Mark Batterson Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Mark Batterson's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Pastor Mark Batterson's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since ! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do.

    Twitter post from Nov 16, 2012
  • The genealogy of blessing always traces back to God-ordained risk.

    Mark Batterson (2008). “In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day: How to Survive and Thrive When Opportunity Roars”, p.108, Multnomah
  • CONVICTIONS are lessons learned from experiences we’d never want to go through again, but wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.

    Twitter post from Jan 08, 2015
  • When did we start believing God wants to send us to safe places to do easy things?

  • If you want to see God move make a move.

    Mark Batterson (2012). “Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge”, p.42, Zondervan
  • When we cling too tightly to what God did last, we often miss what God wants to do next.

  • Lion chasers are humble enough to let God call the shots and brave enough to follow where He leads.

    Mark Batterson (2008). “In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day: How to Survive and Thrive When Opportunity Roars”, p.103, Multnomah
  • In my experience, it’s much easier to act like a Christian than it is to react like one. Anyone can put on an act. But your reactions reveal what is really in your heart.

    Mark Batterson (2009). “Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity”, p.22, Multnomah
  • I am a pastor so I eat and breathe the Church.

  • If you want God to do something new in you, you cannot keep doing the same old thing. You have to do something different. And if you do, God will create new capacities within you. There will be new gifts and new revelations. But you've got to pray the price. You'll get out of this what you put into it.

    Mark Batterson (2012). “Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge”, p.5, Zondervan
  • When God blesses you financially, don't raise your STANDARD OF LIVING. raise your STANDARD OF GIVING.

    Twitter post from Aug 24, 2013
  • The goal is glorifying God by drawing circles around the promises, miracles, and dreams He wants for you.

  • If you plant yourself in one place and let your roots grow deep, there is no limit to what God can do.

  • I’ve discovered that if I don’t take the first step, God generally won’t reveal the next step.

  • The gospel costs nothing but it demands everything.

    Twitter post from Feb 17, 2014
  • Nothing honors God more than a Big Dream that is way beyond our ability to accomplish!

  • In my experience, take the Holy Spirit out of the equation of your life and it spells boring. Add it into the equation of your life and you never know where you are going to go, what you are going to do, or who you are going to meet.

  • Prayer is the inheritance we receive and the legacy we leave.

  • May you keep dreaming until the day you die. May imagination overtake memory. May you die young at a ripe old age.

  • If you've never had a God-sized dream that scared you half to death, then you haven't really come to life. If you've never been overwhelmed by the impossibility of your plans, then your God is too small. If your vision isn't perplexingly impossible, then you need to expand the radiuses of your prayer circles.

  • Faith doesn't reduce uncertainty. Faith embraces uncertainty.

    Mark Batterson (2008). “In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day: How to Survive and Thrive When Opportunity Roars”, p.89, Multnomah
  • The supernatural laws of prayer defy the natural laws of time and space.

    Mark Batterson (2016). “The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears”, p.112, Zondervan
  • Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.

    Twitter post from Oct 01, 2014
  • We've lost the wow of God because we've lost the woe of God. His perfect holiness helps us truly appreciate His amazing grace.

    Twitter post from Feb 20, 2014
  • Jesus didn’t die to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous. Faithfulness is not holding the fort. It’s storming the gates of hell. The will of God is not an insurance plan. It’s a daring plan. The complete surrender of your life to the cause of Christ isn’t radical. It’s normal. It’s time to quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. It’s time to go all in and all out for the All in All. Pack your coffin!

  • It’s much easier to act like a Christian than it is to react like one!

    Twitter post from Mar 09, 2014
  • If you aren't hungry for God, you are full of yourself.

    Mark Batterson (2013). “Going All In: One Decision Can Change Everything”, p.11, Zondervan
  • Faith is not logical. But it isn't illogical either. Faith is theological. It does not ignore reality; it just adds God into the equation.

    Mark Batterson (2009). “Wild Goose Chase: Reclaim the Adventure of Pursuing God”, p.79, Multnomah
  • Leaders need the courage to acknowledge when something isn't working.

  • Faith is the willingness to look foolish.

    Mark Batterson (2004). “Id: The True You”, p.133, Xulon Press
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