. There is plenty of time.

    Susan Jeffers (1993). “Dare to Connect: Reaching Out in Romance, Friendship, and the Workplace”, Ballantine Books
  • Some people feel like they don't deserve love so they walk quietly into the empty spaces.

  • Those who deserve love the least need it the most.

  • Jesus didn't wait until we got better to die for us. He died when we were in our most unlovely state. The person who doesn't deserve love actually needs love more, not less. If you know someone unworthy of love, that's great! You now have a chance to emulate Christ, because the essence of His love is unconditional.

    Jesus   Love Is   Essence  
    Tony Evans (2008). “Theology You Can Count On: Experiencing What the Bible Says About... God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Angels, Salvation...”, p.202, Moody Publishers
  • Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.

  • I now deserve love. romance, and joy - and all the good that Life has to offer me.

    FaceBook post by Louise Hay from Oct 31, 2015
  • Sometimes when family members least deserve love, they need it most. Love is not appropriately expressed in threats, accusations, expressions of disappointment, or retaliation. Real love takes time, patience, help, and continuing performances.

  • We accept the love we think we deserve.

    Stephen Chbosky (2013). “The Perks of Being a Wallflower YA edition”, p.31, Simon and Schuster
  • You don't have to earn or deserve love. You are love. Loving is never about how others treat you. It is always about how you are treating yourself.

    Rhonda Britten (2003). “Fearless Loving”, p.17, Penguin
  • God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there.

    Twitter post from Mar 18, 2016
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