Susane Colasanti Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Susane Colasanti's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Susane Colasanti's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 144 quotes on this page collected since May 1, 1973! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Susane Colasanti: Bullying Choices Giving Heart Parents Risk School Soul Waiting more...
  • But you can't get to the place you most want to be without taking a chance.

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Waiting For You”, p.208, Penguin
  • School would be way more tolerable if everyone wasn’t so afraid to be who they really are. And if everyone else would let them.

    Susane Colasanti (2012). “Keep Holding On”, p.21, Penguin
  • Because I still love him. You can't just turn love off. You still feel it.

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Take Me There”, p.18, Penguin
  • but then you realize that this ‘whole package’ everyone’s looking for is unattainable. No one can be everything you want them to be.

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Waiting For You”, p.200, Penguin
  • Following your heart means allowing the possibility of finding true love to be stronger than the fear of rejection.

    Susane Colasanti (2013). “All I Need”, p.39, Penguin
  • I want deeper connections with the people around me. I need to reach out more. Because not everyone leaves. Sometimes if you reach out, the person you’re trying to reach will be right there waiting.

    Susane Colasanti (2011). “So Much Closer”, p.117, Penguin
  • Who remembers everything about somebody?

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Take Me There”, p.51, Penguin
  • Last words of wisdom.If your parents are screewed up, don't turn into them. Use them as an example of what not to be- be yourself instead. you can overcome your fears, you can change, you can make your life into what you've always wanted it to be. Maybr not tomorrow but soon. So hang in.

  • Not even a repeat of Dawson’s Creek makes me feel better.

  • There's this total manwhore phenomenon happening, where even the geeks are player now. It's like Manhattan is this giant playground and guys want to keep playing forever.

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Take Me There”, p.21, Penguin
  • It's just like John Mayer says in "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room". When it's this bad, you have to get out or you'll get burned.

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Waiting For You”, p.170, Penguin
  • One of the most amazing things that can happen is finding someone who sees everything you are and won't let you be anything less. They see the potential of you. They see endless possibilities. And through their eyes, you start to see yourself the same way. As someone who matters. As someone who can make a difference in this world. If you're lucky enough to find this person, never let them go.

    Susane Colasanti (2013). “So Much Closer”, p.222, Scholastic UK
  • When I’m a teacher, I won’t be using red pens to grade papers. Red pens will forever be associated with criticism and bad grades in my mind. I don’t want this person to get their short story back with harsh red pen marks all over it. Purple is much friendlier.

    Susane Colasanti (2012). “Keep Holding On”, p.58, Penguin
  • But the absolute worst was when people asked if I was okay. Because then I had to admit that it was real, it happened, and we weren't together anymore.

    Real   Together  
    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Take Me There”, p.11, Penguin
  • Your life can end in a flash before you even have time to know it’s over. There is no safe. There is no control.

    Susane Colasanti (2010). “Something Like Fate”, p.9, Penguin
  • Just because a person chooses to express themselves in an extreme way doesn't mean they have an extreme personality.

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Take Me There”, p.50, Penguin
  • Maybe it's impossible to find everything you want in one person. Maybe everyone in your life gives you certain things you need. And your friends give you the rest of what you can't get from your boyfriend.

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Take Me There”, p.27, Penguin
  • Tell me about it. It’s so hard to deal with a single parent. They take out all their anxiety on you. It’s like, she’s so angry all the time. And I didn’t even do anything!” “That’s so wrong.” “Yeah.” “Where’s your dad?” “I don’t know. My mom had me when she was still in high school, so . . .” “You don’t see him at all?” “No, and I don’t want to. I have no interest in maintaining a relationship with someone who didn’t love me enough to stick around.

  • When your heart is shattered into a million pieces, all you can do is try to keep holding on. You breathe. You try to fall asleep. You try to not think about him.

    Susane Colasanti (2012). “Keep Holding On”, p.75, Penguin
  • Maybe but... if being impulsive means ruining other people's lives, then maybe I should just stay the same.

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Take Me There”, p.138, Penguin
  • This stuff doesn't matter. What matters is what you do with it." Sara snaps the highlighter cap on. "I try not to think about how boring it is (History). I just keep reminding myself about how I want my life to be and what I have to do to get there. Then it's simple.

    Susane Colasanti (2012). “When It Happens”, p.171, Scholastic UK
  • Still hiding and afraid to let go. Waiting for you to find me uncover me and show me the way.

  • We’re never gonna understand women. They’re way too complex. You’ve got too many variables to consider. PMS, bad hair days, miscellaneous mood swings . . . there’s no way to tell what’s causing their attitude. - Mike

    Susane Colasanti (2008). “When It Happens”, p.176, Penguin
  • Love is never guaranteed. Love is a risk we take because we hope it will make us happy.

    Susane Colasanti (2012). “Keep Holding On”, p.108, Penguin
  • You can’t violate someone’s trust and expect there to be no consequences.

  • If I’d stopped believing that my life would eventually get better, I don’t think I would have survived high school.

    Susane Colasanti (2012). “Keep Holding On”, p.96, Penguin
  • I have no interest in maintaining a relationship with someone who didn’t love me enough to stick around.

    Susane Colasanti (2012). “When It Happens”, p.139, Scholastic UK
  • That's the cool thing about having a best friend. They know what your pain feels like already, so you don't have to explain it.

  • Waiting for my real life to start is no excuse to waste the life I have right now.

  • Because if you take a risk, you just might find what you're looking for.

    Susane Colasanti (2009). “Take Me There”, p.171, Penguin
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Susane Colasanti quotes about: Bullying Choices Giving Heart Parents Risk School Soul Waiting