Martin Mull Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Martin Mull's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actor Martin Mull's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 30 quotes on this page collected since August 18, 1943! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • If there is some art involved, Id like it to be that it came through the cracks of daily work.

  • I was involved in the Great Folk Music scare back in the sixties, when it almost caught on.

  • I don't jog. It makes the ice jump right out of my glass.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
  • To be able to get up and be in my studio and work all day is a great joy.

  • I had a teacher in art school who said something about the only works he really enjoyed seeing or found much in were works where he had a sense that a discovery was made in the course of making this object. I like to hold to that as my marching orders.

  • Why be influenced by a person when you already are one?

  • I don't think you really can send an exact message, because any two viewers are so disparate, in terms of their backgrounds, their point of view, their histories, that there's no telling what that message might be.

  • Music helps set a romantic mood. Imagine her surprise when you say, "We don't need a stereo - I have an accordion."

  • Never underestimate a child's ability to get into more trouble.

  • You'd have to think that you're at least decent, or you couldn't get up every morning and do it. I think if I live long enough, I might be pretty good

  • If the real world is orange juice, then art is like orange-juice concentrate.

  • Yeah, I just finished a novel. Man those things take forever to read.

  • Show business is just like high school, except you get paid.

  • Around 1980, I went back to painting with a vengeance.

  • You'd be surprised at how undemanding acting is

  • Its hard to decide if TV makes morons out of everyone, or if it mirrors Americans who really are morons to begin with

  • Human beings are 70% water and with some the rest is colagen

  • In the eyes of my dog, I'm a man.

  • A cult following is a nice way of saying very few people like you.

  • I think there are a lot of pictures to make. I sometimes question whether I'm even an artist or just a painter. To me, the making of the pictures is the most important thing.

  • The town where I grew up has a zip code of E-I-E-I-O.

  • I try to not get to the point where one is making wallpaper, or simply painting money. I want to make sure that I am at least trying to weigh myself down, that there's a challenge each time.

  • I sometimes question whether I'm even an artist or just a painter.

  • The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass.

  • Having children is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain.

    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • Like a guide dog, paintings help you see.

  • It was taunted as reality. It was dangled as a carrot. In terms of people's hopes and dreams, to say that that is less of a reality than the daily grind they find themselves in is maybe not correct.

  • What's the point of cleaning up your act if you don't have an act?

  • Hollywood is high school with money.

  • I never stopped making pictures. There were times when more of my income was coming from other sources, and I had to devote more time to television and movies and records.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 30 quotes from the Actor Martin Mull, starting from August 18, 1943! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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