LaToya Jackson Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of LaToya Jackson's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Singer-songwriter LaToya Jackson's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 56 quotes on this page collected since May 29, 1956! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by LaToya Jackson: Books Feelings Heart Past Songs more...
  • When you do the first season, you're putting your life out there and you're kind of hesitant about it, and then by the time you get around to the second season, you don't care. It's like, "This is who I am - like it, accept it, or don't." There are so many misconceptions that now they can see who I am.

  • I'm a creature of habit and I like to stay in my own little comfort zone, but you have to reach out of that sometimes. And when you do that, you grow.

  • I think spirituality is probably one of the most important things. I feel that I'm a spiritual person and as long as you're walking on that path, you have a communication with God - that's spiritual to me. That spirituality is something that emanates through all of us and is the source energy, and that energy makes everything stronger.

  • Liz Taylor was an amazing woman and screen legend. She was an incredible friend to my brother, at his side through some of his most difficult times and of course loved by his children and our family. She will live on in our hearts forever, my prayers go out to her family.

    "Debbie Reynolds, Madonna Remember Elizabeth Taylor" by Mark Cina, March 23, 2011.
  • He will be beginning a brand new chapter in the Michael Jackson legend.

  • When I finally decided to do the show, I only had two weeks to learn the choreography and the songs in French.

  • In the beginning, I didn't realize that I was so open with my feelings, and I had to stop and think to myself, I couldn't possibly be the only one in the world going through this. Perhaps this will help other people when I face my fears and allow people to come into my space. These are the things that I worked through, and in a sense, it's great that I was able to share that, although I was terrified after I realized that I was sharing it with the world.

  • When I wake up, I always thank God. I'm grateful for another day, and he's allowed me this tiny thing that we should be appreciative of.

  • I think women need to have a lobby. I feel that women need to speak out. The first time a man hits you is one too many times and you need to do something about it. That something about it is walking out that door and seeking for help and never looking back.

  • I am pleased to tell you that he is finally getting some rest and is regaining his appetite as well.

  • The end of the trial and the 'not guilty' verdicts on all counts, clearing Michael of all charges, mean that he can now concentrate on the future and his art.

  • For so long, I was controlled and manipulated by other people. Whatever people think of me, I'm finally doing what I want to do.

  • There's a lesson to be learned out of everything we go through in life.

  • I knew that there was an underlying thing there that I was never really able to come face to face with. There's a part of me that wants to always protect myself because of what I had gone through. But I learned that you have to let people in. Going to the therapist kind of helped me with that.

  • I've learned what Trump has taught - we need to put our best foot forward and don't let anybody block us from anything that we wish to do or want to do.

  • When people are in love, I don't see anything wrong with it in the world. If they choose to live their lives and get married, why should we interfere? A lot of people don't agree with me, but that's how I feel.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • It's good to do things that are out of the norm.

  • That's a very, very touchy subject, domestic violence. I think women don't realize is it's something that's very prevalent. It goes on, on a daily basis.

  • I think the deepest problem is between my parents and me. I just don't know if it will ever be the same.

  • I can count the number of dates I've had on one hand. I wish that guys would approach me, but they don't.

  • I would love to have a rapper on one of my songs, like Ludacris, or the 'it's so hot in here' guy, Nelly.

  • J has told me about his past. I know what happened and why. But he is the one person who made me believe in my talent and whatever happened in the past, he's been a wonderful manager to me.

  • Growth is what we all need and what we all strive for because we want to get better and better and better each day.

  • I married him because he told me it was the only way he could protect me. If we were just manager and client, my family could do whatever they wanted to get me back, but if I was his wife, they couldn't.

  • As far as I'm concerned, my life is just beginning. It's never too late to start over, so this is what I've been doing.

  • When I wake up, I always thank God. I'm grateful for another day, and he's allowed me this tiny thing that we should be appreciative of. As long as you know who you are, everything else will be OK. No one else can intervene or interfere or affect you, because you control your destiny, you control your tone, you control everything in your life.

  • I think that every day we are taught lessons and sometimes we don't realize or see it.

  • Michael and I talk at least every two weeks. He understands why I've done the things I have.

  • It is so difficult in the world for people to find love, true love.

    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • It was so strange. I knew that Josephine Baker had performed on the same stage but that night I felt it. Many of the same people who worked with Josephine Baker are still here. They know what they're doing. And that was a very comfortable feeling.

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LaToya Jackson quotes about: Books Feelings Heart Past Songs

LaToya Jackson

  • Born: May 29, 1956
  • Occupation: Singer-songwriter