Mary Tyler Moore Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Mary Tyler Moore's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Mary Tyler Moore's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 63 quotes on this page collected since December 29, 1936! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Mary Tyler Moore: Animals Children Courage Diabetes Growing Pains Positive more...
  • When you're doing a television series, unless you really pay attention to your life, it doesn't leave very much time for anything else.

  • I don't want anyone to tell me something.

  • I'm not an actress who can create a character. I play me.

    TV Guide, 1970.
  • I can't imagine a pain more all-encompassing than losing a child.

  • Diabetes is an all-too-personal time bomb which can go off today, tomorrow, next year, or 10 years from now - a time bomb affecting millions like me and the children here today.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • We have 11 horses up at our country home, six of which are rescue animals ... Two of them are 'cop horses' from the mounted police, ages 4 and 5, who turned out to have physical problems that weren't suitable for the kind of work they have to do. Now, with us, they are just out to pasture and have nothing but a good time, eating their heads off, romping and frolicking, and just doing all good horsey things.

  • I'm an experienced woman; I've been around. ... Well, all right, I might not've been around, but I've been ... nearby.

  • A friend will give you immediate feedback and that will be that friend's opinion. An analyst often remains quiet and you hear what you've said and you gain your own insight.

  • Worrying is a necessary part of life.

  • Behind every beautiful fur, there is a story. It is a bloody, barbaric story.

  • I wish that I could write. I think that's a wonderful outlet for an artist. You are ultimately in control. Your fate is not determined by outside influences. You can write wherever you are. I don't think I have the talent.

  • Eating sundaes is something you can't do every night.

  • Diets are for those who are thick and tired of it.

    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • The only leading man I ever had a crush on was James Garner.

  • Lou Grant was pretty much always Lou Grant

  • I still feel as if I weren't a good enough mother. I didn't break any rules. I didn't cause my son any pain. But I did bring to my life some of my father, who was very controlling and very remote. I was working a lot. I wasn't there enough.

    "Mary Tyler Moore's Life Outside Hollywood" by Michael Rothman, January 25, 2017.
  • Fans want you to be something super-human, something that's impossible for any human being to be.

  • I loved working with Valerie. That was the most wonderful revelation to find that when we are on a set and we're playing our roles, we're like separated twins. We can almost finish each other's dialogue.

  • You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.

  • What's nice about the rain is you don't feel you have to live up to anything. Everything around you is so grey and wet and damp and dreary that you don't feel you have to smile and percolate as you do on a sunny spring day.

  • I think marriage, in its loosest sense, is people committing to each other saying I love you and I like being with you and that is wonderful. I don't see the need to formalize it unless you plan to have children and you want the fair distribution of assets.

  • Maybe in adopting an adolescent attitude you then take on the look of a young person.

  • I have always been a combination of both security and insecurity.

  • There are certain things about me that I will never tell to anyone because I am a very private person. But basically, what you see is who I am. I'm independent, I do like to be liked, I do look for the good side of life and people. I'm positive, I'm disciplined, I like my life in order, and I'm neat as a pin.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Three things have helped me successfully go through the ordeals of life -- an understanding husband, a good analyst and millions of dollars.

  • Chronic disease like a troublesome relative is something you can learn to manage but never quite escape.

    Mary Tyler Moore (2009). “Growing Up Again: Life, Loves, and Oh Yeah, Diabetes”, p.11, Macmillan
  • No candy bars unless I've had a low blood sugar where I'm shaky

  • There's one beneficial effect of going to Moscow. You come home waving the American flag with all your might.

  • This has been a wonderful life, absolutely terrific. There are very few things that I would go back and do differently, if I had that control.

  • The kinds of shows that seem to work now, the comedy shows, are those which require very little attention. They’re superficial and I like articulate comedy.

    "Remembering Mary Tyler Moore". Interview with Andy Warhol, January 26, 2017.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 63 quotes from the Actress Mary Tyler Moore, starting from December 29, 1936! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Mary Tyler Moore quotes about: Animals Children Courage Diabetes Growing Pains Positive