Sam Ewing Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Sam Ewing's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Baseball player Sam Ewing's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 50 quotes on this page collected since April 9, 1949! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Sam Ewing: Home Success Wisdom more...
  • Nothing in the world can replace the modern swimsuit, and it practically has.

  • If you believe the past can't be changed, you haven't read a celebrity's autobiography.

  • Half of all home accidents happen in the kitchen, and the family has to eat them.

  • "Tell me, doctor, " said the patient, "when I stand on my head, the blood rushes to it. Why doesn't it rush to my feet now?" "That's because your feet aren't empty," said the doctor.

  • Success has a simple formula: do your best, and people may like it.

  • Nobody ever asks a father how he manages to combine marriage and a career.

  • Crime in the cities is very discouraging. Apartment house dwellers have locks, bolts, chains and bars on their doors. It takes a tenant longer to get out than a burglar to get in.

  • Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.

  • As a child, a library card takes you to exotic, faraway places. When you're grown up, a credit card does it.

  • Some people are much like blisters-they don't show up until the work is done.

  • Computers are like bikinis. They save people a lot of guesswork.

  • Nothing is as frustrating as arguing with someone who knows what he's talking about.

  • It's not the hours you put in your work that counts, it's the work you put in the hours.

  • The reason that so many of us cannot save money is because of our friends. They're always buying something we can't afford.

  • Success is when your name is in everything but the telephone directory.

  • Ever notice that nothing changes the color of paint like putting it on a wall?

  • A man can please his wife with a box of candy, surprise her with a bouquet of flowers, and make her suspicious with a gold bracelet.

  • A neighbor will stand at your door talking for 20 minutes because she doesn't have time to come in.

  • Life begins as a quest of the child for the man, and ends as a journey by the man to rediscover the child.

  • Two things help to keep one's job. First, let the boss think he's having his own way. Second, let him have it.

  • When you finally go back to your old home, you find it wasn't the old home you missed but your childhood.

  • I try to figure my adjusted gross income, but no matter how I figure it, it's still gross.

  • A man commented to his lunch companion: My wife had a funny dream last night. She dreamed she'd married a millionaire. You're lucky, sighed the companion. My wife dreams that in the daytime.

  • Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair.

  • Nothing is so embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said couldn't be done.

  • An expert is someone called in at the last minute to share the blame.

  • On every commercial flight, the traveler is told, "Your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device". The question is, why doesn't the plane just become a boat?

  • The brain is like a TV set; when it goes blank, it's a good idea to turn off the sound.

  • Highways are full of careless drivers who are always too close in front of you.

  • Fashions come and fashions go, but pockets are usually the same. There's little change in them.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 50 quotes from the Baseball player Sam Ewing, starting from April 9, 1949! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Sam Ewing quotes about: Home Success Wisdom
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