Luis Gutierrez Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Luis Gutierrez's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since December 10, 1953! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • It is not new or unusual for the real Americans, meaning those immigrants who came to America a little bit longer ago, to fear the outsiders, the pretenders, the newcomers.

    Real   America   Littles  
  • There is this kind of sense in the immigrant community, first we were going to do immigration reform, but then 9/11 happened.

  • Uncertainty and fear and ignorance about immigrants, about people who are different, has a history as old as our Nation.

  • I have traveled to Florida, I have traveled to Georgia, I have traveled to California, you and I both know that there are millions of undocumented workers that work hard, sweat soil every day to put the food we eat on our table. That's not a myth, that's a reality. Why don't we let them come with visas to this country so that then we don't have people using that border.

  • The politics, policies, the President [Barack Obama] and the American people are all pointing in the right direction to fix our immigration system and pass legislation this year.

  • I will argue until my last breath for a pathway to citizenship that is quick and efficient because I want to end this chapter. I want to end it...But let me say, conversely, I am as committed as any Republican to ending illegal immigration as we know it...They want to end it. So do I.

  • It is so difficult to, day in and day out, hear these incredibly painful stories of the destructive nature of our broken immigration system.

    "Immigration Battle". "FRONTLINE", October 20, 2015.
  • Nothing happens here in this building, in the House of Representatives, if there's no demand from outside the Capitol.

    House   Demand   Building  
    "Immigration Battle". "FRONTLINE", October 20, 2015.
  • I mean, the greatest laugh I always get is, if darkness, right, just overwhelms the Earth one day and Obama had the key to light, he says, "I have a bill that will bring sunlight," they'd rather live in darkness than have him bring the light.

    Mean   Keys   Light  
    "Immigration Battle". "FRONTLINE", October 20, 2015.
  • The next step has to be the necessary step. It's always to put the immigrant community and the civil rights movement ahead of partisan politics.

    "Immigration Battle". "FRONTLINE", October 20, 2015.
  • We need to build bridges between the LGBT community and the larger immigrant community. In the end, the bigger the tent we build, the more successful we'll be.

  • According to the study, approximately 16.7 million U.S. workers born in Latin America had a combined gross income of $450 billion last year, of which 93 percent was spent locally.

    Latin   Years   America  
  • The underlying part of any comprehensive immigration bill is family unit.

  • So given that reality, let us not cast that all of the problems and ills of our society are somehow upon the immigrants who have come to this country.

  • The Congress talks and talks and talks and talks, but doesn't act. I'm going to continue to work with my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to bring about comprehensive immigration reform.

    "Immigration Battle". "FRONTLINE", October 20, 2015.
  • According to the Privacy Rights Center, up to 10 million Americans are victims of ID theft each year. They have a right to be notified when their most sensitive health data is stolen.

    Health   Rights   Years  
  • As far as income tax payments go, sources vary in their accounts, but a range of studies find that immigrants pay between $90 billion and $140 billion in Federal, State, and local taxes.

    Income   Pay   Study  
  • Mr. Speaker, our Nation depends on immigrants' labor, and I hope we can create an immigration system as dependable as they are.

  • I think the real, fundamental problem that the Republicans have is, 'How do we get meaner, how do we get nastier with immigrants, so that we can take a smaller group,' now apparently led by Senator Cruz - I mean, maybe he's gonna be the next Speaker of the House. Because it's quite clear that Mr. Boehner has no control over this conference.

    Real   Mean   Thinking  
  • I have only one loyalty and that's to the immigrant community.

    "An Illegal Alien's Guide to the Top Five Best Places to Live In America" by Bob Dane, June 30, 2011.
  • And let us not forget the Social Security system. Recent studies show that undocumented workers sustain the Social Security system with a subsidy as much as $7 billion a year. Let me repeat that: $7 billion a year.

  • Because the truth is, today's immigrants, as they have for generation after generation, work the longest hours at the hardest jobs for the lowest pay, jobs that are just about impossible to fill.

  • So where are they moving today? They're going to move to be meaner to immigrants in order to bring their conference together.

    Moving   Order   Together  
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 2 quotes from the U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez, starting from December 10, 1953! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Luis Gutierrez quotes about:

Luis Gutierrez

  • Born: December 10, 1953
  • Occupation: U.S. Representative