Demonstrating Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Demonstrating". There are currently 161 quotes in our collection about Demonstrating. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Demonstrating!
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  • This WikiLeaks document dump is showing - it's demonstrating, it is illustrating - that there is no boundary between the media and the Democrat Party, that it's one and the same.

    Party   Media   Wikileaks  
  • It was easy to present figures demonstrating the contrast between lead work in the United States under conditions of neglect and ignorance, and comparable work in England and Germany, under intelligent control.

    Alice Hamilton, (2013). “Exploring the Dangerous Trades - The Autobiography of Alice Hamilton, M.D.”, p.100, Read Books Ltd
  • Demonstrating faith and optimism in the child or adolescent's ability to work things out in their own time and in their own way can be very difficult but it is possible to do this while also offering assistance.

  • The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law.

    Law   Iraq   Invasion  
    Harold Pinter (2015). “Death etc.”, p.9, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
  • Whatever materializes worship hinders man's spiritual growth and keeps him from demonstrating his power over error.

    Spiritual   Men   Errors  
    Mary Baker Eddy (1975). “Christian Science Sentinel”
  • Not being known doesn't stop the truth from being true. You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers and teachers. The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.

    "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah". Book by Richard Bach, 1977.
  • We live in a society that will send us to prison if we make use of time-honored sacred plants to explore our own consciousness. Yet surely the exploration and expansion of the miracle of our consciousness is the essence of what it is to be human? By demonstrating and persecuting whole areas of consciousness, we may be denying ourselves the next vital step in our own evolution.

  • In fact, in the early days of the Republican primary, I was pointing to Governor [Scott ] Walker as the one guy who was demonstrating he knew how to fight back against the radical left and win! And he's tough, and he didn't shrink from it.

    Fighting   Winning   Guy  
  • Running from fear only strengthens fear-you are demonstrating that fear has power over you. Fear must be faced and gone through.

    Running   Fear   Over You  
  • In the military we are always looking for ways to leverage up our forces. Having greater communications and command and control over your forces than your enemy has over his is a force multiplier. Having greater logistics capability than the enemy is a force multiplier. Having better-trained commanders is a force multiplier. Perpetual optimism, believing in yourself, believing in your purpose, believing you will prevail, and demonstrating passion and confidence is a force multiplier. If you believe and have prepared your followers, the followers will believe.

  • I am known for what I'm do. But I'm not a five-year-old Hong Konger, I'm not a kid demonstrating in the streets.

    Kids   Years   Streets  
  • Companies and their brands need to reach out and speak directly to consumers, to honor their values, and to form meaningful relationships with them. They must become architects of community, consistently demonstrating the values that their customer community expects in exchange for their loyalty and purchases.

  • Currently, without scientific evidence demonstrating safety or effectiveness, we continue to urge Canadians against the use of these e-cigarettes. We have heard that e-cigarettes may be a gateway for teens to begin smoking, while also having the potential to serve as a smoking cessation tool. Today, I am asking the Standing Committee on Health to undertake a thorough study on e-cigarettes and provide a report.

  • The whole value of history, of biography, is to increase my self-trust, by demonstrating what man can be and do.

    Men   Self   History  
    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1866). “The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Comprising His Essays, Lectures, Poems, and Orations”, p.207
  • The important achievement of Apollo was demonstrating that humanity is not forever chained to this planet, and our visions go rather further than that, and our opportunities are unlimited.

    Neil Armstrong's remarks at the Apollo 11 30th Anniversary Press Conference at Kennedy Space Center, July 16, 1999.
  • If the central contest of the twentieth century has pitted capitalism against socialism, then F. A. Hayek has been its central figure. He helped us to understand why capitalism won by a knockout. It was Hayek who elaborated the basic argument demonstrating that central planning was nothing else but an impoverishing fantasy.

    "Giants Refreshed II: The Escape from Serfdom: Friedrich von Hayek and the Restoration of Liberty" in Times Literary Supplement ( p. 11), January 14, 2000.
  • The greatest missionary tool we have is that of demonstrating friendliness, brotherly kindness, harmony, love and peace in our homes and in all our church meetings.

    Kindness   Home   Church  
  • A lean cheek; which you have not: a blue eye, and sunken; which you have not: an unquestionable spirit; which you have not: a beard neglected; which you have not: — but I pardon you for that; for, simply, your having1 in beard is a younger brother's revenue: — Then your hose should be ungarter'd, your bonnet unhanded, your sleeve unbuttoned, your shoe untied, and every thing about you demonstrating a careless desolation.

    Love You   Eye   Shoes  
    "The Plays of William Shakespeare".
  • When we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them-some food, a place in our homes, our time-not only do we no longer remain poor: we are enriched. I am well aware that when someone needing food knocks at your door, you always find a way of sharing food; as the proverb says, one can always 'add more water to the beans'! Is it possible to add more water to the beans?...Always?...And you do so with love, demonstrating that true riches consist not in materials things, but in the heart!

    Home   Heart   Doors  
    Pope Francis (2017). “The Works of Mercy”, p.53, Orbis Books
  • The best way to keep relationships happy, healthy, and supportive can be summed up in one word: appreciation. What you appreciate, appreciates. When we demonstrate our appreciation for the support we receive from others, it reinforces that behavior and deepens our connection to them.

    Marci Shimoff (2008). “Happy For No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy From the Inside Out”, p.254, Simon and Schuster
  • Activists and geeks, standing together, are demonstrating powers beyond the reach of government control.

  • You don't have to get a job that makes others feel comfortable about what they perceive as your success. You don't have to explain what your plan to do with your life. You don't have to justify your education by demonstrating its financial rewards. You don't have to maintain an impeccable credit score. Anyone who expects you to do any of those things has no sense of history of economics or science or the arts.

    Cheryl Strayed (2015). “Brave Enough: A Mini Instruction Manual for the Soul”, p.10, Atlantic Books Ltd
  • We call it EPCOT, spelled E-P-C-O-T: Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. Here it is in larger scale. EPCOT will take its cue from the new ideas and new technologies that are now emerging from the creative centers of American industry. It will be a community of tomorrow that will never be completed, but will always be introducing and testing and demonstrating new materials and systems. And EPCOT will always be a showcase to the world for the ingenuity and imagination of American free enterprise.

    "EPCOT". Promotional film, February 2, 1967.
  • Translation is a two-edged instrument: it has the special purpose of demonstrating the learner's knowledge of the foreign language, either as a form of control or to exercise his intelligence in order to develop his competence.

    Exercise   Order   Two  
  • Health is an announcement of agreement between your body, mind and spirit. Honor your body, keep it in good shape. When you are not healthy, look to see which parts of you disagree. Your body will demonstrate the truth to you. Notice what it is showing you, listen to what it is saying.

    FaceBook post by Neale Donald Walsch from Jun 26, 2010
  • The hardest thing about being a leader is demonstrating or showing vulnerability. And that has a lot to do with trust.

  • The resurrection is not an isolated supernatural oddity proving how powerful, if apparently arbitrary, God can be when he wants to. Nor is it at all a way of showing that there is indeed a heaven awaiting us after death. It is the decisive event demonstrating that God’s kingdom really has been launched on earth as it is in heaven.

  • There is no argument so cogent not only in demonstrating, the indestructibility of the soul, but also in showing that it always preserves in its nature traces of all its preceding states with a practical remembrance which can always be aroused. Since it has the consciousness of or knows in itself what each one calls his me. This renders it open to moral qualities, to chastisement and to recompense even after this life, for immortality without remembrance would be of no value.

  • The ego encourages you to constantly prove yourself and what you already know. When you are in the presence of someone you feel the need to impress, the ego's automatic response is 'I know.' The moment you say 'I know,' you are demonstrating that you don't know. You can learn something valuable from everyone, in every situation.

    Ego   Needs   Moments  
    FaceBook post by Iyanla Vanzant from Jan 04, 2014
  • I think in the coming decade we will see well-conducted research demonstrating that emotional skills and competencies predict positive outcomes at home with one's family, in school, and at work. The real challenge is to show that emotional intelligence matters over-and-above psychological constructs that have been measured for decades like personality and IQ. I believe that emotional intelligence holds this promise.

    Real   Believe   Home  
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