Robyn Hitchcock Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Robyn Hitchcock's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Singer-songwriter Robyn Hitchcock's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 53 quotes on this page collected since March 3, 1953! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Robyn Hitchcock: Dylan Songs more...
  • I was buying Bob Dylan mainly, everything I could get hold of by him.

  • After the Soft Boys I just didn't want to work with any more guitarists.

  • Comedy is what happens when you cross the dateline from the unbearable. Things become so unbearable they become a joke.

  • Coming out's the hardest part, when you're Queen Elvis.

    Song: Queen Elvis II, Album: Eye
  • If I played just one song from every album, I would be onstage for two and a half hours. No one wants a show that long.

  • If you miss someone too much you turn into them... though it doesn't seem to work for the Christian Church.

  • Just as with a guitar, you can improvise a guitar solo, and they'd probably be similar each time, but they won't be exactly the same. With the word, it's probably a bit freer than that. I probably repeat myself more musically than I do verbally.

    Interview with Christopher Bahn, November 13, 2007.
  • I don't really have the gift of the sustained narrative that you need to write a book. I've tried a couple of times, and it just doesn't work. But I get some good passages, so what I'm going to do is just take sections out of them.

    Interview with Christopher Bahn, November 13, 2007.
  • Love is the distance between reality and pain.

  • One of the ideas behind doing this acoustic record is that I didn't want to have to produce it by committee.

  • When I first started listening to music intently as a teenager, I was always sitting there with a biro or a pencil, drawing. That's how I absorbed it all.

    Interview with Christopher Bahn, November 13, 2007.
  • I'm good at line-drawing, and some of my color stuff is okay. So I just do it for record covers.

    Interview with Christopher Bahn, November 13, 2007.
  • Like trillions of others, if it wasn't for Bob Dylan, it would have been a different musical landscape. Pop music wouldn't have been my thing at all. I did also grow up listening to The Beatles, but I never thought of being a Beatle.

  • Using the word weird implies that there is a norm.

  • We have a need to be religious, we need to worship, we need to build totems and shrines and icons, but nobody's sure in honor of what.

  • Everyone has a right to change their consciousness, but ultimately the whole process is misleading.

  • People from the past always seem to have much more time to create beautiful, intricate, delicate things that often reach the future in a kind of curled-up, capsized state.

    Interview with Christopher Bahn, November 13, 2007.
  • Playing acoustic and line drawings are the two things I'm most competent at.

  • I became a musician because that's really what I wanted to do when I was fifteen, but I had other abilities.

  • As soon as someone like me or David Lynch pops up everyone says hallelujah, how weird.

  • In this world of doubt, one thing is certain for me; that I will go on writing songs up to and - I hope, through heavenly means or diabolical - beyond the day I die.

  • When you think about great teams, The Beatles and the Pythons immediately spring to mind. The Pythons were as much a part of their time as The Beatles.

  • Production is something Ive never come to terms with.

  • You realize that the first Bryan Ferry album was pretty good although at the time it seemed a bit cheesy.

  • I think The Beatles are the lasting influence on me, even more so than Dylan.

  • I don't advocate Stalinist monolithic state structures any more than I advocate capitalistic monoliths. Unfortunately, human society tends to the monolithic, whether you go to the left or right, everybody in leathers, or everybody holding Chairman Mao's book, and if everybody goes to one end of the pitch, I always go to the other.

  • The Beatles were something everyone had in common; this was thirty years ago, there was Dr. Who and everybody knew who the Daleks were and there was The Beatles and everybody knew who George Harrison was.

    Years   Drs   Daleks  
  • Promoting a record on a major label is like running a minor military campaign.

  • Every so often you have to increase your profile so you can let it lower again, like a balloon.

  • Most songs are somewhere between love and death, and mine are no exception.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 53 quotes from the Singer-songwriter Robyn Hitchcock, starting from March 3, 1953! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Robyn Hitchcock quotes about: Dylan Songs

    Robyn Hitchcock

    • Born: March 3, 1953
    • Occupation: Singer-songwriter