Kirk Cameron Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Kirk Cameron's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actor Kirk Cameron's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 66 quotes on this page collected since October 12, 1970! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Kirk Cameron: Belief Christ Giving Hate Heart Heaven Jesus Joy Suffering more...
  • Jesus did not get stuck in intellectual arguments with people. He did not go for the intellect; He went for the conscience. He spoke to that part of the person that knows the difference between right and wrong instinctively.

    "Kirk Cameron: The Gospel Truth". Interview with Laura Bagby,
  • Let's put Christ back into Christmas.

    "Trailer Roundup: Julianne Moore And Steve Carell Have Attitude Problems" by Jordan Crucchiola, September 8, 2014.
  • If you take Darwin's theory and extend it to its logical end, it can be used to justify a number of very horrendous things.

    "Kirk Cameron Helps Spread Anti-Darwin Message at Purdue U" by Andrew Greiner, November 20, 2009.
  • If my kids came to me and said, 'I'm gay,' I'd say, 'Son, I love you.' That's never at stake. Never, never, never at stake.

  • The biblical method of change begins in the heart of man with the Gospel. It transforms the mind of man and gradually works its way out. And it builds a nation from the bottom up.

  • I love all people. I hate no one. And, you know, when you take a subject and you reduce it to something like a four-second sound bite, and a check mark on a ballot, I think that that's inappropriate and insensitive.

  • Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve. One man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don't think anyone else should either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don't.

    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • God's advice trumps Oprah's every time.

    "Kirk Cameron Speaks Out On Marriage In New NOM Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance Video". February 02, 2016.
  • God is a God who has not given up on His people. If He wanted to give up, He would have given up back in the Garden of Eden.

  • There is nothing more important than your eternal salvation.

  • The true Christian loves his Savior with his whole heart and wants nothing to do with the sin that nailed his Redeemer to the cross.

  • I think God is perfect, all-powerful and has an unstoppable plan for everyone, including those who love him and those who don't.

  • For so many years, I've been an actor acting in other people's movies, and in 'Unstoppable,' I'm producing it, and I have an opportunity to create some of that excitement with style and form and different color templates and things like that. So, as an artist, it's really exciting.

  • I believe that freedom of speech and freedom of religion go hand-in-hand in America.

  • Do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don't.

    "Biography/Personal Quotes".
  • I believe the Scriptures teach that there's a literal heaven and a literal hell, just like Jesus said. And without forgiveness of sins that, yeah, the place of punishment is called hell.

    "Kirk Cameron, From Sitcom Star to Evangelist" by Martin Bashir, March 17, 2006.
  • All things are possible to those who believe, less difficult to those who hope, more easy to those who love, and still easier to those who persevere in the practice of these three virtues.

  • My wife - I married my onscreen girlfriend from 'Growing Pains', Mike Seaver's girlfriend, and we've been married for 17 years - so marriage is very important to us.

  • My default position is not to be an actor. My default position is to be a follower of Jesus Christ. If that means I continue in acting, great! I'd love that. But if it means I need to change professions someday because I can't provide for my family, well, that's what I need to do.

    "Kirk Cameron's Real Life Growing Pains". Interview with Will Dawson,
  • In any society that is governed by the rule of law, some form of morality is always imposed. It's inescapable.

  • I could have anything I wanted and if I didn't have it, it was because I didn't want it.

  • As I look around, I get this sinking feeling that we're off track, that there's something sick in the soul of our country. I examine the fruit that's hanging on the tree of America, and I can see that it's rotting. And that concerns me deeply.

    "Kirk Cameron speaks at CPAC" by Caitlin MvDevitt, February 9, 2012.
  • Ray Comfort does it again! With simplicity and keen insight on the streets, he pulls back the curtain of Evolution and reveals that the Great Wizard of Darwinism is just an insecure little man with a dream of becoming a god. I highly recommend this helpful, faith-building, and inspiring video for families, teachers, and pastors!

  • To really understand what love is, you've kinda got to dig down deeper than just how you feel at the moment.

  • I learned that the problems that we have are not solved by blaming somebody else, and that our hope is not in who governs us as a nation. It's not in Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or Ron Paul. Our hope is in the power of God and his gospel working in the hearts of people.

  • Atheism has been on the rise for years now, and the Bible of the atheists is The Origin of Species.

    Atheist   Years   Atheism  
    "Kirk Cameron Stands Behind Controversial Darwin Statements". Interview with Oliver Jones, September 24, 2009.
  • For me, my family and my faith have been what's really been my anchor, and grounding me, and helping me navigate through a lot of the things that really destroy marriages in Hollywood, and in your own personal integrity.

  • I don't think that growing up in the entertainment industry is the healthiest place for kids. The track record kind of shows that.

    "Kirk Cameron: I'll only kiss my wife" by Mike Celizic, September 23, 2008.
  • Faith in God... produces character; character will produce courage, courage to face the challenges of the day.

  • Think of someone you know who's not saved but you may be afraid to share the Gospel with that person. I've found a way that's radically effective in training people to share the Gospel.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 66 quotes from the Actor Kirk Cameron, starting from October 12, 1970! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Kirk Cameron quotes about: Belief Christ Giving Hate Heart Heaven Jesus Joy Suffering