Thom Powers Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Thom Powers's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Film producer Thom Powers's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 7 quotes on this page collected since October 7, 1967! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • For some reason at Sundance, more than other festivals that I'm aware of, you find filmmakers rushing to screen works that sometimes aren't completed. In my seven years of programming at Toronto, I'm not aware of any documentaries that went back for serious editing after their premiere - other than those presented as works-in-progress. But at Sundance every year there seems to be a few films that push the deadline so hard that they get taken back to the edit room afterwards.

    Taken   Editing   Years  
  • It's a reality of film festivals that you can't see everything. You're dividing your time between seeing films and utilizing that unique space to have meetings with people that you can't otherwise.

    Unique   Reality   Space  
  • I think for a film that has real theatrical potential a sales agent is key. For a film that may find it tougher in the American marketplace, such as many of the docs in the world competition that may not be competing for deals - any subtitled film has a harder time in this marketplace - for those films I don't know that a sales agent necessarily helps for the kinds of smaller deals that may or may not be offered.

    Real   Thinking   Keys  
  • I think certain filmmakers going into Sundance or other big festivals should consider screening more for press and tastemakers before the festival. The traditional wisdom has always been the opposite: to not screen for anyone prior, let your film be seen by an audience, and generate the buzz from there.

  • When you're at a film festival, you have a rapt and enthused audience and if you can point them to a Kickstarter campaign, that's a great way to leverage that enthusiasm. Even if you don't need finishing funds, it's a way to get outreach funds.

    Enthusiasm   Film   Fund  
  • In an old model, the way a film would imprint itself on the public's consciousness is to get a theatrical run. But now there are more documentaries and more films in general being released than ever before. There are weeks when the New York Times is reviewing 15 films, so it's harder to leave an impression on the public. A lot of these films are seeing their financial future on digital platforms. Because viewers aren't hearing as much about films in theatrical release, I think the festival circuit is going to have increasing importance for the life of a film.

  • You can start a documentary with just a camera, as opposed to a fiction film where you need actors, a crew, a script, a lot more start-up resources. It may be self-perpetuating.

    Self   Cameras   Needs  
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 7 quotes from the Film producer Thom Powers, starting from October 7, 1967! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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