L. P. Jacks Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of L. P. Jacks's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Philosopher L. P. Jacks's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 9 quotes on this page collected since October 9, 1860! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • I had been virtually a Unitarian (as I still am) but without knowing it. The experience of being among Unitarians who did know what they were, and attached much importance to it, was entirely novel to me, but I soon fell into their ways and found it easy to go forward on their road, the more so because the other roads became closed to me.

    "The Confession of an Octogenaria". Book by LP Jacks, p. 99, 1942.
  • In its essence the Gospel is a call to make the experiment of comradeship, the experiment of fellowship, the experiment of trusting the heart of things, throwing self-care to the winds, in the sure and certain faith that you will not be deserted, forsaken nor betrayed, and that your ultimate interests are perfectly secure in the hands of the Great Companion. This insight is the center, the kernel, the growing point of the Christian religion, which, when we have it, all else is secure, and when we have it not, all else is precarious.

  • Our intellectual development in the field of science has outstripped our human development in the field of character.

    BBC Radio National Lecture, as quoted in "The Listener", Vol. 19, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1938.
  • Spirit is matter seen in a stronger light. What else did Malebranche mean when he spoke of "seeing all things in God"? Existence is a mystery because the light of it is inexhaustible.

    "Near the Brink: Observations of a Nonagenarian". Book by Lawrence Pearsall Jacks, p. 17, 1952.
  • The mechanical mind has a passion for control - of everything except itself. Beyond the control it has won over the forces of nature it would now win control over the forces of society of stating the problem and producing the solution, with social machinery to correspond.

    "Revolt Against Mechanism". Book by L. P. Jacks, 1933.
  • Spirit is matter seen in a stronger light.

    "Near the Brink: Observations of a Nonagenarian". Book by Lawrence Pearsall Jacks, p. 17, 1952.
  • No one will know what you mean by saying that 'God is love' unless you act it as well.

    L.P. Jacks (1924). “A Living Universe”
  • A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between work and play.

  • Faith is nothing else than reason grown courageous - reason raised to its highest power, expanded to its widest vision.

    "Religious Perplexities". "Hibbert Lecture", 1922.
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