Todd Akin Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Todd Akin's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Former U.S. Representative Todd Akin's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since July 5, 1947! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Todd Akin: Taxes more...
  • In the 1990s, human intelligence gathering was seriously neglected.

  • I think that the thing you have to do is, people have to start being held accountable for their decisions. If somebody's not buying insurance, then they're going to have to be selling their car, or whatever it is to try to help cover that.

  • As I said, I believe life starts at conception.

    "Your World" with Neil Cavuto, September 05, 2012.
  • I will work with anyone that wants to get America back on track and make sure that the government is the servant and no longer the master.

    "Your World" with Neil Cavuto, September 05, 2012.
  • America has got the equivalent of stage three cancer of socialism because the federal government is tampering in all kinds of stuff it has no business tampering in.

  • You find that along with the culture of death go all kinds of other law-breaking: Not following good sanitary procedure, giving abortions to women who are not actually pregnant, cheating on taxes, all these kinds of things.

    Speech on the House floor, 2008.
  • It is an essential tenet of our whole representative form of government, the idea that there should not be some tyranny which makes it so nobody can even have a chance to vote.

  • I am deeply concerned about America.

    "Interview with Rep. Todd Akin". "Your World" with Neil Cavuto, September 5, 2012.
  • You know, don't tell anybody I'm a jail bird, you know, but there were a bunch of us that were years ago involved in the pro-life movement.

    "Todd Akin Recalls Jail Time For Anti-Abortion Protest" by Laura Bassett, September 27, 2012.
  • The Supreme Court and courts in general have been usurping the role of the legislative branch of government.

  • More freedom means more jobs... less government and less taxes.

  • Social Security is a tax.

    "GOP Rep. Todd Akin On Social Security: ‘I Don’t Like It’" by Alex Seitz-Wald, March 19, 2011.
  • Just because somebody makes a mistake doesn't make them useless.

    "Todd Akin Apologizes For ‘Legitimate Rape’ Remark, Won’t Drop Out" by Laura Bassett, August 20, 2012.
  • I'm standing for real freedom.

  • The Holy Father held a special place in the hearts of more than 1 billion Catholics worldwide.

  • My base will show up in earthquakes.

  • I oppose the attempts of homosexual activists to treat homosexual activity as a civil right to be protected and promoted by the government.

  • I stand up for the things I believe in.

    "Akin acknowledges arrest at anti-abortion protest from long ago". September 28, 2012.
  • Now, an embryo may seem like some scientific or laboratory term, but, in fact, the embryo contains the unique information that defines a person.

  • The advent of self-government for the Iraqi people is a watershed moment in their history.

  • We have a long heritage of freedom that defines America. We believe there is a Creator who blessed us with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  • Self-ruled Taiwan cannot be expected to accept such an affront to the legitimacy of its government and the self-determination of the Taiwanese people.

  • I may not be the favourite candidate of some people within the Republican establishment, but the voters made a decision.

    "Romney stirs 'birther' controversy, Akin to stay in Senate race". August 24, 2012.
  • I'm a dad and that's pretty important.

  • At the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God.

    "Lawmaker Apologizes for Liberal 'Hatred of God' Quip" by Colby Hochmuth, June 28, 2011.
  • Just dying should not be a reason for taxes.

  • I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin.

    "Fictional character: Neo". The Matrix, 1999.
  • Taiwan is a budding democracy, and the people have participated in multi-party democratic elections since 1996.

  • Now, Social Security through the years, for many many people, has been a terrible investment. It's really a tax, that's all it is. Social Security is a tax.

    "GOP Rep. Todd Akin On Social Security: ‘I Don’t Like It’". CSPAN Interview, March 19, 2011.
  • I oppose any attempt to grant homosexual unions the same legal privileges that civil government affords to traditional marriage and family life.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 2 quotes from the Former U.S. Representative Todd Akin, starting from July 5, 1947! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Todd Akin quotes about: Taxes

Todd Akin

  • Born: July 5, 1947
  • Occupation: Former U.S. Representative