Anti Feminist Quotes

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  • This is what sexual liberation chiefly accomplishes-it liberates young women to pursue married men.

    Men   Married   Young  
  • Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • Feminism is doomed to failure because it is based on an attempt to repeal and restructure human nature.

    Phyllis Schlafly (2003). “Feminist fantasies”, Spence Pub
  • No man is ever as anti-feminist as a really feminine woman.

    Men   Feminist   Feminism  
    "My Oedipus complex and other stories".
  • Feminism has led the way in demystifying personal relations, forcefully insisting they are political to the core.

  • I consider myself 100 percent a feminist, at odds with the feminist establishment in America. For me the great mission of feminism is to seek the full political and legal equality of women with men. However, I disagree with many of my fellow feminists as an equal opportunity feminist, who believes that feminism should only be interested in equal rights before the law. I utterly oppose special protection for women where I think that a lot of the feminist establishment has drifted in the last 20 years.

  • The feminist movement taught women to see themselves as victims of an oppressive patriarchy. ... Self-imposed victimhood is not a recipe for happiness.

  • I'm furious about the Women's Liberationists. They keep getting up on soap-boxes and proclaiming that women are brighter than men. That's true, but it should be kept very quiet or it ruins the whole racket.

    Quoted in the Observer, 30 Dec1973.
  • Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women - two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians - have rendered the notion of "capitalist democracy" into an oxymoron.

    "The Education of a Libertarian" by Peter Thiel, April 13, 2009.
  • I've heard people say that 'The Blair Witch Project' is a feminist movie because there's a woman in charge and I've heard it called a completely anti-feminist movie because this woman screws everything up. Who cares really? It's just a movie.

  • Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry.

    Marriage   Witty   Work  
    Speech at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 23 Sept. 1981
  • What troubles me about the "hostile workplace" category of sexual harassment policy is that women are being returned to their old status of delicate flowers who must be protected from assault by male lechers. It is anti-feminist to ask for special treatment for women.

    Camille Paglia (2011). “Sex, Art, and American Culture: Essays”, p.44, Vintage
  • The idea of being a feminist-so many women have come to this idea of it being anti-male and not able to connect with the opposite sex-but what feminism is about is equality and human rights. For me that is just an essential part of my identity. I hope [Girls] contributes to a continuance of feminist dialogue

    Girl   Strong Women   Sex  
  • Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.

    "Robertson Letter Attacks Feminists". 1992.
  • For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept... Whenever people bring up feminism, I’m like, god. I’m just not really that interested.

    "Cover Story: Lana Del Rey Is Anyone She Wants to Be". Interview with Duncan Cooper, June 4, 2014.
  • You can't really ever know what someone is like or what they're thinking. There are people who say they're feminists but who say really anti-feminist things, [and] other people who think they're one way but act another.

  • In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity.

    "Anne Rice: ‘I Quit Being A Christian’" by Jessie Kunhardt, July 29, 2010.
  • What bothers me the most about the way that people appropriate feminist language is that they are the same people who are - you know, anti-feminists - they're the same people who say that feminism is ruining the family, yet when it behooves them to, they'll say Sara Palin's a feminist - when all of a sudden it works in their favor.

  • To say anything about women and men without marking oneself as either feminist or anti-feminist, male-basher or apologist for men seems as impossible for a woman as trying to get dressed in the morning without inviting interpretations of her character. Sitting at the conference table musing on these matters, I felt sad to think that we women didn't have the freedom to be unmarked that the men sitting next to us had. Some days you just want to get dressed and go about your business. But if you're a woman, you can't, because there is no unmarked woman.

    Morning   Character   Men  
  • Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny; it is the political defense of women hating.

  • Feminism has become a catch-all vegetable drawer where bunches of clingy sob sisters can store their moldy neuroses.

    1992 'The Return of Carry Nation: Catharine Mackinnon and Andrea Dworkin', in Playboy, Oct. CollectedinVamps andTramps (1994).
  • If my choice is to, I don’t know, be with a lot of men, or if I enjoy a really physical relationship, I don’t think that’s necessarily being anti-feminist. For me the argument of feminism never really should have come into the picture. Because I don’t know too much about the history of feminism, and so I’m not really a relevant person to bring into the conversation. Everything I was writing was so autobiographical, it could really only be a personal analysis.

    Writing   Men   Thinking  
  • We must not allow ourselves to be deflected by the feminists who are anxious to force us to regard the two sexes as completely equal in position and worth.

    Sex   Two   Feminist  
    Sigmund Freud, Philip Rieff (1997). “Sexuality and The Psychology of Love”, p.182, Simon and Schuster
  • Feminists have emphasized for a long time the importance of each woman's individual entity and the necessity of economic independence. Perhaps it was necessary. But now I think we need some emphasis on the instinctive side of life, sex and motherhood.... Life isn't all earning your living. Unfortunately we fall in love and Feminism must take that into consideration.

    "Who is Dora Black?". Equal Rights Magazine, June 5, 1926.
  • Something I say a lot when it comes to anti-feminist stereotypes is that they exist for a reason.

  • In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.

    Christian   Gay   Names  
    FaceBook post by Anne Rice from Jul 28, 2010
  • No one will ever win the battle of the sexes; there's too much fraternizing with the enemy.

    Love   Funny   Leadership  
  • The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist

    Ti-Grace Atkinson (1974). “Amazon odyssey”
  • I'm more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what's going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities.

    "Cover Story: Lana Del Rey Is Anyone She Wants to Be" by Duncan Cooper, June 04, 2014.
  • It's interesting to speculate how it developed that in two of the most anti-feminist institutions, the church and the law court, the men are wearing the dresses.

    Men   Law   Two  
    Florynce Kennedy (1976). “Color Me Flo: My Hard Life and Good Times”
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