Wesley Clark Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Wesley Clark's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Political figure Wesley Clark's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 65 quotes on this page collected since December 23, 1944! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I like Hemingway and I like a lot Jewish writers (such as) Saul Bellow.

  • Anyone who tells you that one political party has a monopoly on the best defense of our nation is committing a fraud on the American people.

    "Clark: Kerry has moral courage born in battle". edition.cnn.com. July 30, 2004.
  • As president of the United States, my top priority will be to keep America safe. We're going to go after the terrorist networks. We're going to go after Osama bin Laden. We are not going to live in fear in this country.

  • Everybody in the military has a reputation, and usually it doesn't come out to the public.

    "60 minutes" with Dan Rather, www.cbsnews.com. November 19, 2003.
  • Global warming is a matter of national security. Will we live in a world where we must fight our neighbors for fresh water and food? Or will we take the lead now and leave to our children and grandchildren a world better off than the one we inherited from our parents?

  • Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.

    "Rove's Take: Gen. Clark-McCain-Obama Triangle". "On the Record" with Greta Van Sustern, www.foxnews.com. July 1, 2008.
  • The truth is, about the Middle East is, had there been no oil there, it would be like Africa. Nobody is threatening to intervene in Africa.

    "Gen. Wesley Clark Weighs Presidential Bid: 'I Think About It Every Day'". "Democracy Now!" with Amy Goodman, www.democracynow.org. March 2, 2007.
  • It 's really hard to impose democracy. It has to emerge naturally. You have to get out of the way and let it happen.

    Democracy   Way   Happens  
  • Actually when I was wounded and recovering in Japan. I went to church there and I remember on the air base where their hospital was, I remember coming out of that church and feeling like I had been - at that point I just felt very, very close to God and that I'd done the right thing with my life. And I knew I wasn't going back to Vietnam. I just knew I wasn't going back.

    Air   Japan   Feelings  
    "'I'm Spiritual. I'm Religious. I'm a Good Christian.'". Interview with Steven Waldman, www.beliefnet.com. December 2003.
  • I think we're at risk with our democracy. I think we're dealing with the most closed, imperialistic, nastiest administration in living memory. They even put Richard Nixon to shame.

  • You have to take a plan that might work and make it work

    Might   Plans  
  • I'm spiritual. I'm religious. I'm a strong Christian and I'm a Catholic but I go to a Presbyterian Church. Occasionally I go to the Catholic church too. I take communion. I haven't transferred my membership or anything.

    "'I'm Spiritual. I'm Religious. I'm a Good Christian.'". Interview with Steven Waldman, www.beliefnet.com. December 2003.
  • The time has passed in America when this party can be the party of compassion and let the executive branch run foreign policy. It won't work. We have to be the party that can stand toe to toe with George W. Bush on national security, as well as the party of compassion.

    Wesley Clark at Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate at Johnson Theatre, University of New Hampshire in Durham, New Hampshire, www.nytimes.com. December 9, 2003.
  • Veterans have had a long record of leaning towards the Republican Party. I think that's changing. I think that President Obama has the strongest record with veterans among any president in my lifetime.

    Party   Thinking   Long  
  • I wouldn't have known anything about Catholicism if I hadn't been dating Gert. In those days, Catholics were much less ecumenical than they are today. Gert was always of the mind that she wouldn't go to another church except the Catholic Church. So when I would date her in New York City and later when we went to Oxford before we got married we always went to the Catholic church.

    Source: www.beliefnet.com
  • George W. Bush has helped those who have most, hurt those who have least and ignored everyone in between.

    Hurt   Ignored  
    "Bush Has Created New 'Axis of Evil': US Democrats". www.abc.net.au. January 21, 2004.
  • Maybe it's because I've never been in politics, but I don't believe that America is run by politicians in Washington. I believe it's run by people like us, in places like this.

    True Values Tour, January 2004.
  • Serious research and development efforts are required to produce technologies, strategies, organizations, and trained personnel who can go into failed states, work with our allies and friends, and promote the political and economic reforms that will meet popular needs and reduce the sources of terrorism and conflict.

  • One night I walked out of the church when the priest said that we should never have fought the Revolutionary war and every war was bad. It was 4th of July. It was an outrageously political statement. I just never felt right when people in the church would take these overtly political positions especially when I felt like I was a good Christian, I was serving my country, and I just didn't feel like I deserved to be lambasted by the priest on the 4th of July.

    Christian   Country   War  
    "'I'm Spiritual. I'm Religious. I'm a Good Christian.'". Interview with Steven Waldman, www.beliefnet.com. December 2003.
  • Slobodan Milosevic was just as smart as a five-year-old. Five-year-olds have an uncanny way of getting into your psyche, your self-esteem.

    "Wesley Clark: What I've Learned" by Ryan D'Agostino, www.esquire.com. December 18, 2008.
  • We were really helped when President Ronald Reagan came in. I remember non-commissioned officers who were going to retire and they re-enlisted because they believed in President Reagan. That's the kind of President Ronald Reagan was. He helped our country win the Cold War. He put it behind us in a way no one ever believed would be possible. He was truly a great American leader. And those of us in the Armed Forces loved him, respected him, and tremendously admired him for his great leadership.

    Country   War   Winning  
  • It doesn't take any more energy to create a big dream than it does to create a little one.

    Dream   Goal   Energy  
  • I want to make one thing clear: I'm pro-choice, I'm pro-affirmative action, I'm pro- environment, pro-health care, and pro-labor. And if that ain't a Democrat, then I must be at the wrong meeting.

    Choices   Care   Want  
  • Certainly there’s a connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda. It doesn’t surprise me at all that they would be talking to Al Qaeda, that there would be some Al Qaeda there or that Saddam Hussein might even be, you know, discussing gee, I wonder since I don’t have any scuds and since the Americans are coming at me, I wonder if I could take advantage of Al Qaeda? How would I do it? Is it worth the risk? What could they do for me?

    Talking   Iraq   Risk  
  • Already the scent of victory is in the air.

    Air   Victory   Scent  
  • There's no question that Saddam Hussein is a threat Yes, he has chemical and biological weapons. He's had those for a long time. But the United States right now is on a very much different defensive posture than we were before September 11th of 2001 He is, as far as we know, actively pursuing nuclear capabilities, though he doesn't have nuclear warheads yet. If he were to acquire nuclear weapons, I think our friends in the region would face greatly increased risks as would we.

    Thinking   Wmd   Long  
  • I don't think it was a patriotic war. I think it was a mistake, a strategic mistake, and I think that the president of the United States wasn't patriotic in going after Saddam Hussein. He simply misled America and cost us casualties and killed and injured America's reputation around the world without valid reason for doing so. It's not patriotic; it's wrong.

    War   Mistake   Patriotic  
  • There are only two kinds of plans. Plans that might work and plans that won't work... you have to take a plan that might work and make it work.

    Two   Might   Kind  
  • I would have been a Republican, if Karl Rove had returned my phone calls.

    "Clark 'chose Democrats after White House brush-off'". www.telegraph.co.uk. September 23, 2003.
  • Let's not forget what the origin of the problem is. There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That's a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.

    War   Europe   Ideas  
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 65 quotes from the Political figure Wesley Clark, starting from December 23, 1944! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

    Wesley Clark

    • Born: December 23, 1944
    • Occupation: Political figure